NLAI Ministry Update - April 2017
Dear Friends,
As a part of our call to equip and disciple leaders, we also endeavor to help teach leaders how to care for themselves. Pastors and their wives can't share their burdens with their congregations. If they live in a small town or village, isolated or long distances from other towns, they have no one in whom to confide and from whom to receive encouragement.

Tony and Carrie Taylor are pouring themselves into the lives of these leaders in northwestern Guatemala. Recently they hosted Pastor Ed Ainsworth, a longtime friend who pastors Generations Church in Lubbock, Texas to come and minister to a group of pastoral couples. And God was there in a big way! Take a minute to read about some of the special things that God did in the lives of these precious couples.

With a grateful heart,

Kendon Wheeler
NLAI President
Local Pastors find "Courage to Lead"

In February, NLAI missionaries Tony and Carrie Taylor put on a conference for pastors from the northwest corner of Guatemala, where they live and serve. The conference was led by Pastor Ed Ainsworth, and was meant to be a time of refreshing and rejuvenation for the pastors, many of whom never take a vacation. 

The conference was held in Huehuetenango, a town about three hours away, to allow the pastors a separation from their congregations. Teaching times focused on calling, effective leadership, pure motives, working within a team and servanthood. Pastor Ed took questions and prayed over the pastors and their wives. It was a great time in the Holy Spirit, with many of the attendees crying out to the Lord for their churches and congregations. 

From Tony and Carrie: After our translator, Peter, had agreed to help out, we told him that it would be for a pastors' conference. He later told us that his reaction was, "Oh no, not another pastors' conference about how people people should submit to their pastor. I was not excited, but I love Tony and Carrie and wanted to trust them. It has been totally amazing and such a blessing in my life. This conference has been just what I needed for what I have been going through."  

Pastor Josue travels two hours one-way each week to pastor a church in the town of Buxup, and then 30 minutes further to pastor in La Laguna. 

After the conference, we went to Pastor Josue's church (the first protestant one in town) and Pastor Ed shared a message. While we were at the church, Pastor Josue repeated many of the phrases that Pastor Ed had taught in the conference such as, "If you as the pastor are the smartest one at the table then you need to move to a new table."  

Pastor Josue encouraged his people to step up, telling them that that they were important and that they could do things in the church. In front of his congregation, Pastor Josue told us, "I was ready to quit. I had decided I was going to just leave this church.  I went to the conference and I am ready to keep on going now. Thank you."  

The Taylors had been praying for Pastor Josue to stay, and God answered their prayers. They ask for continued prayer for him and other pastors in their area, where only 1-2% of people are Protestants.

Click here to see more photos from the conference.
Prayer Requests
  • Praise God for how He continues to use the Taylors in Jacaltenango. Pray for them and their families.
  • Praise God for the Spring teams that have visited NLCH these past months and the impact they have had on the ministry and the lives of the kids.
  • Pray for our need for the remaining funds for the new school building at New Life Christian School in Villa Nueva.
  • Pray for 15-year-old Christopher, ten-year-old Alexys, and nine-year-old Guadalupe who recently arrived at New Life Children's Home in Guatemala.
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Stafford, TX 77477


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