Native American Catholics E-Newsletter
February  2017

Hello and welcome to the quarterly electronic newsletter for Native American Catholics in the United States. The purpose of the newsletter is communicate about various events, activities, and partnerships and programs that I am currently working on. Please feel free to submit an article by contacting me at the email address below.

Building Bridges

Our Holy Father, Pope Frances invites us into the art of bridge building. Building a bridge is not as easy as it looks. Both sides of the bridge need to be anchored into solid earth, the supports and the span need to withstand all that is adverse; harsh weather, time, and continued use.

We are building our own bridges. This time of year we cross bridges from winter to spring, bridges from Christmas to Advent and from the year 2016 to 2017. We also build bridges of faith, from the cultures of our ancestors to our shared Roman Catholic traditions.

For those individuals that have worked not only this year, but all of their lives to building bridges of faith; I would like to offer a special prayer and blessing as we begin the new year. I pray that as our work begins anew, that we build a strong base in our cultural traditions and our Roman Catholic faith. I pray that we develop our mission to Christ that will withstand the test of time and the harsh realities of the day.  

This year is a year of bridge building in faith, not only in our lives but also in the Native American communities. I am glad to hear about so many projects in Archdioceses and dioceses that focus on Native American spirituality and evangelization throughout the United States. I would especially like to thank Deacon Roy Callison in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma for his work in Native American ministry.

Building bridges that last through the ages is a difficult mission. But it is a mission set in the foundation of who we are as Catholics, embracing our cultures, embracing our faith and building bridges, unified in Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,
Rev. Michael Carson
Native American Affairs
Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church
3211 Fourth Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017

   Phone: 202-541-3427 | Email: [email protected] | Website