Learning work skills is vital in helping a young person function independently in the community--become self sufficient. Work skills are equally important in contributing to a positive experience in a post-secondary education and training environment, and for thriving in social situations.  The past several years and nationwide, youth have had difficulty securing a job, whether it's for part-time, summer, or full time work.  
The NWIWB Youth Employment Council is working to make sure employers in NW Indiana understand the importance of that first job and how they can contribute by taking that first step in providing a young person with a work experience.

NWIWB Youth Employment Council recently partnered with The Times, on a First Jobs series. Through a Q & A format, the series profiles individuals and their first job, while touching on lessons learned from that first work experience.   Check out the profiles at Times First Job Series. 

I f you you would like to share your first job with us, contact Barb Grimsgard at 219-462-2940, ext. 28 or email [email protected].