News from All In: Data for Community Health
August 2016

Get the latest updates from All in: Data for Community Health, a partnership dedicated to building a data movement that empowers communities to address the social determinants of health. Founding partners are the Community Health Peer Learning (CHP) Program and Data Across Sectors of Health (DASH).
Latest News

How Multi-Sector Collaborations are Navigating Decisions About Data

Incorporating data that builds on the existing goals and priorities of various sectors is a critical element for ensuring the sustainability of a multi-sector collaboration over the long haul. We asked 25 All In projects from DASH and CHP about their process for making decisions about data. Read the insights they shared in our latest blog. 

Read the blog

Maste r Person Indexes: Key Factors to Consider

Master Person Indexes (MPIs) help maintain consistent, accurate person data across various health care and community organizations, making them a powerful tool for population health management. To generate a better understanding of how MPIs are used in practice, All In hosted a recent webinar where experts shared considerations for using and developing MPIs. Read our blog summarizing some of their key lessons. 

Evidence Review: Housing Services that Improve the Health of Chronically Homeless Individuals

AcacdemyHealth recently released a rapid evidence review examining current evidence on the impact of housing-related services and supports on health outcomes among the chronically homeless. Findings suggest that permanent supportive housing and case management can improve self-reported health outcomes and reduce health care costs, length of stays in inpatient psychiatric units, and emergency room visits for mental health concerns. 

NPR Interview: Can Big Data Help Head Off Police Misconduct?

A collaborator for the DASH Chicago Lead project, the Center for Data Science and Public Policy at the University of Chicago, was featured in an interview on NPR's All Things Considered, which focused on how data analytics can be used to predict outcomes, allocate resources more effectively, and improve policy.

Defining New Standards for Population Health in Allegheny County

Dr. Karen Hacker, Project Director for DASH's Allegheny Data Sharing Alliance for Health project, wrote a blog post outlining her vision for redefining standards for population health, focusing on building relationships across sectors to access and utilize data more effectively. 

Project Spotlights

This month, we're featuring two projects that are bringing a diverse group of community partners together to improve health using data-driven approaches.

CHP: Children's Comprehensive Care Clinic  

With support from the CHP Program, the Children's Comprehensive Care Clinic is working with its partners to improve care for families of children with medical and behavioral complexity in the Austin, TX area through their web-based technology platform, PATIENeT. The platform connects data from families, clinicians, school resources, therapists, and other stakeholders. The clinic aims to serve as a nucleus and bring together a community of partners committed to eliminating health data silos. This will enable the development of a sustainable, integrated, participatory health care data ecosystem and provide a streamlined system of care.

DASH: Baltimore City Health Department

Through DASH, the Baltimore City Health Department is leading a city-wide effort to reduce falls among city residents age 65 and older using data-driven approaches. The collaboration is creating a real-time data surveillance system that will track fall-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations to help a network of community partners align and focus their efforts. Core medical data will be integrated with other health, environmental, and social services data from partner organizations so that analyses can be conducted to inform the development of new and existing initiatives. 

Upcoming Events

Conference Presentations

The All In network is presenting at the following conferences. View our calendar to get more details on specific sessions.
  • Public Health Informatics Conferfence: Aug. 21 - 24 in Atlanta, GA - Attend a learning session on forcasting/modeling featuring DASH grantee Chicago Department of Public Health, who will discuss how they are using a predictive model to prevent childhood lead poisoning in Chicago. If you're interested in joining All In for an informal meetup at the conference, contact [email protected]
  • Concordium 2016: Sept. 12 - 13 in Arlington, VA - Join All In for an interactive panel session reporting on the emerging field of community-based and cross-sector data sharing initiatives and lessons learned. The panel will present findings from a DASH environmental scan of discrete data projects and from a CHP analysis of initiatives. It will also include two case studies from Allegheny County Health Department (DASH) and Vanderbilt University Department of Health Policy (CHP). 
  • APHA 2016Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 in Denver, CO - Come to a session hosted by All In to hear how DASH and CHP grantees are driving population health improvement through data sharing and collaboration. The presentation will feature case studies from All Chicago Making Homeless History (CHP) and Public Health - Seattle and King County (DASH).