New Book Release

Love After 50: 
Love Questions from 
After Hours

Available as an e-book & paperback

New Book, New City, Brings New Dreams and Aspirations

As much as I would love to get off the grid for a while and disappear and just work on me, as a former U.S. Customs Service whistleblower, I know this is not possible, so in order to protect myself, I always stay in front of others via family, internet and community. 

As a Speaker, Author and Coach, like always I have to hit the ground running when I move to a new city, while I stay in front of my new waiting audience. 

It's all about balance and to me balance means "Doing Everything Equally."  I get so excited when I move to a new city. Moving to a new city with a new product or service, automatically levels the playing field for any business owner. 

Therefore, I am proud to announce that I am now a resident of Dallas, TX and my new book "Love After 50: Love Questions from After Hours" is now released as a paperback and e-book

It is book number 23 for me at 
( 23 e-books, 15 paperbacks, 3 audiobooks) and I am so proud of this book. 

With this book I gained a new title. Now I am also a "Love Coach." At this point in my career and life, I wasn't looking for another title, however, sex sells in this country and everyone wants to be in love. 

At age 59, if I was in my 40s, I would probably start my own dating service because again, people do want to meet their true loves or soulmates.

Many  people are hooking up today on social media especially on the groups, so this is also another reason I have 9 of these groups at

My latest book release "Love After 50" is another 'easy-to-read' guide that will allow my readers to take a close look into their own relationships and discover the truth about themselves.

When I usually move to a new city for me it's one door opening and another one closing. A world of opportunities and possibilities will present themselves before you. 

However, opportunity will not just knock at your door. Only you can get out there and seek out these opportunities that can bring you even more peace, joy and happiness into your life.

The below is a checklist that I have put together for my new city. I will probably follow the steps pretty closely, so for those of you who will be relocating to another city or who is thinking about relocating...and  you have a product to sell or a service to provide, check out my list of what to do when moving to another city:
  1.  Move in and Organize New Place with a Good Mattress for Sleeping
  2. Find Health and Wholefood Stores at 
  3. Find Workout Groups and Locate Gyms (They have apps for these)
  4. Open New Business P.O. Box
  5. Obtain New Advertising Material (Business cards, flyers, brochures, t-shirts, magnetic car signs, etc.)
  6. Retrieve Names of Local Media (talk radio, print news, etc.) and Send Out Press Releases and Media Kit  
  7. Attend and Monitor Local Meetings for Venues, Collect Emails and Ask About Locations to Hold  Business Events (Book Club Meetings, GMO Movie Screenings, Health, Writing, and Business Workshops and Seminars, Empowerment Boot Camps/Think Tanks/Roundtable Discussions, etc.)
I look forward to cherishing all my new experiences in my new city with an opened heart. I love you all. Reach out today.

Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Coach
Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher
Non-GMO Health and Wellness Expert 
P.O. Box 800511 
Dallas, TX 75380 
(512) 909-7365 
National Non-GMO Health Movement  
(Seminars, Workshops, Coaching)  
(Empowerment & Publishing Company)  
(Advice Columnist)  
(The Cathy Harris Story)

New Book Release

Love After 50: Love Questions from After Hours

Available as an e-book & paperback

Table of Contents

Section 1 - Singles Over 50 Love Issues
  • Still Hoping and Searching for Love
  • Dating A Younger Man
  • True Love - But Two Households
  • Mate Won't Destroy Sex Tape
  • In Love With Friend's Ex
  • New Mate Too Clingy
  • In Abusive Relationship
  • Mate is the Jealous Type
  • Dating Outside My Race
  • Bald Men Make Better Lovers
  • Getting Breast Implants for Mate
Section 2 - Couples Over 50 Love Issues
  • Sick of Being Sexless in Seattle
  • Wife Seeks More Intimacy
  • Couple Need to Shop Online
  • Husband Left Along on New Years
  • Husband Can't Say He Loves Wife
  • Married to a Homebody
  • Senior Couple Dislike Seniors
  • Mate Won't Give Up Closet Space
  • End of Dancing Days
  • Wife Attracted to Other Women
  • Mate Avoids Intimate Conversations
  • When Is It Time To Move On?
  • Leaving Financially Secure Mate
Section 3 - Health Issues Destroying Relationships and Remedies
  • Sick and Dating
  • ED and A Younger Woman
  • Leaving Mate Because of Diet
  • Garlic Playing Havoc on Relationship
  • Toxic Household Products and Sex
  • High Blood Pressure, ED and Sex
  • Testosterone the "Love Hormone"
  • Manhood Lost to Prostate Cancer
  • Wife Has "Female Pattern Baldness"
  • Fight Off Depression
  • Painful Menstrual Cramps
  • Unbearable Hot Flashes
  • Hysterectomy Ends Sex Life
  • Treat Husband for Yeast Infection
  • Controlling Outbreaks of Herpes, Shingles and Urinary Tract Infections
  • Viagra Side Effects
  • Supplements Raises Sexual Desires
  • Seeking Sexual Activity Through Diet
  • Healthier Enough for Sex
About the Author
Preface - A Note To The Reader

This is probably the most difficult book I have ever written. A couple of years ago I became a " Love Coach" and started advising others including couples at .
When I first thought about becoming a "Love Coach," I had my doubts about my abilities to motivate people, who were seeking their soulmates. 
However, I have known my entire life that I  have the ability to bring people together and to let them look at all the possibilities and opportunities, that their lives have to offer. 
I would like for everyone to know upfront that this book is not some x-rated book, that will offer you different positions to please your lover in bed.
Instead, it's a book about answering all those too intriguing and important questions, that men and women have about each other as they age. 
It's about finding a suitable spouse, partner, mate, significant other or someone that you can enjoy your life with. And mostly, it's about facing the facts in your own life.
I wrote this book because I spent close to 30 years working in a male dominated industry, where my co-workers would ask me all types of questions about their wives or mates. They even called me "Dr. Ruth."  
Even after a short marriage and being single for many years, I still knew what went on in most relationships and what it took to make them work. 
Everyone would like to have a life companion, someone exciting to walk into the sunset with for their remaining years. But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't mean you are not living a worthy life.
Many couples don't want to talk about what it really takes to stay together. Many would rather hide what's obviously broken in their relationships, so that they can go on pretending it doesn't matter.
This results in many years of being unfulfilled and unsatisfied in their relationships. All of it matters, if they ever plan on having a meaningful relationship, or if they ever plan on creating the type of life that they can truly love.

