March 2017
Issue 27 
PR-1 & PR-2 Update!
Please note that all fatal crashes must have a "preliminary" PR-1 and PR-2 submitted within 45 days after the collision. Preliminary data is very rudimentary and should include: Who, What, When and Where. These forms are vital to the federal reporting requirements that the CT Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and Municipalities must meet to ensure compliance with the National Highway Safety Administration.

Please contact either Chuck Grasso or Kevin Slater if you have any outstanding fatal, PR-1, or PR-2 reports.

There is a new electronic version of the PR-2 that allows you to complete the form and automatically email it to the CTDOT.. Please email Chuck or Kevin  for a copy.
                                PR-1 UPDATE

If a vehicle in motion collides with a parked vehicle, then  "Vehicle in Motion" (# 22) must be listed as one of the sequence of events for the parked vehicle. 
CDR - Analysis & Application Course
T he Connecticut Department of Transportation and the University of Connecticut are sponsoring two free 40 hour Crash Data Recorder training classes.  Two one week classes will be held during May 2017.  Any sworn police officer interested in attending this no cost training should click here for further details. Seats are limited
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Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this newsletter, the new MMUCC PR-1 or would like training assistance please contact:

Chuck Grasso

Kevin Slater