Excerpt from Book:
Ending Message To Singles:
I know it will be mostly women reading this book. So my ending message is to all women, especially single women.
I was single for years after a short marriage that produced two gorgeous daughters. I am now in the third act of my life. The first 30 years was the first act and the second 30 years was the second act.
As I turn 60 years old in October 2016, this is the last act of my life and I have to get it right. Therefore, I am looking forward to all that life has to offer, whether I am single or in a relationship. 
Single women need to stop saying that they are going to wait until they get married to travel the world, or wait until they get married to buy their dream home and other luxuries of life, that they truly desire. 
If you truly desire to do these things, then don't wait. If you continue to wait for a mate to live your dreams, then you might not never live your dreams.
And don't forget that many times, it will be your mate that will zap your energy and vitality and keep you from living your dreams.
But because you have lived your dreams when your mate shows up in your life, or if you meet him, while you are out there living your dreams, you will be ready for him.  
However, what you also need to understand is that sometimes it might be meant for you to travel this world alone -- without a mate. It does not mean that you are not worthy, and that you are not living a worthy life.
I have spoken to tons of disgruntled single women, who have homes. They spend every dime they have on these big, lonely, empty, homes and can't do anything else, but pay the mortgage, keep the lights on, and buy toxic GMO processed foods.
Instead, they need to sell these homes and downsize and get out there and eat good food and have fun. Be courageous and step out on your faith. When you get older, you especially need to downsize.  
Stop being in love with things and fall in love with your brains first and eat good brain foods and take brain supplements. By doing this, it will help you make better decisions in your life, and bring more happiness into your life, especially as you go into your golden years.
So spend money on your insides, instead of your outsides. Once you fall in love with your brains, you will have more options and choices in your life.
Happiness is an inside job and women need to stop making excuses why they can't buy organic foods, which will give them more energy and vitality, while keeping down doctor's visits.
Some women buy all these beautiful things around them, then they have to cry themselves to sleep at night, because they are all alone and just unhappy. They don't have anything else but expensive things around them.
Some spend hours on the phone gossiping, criticizing and complaining or looking at television, when their homes could literally become learning centers, where they can empower themselves and their families to build a new life.
You need to put all that sexual energy into something else -- a hobby, a business or travel. The goal is to figure out your true purpose and get out there and live it before you leave this earth.
Do the things that you were truly put on this earth to do and have fun doing it. Again, nothing is etched in stone in your life.
And never forget that no one can complete you, but you, which means only you can carve out the type of life that you truly desire. 
Ending Message to Couples:
I believe there are 4 areas which couples need to build around -- Love, Communication, Trust and Respect. 
There must be love in the first place in order for you to be in someone's life; You must be able to communicate everyday of your relationship, which means no words should be left unsaid; You must have trust that when the both of you get out of bed everyday, the other person will put the other person's needs first - always; and respect is very important because once couples start losing respect for each other, everything changes and not for the better.
5 Points To Remember:
There are 5 points that everyone need to understand when it comes to relationships:         

-Don't try to commit yourself to a person, who is obviously not ready for you to be in their life. When it is time, it will or won't happen.
-If you are in a relationship where your partner devalues who you are, then move on. Ladies never forget that "one man's loss is another man's treasure,"so if you are being mistreated, chances are another man will probably treat you like the queen that you are.

-Guys when you see that woman and you know she is a queen, don't spend an entire lifetime getting with her. Always keep her close and make her a part of your life, before you lose her to another man. If you know that she is special,  then other men will know that also.
-Don't put your dreams on hold waiting for the right person to come into your life. Get out there and live your dreams!
-Be grateful for all your life experiences, whether you are walking this earth with a mate or alone. Love every minute of your life!

June is Love/Marriage Month
June is the most popular month for weddings, 
then August,  followed by September and October.

Listen to MP3 - $4.99

What You Need To Know About Men, 

Women And Relationships 


Just Some of the Questions That Will Be Answered?
  • Why do over 50% of men age 40 and over have Erectile Dysfunction (ED)/Impotence?
  • How to stop prostate cancer and keep a doctor from taking your manhood.
  • What are the side effects of taking Viagra?
  • Why do bald men have a higher sex drive than men with hair?
  • At what age should men be checked for low testosterone, which can cause men to have a curvy body like a woman?
  • Why are many boys (and men) developing breasts as they age?
  • Which foods should your spouse eat to make them desire sex, instead of falling asleep in front of the TV?
  • Which herbs and supplements can help your spouse raise their sexual desires?
  • What you can do to decrease or STOP outbreaks from shingles, herpes, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, etc.
  • What really causes heavy menstrual bleeding, fibroids and is it true that once a woman has a hysterectomy, she will develop a low sexual drive?
  • What has caused a massive number of infertility clinics to open in this country?
  • Why do the holistic community estimate that every other male child will be born with autism -- 20 years from now? 
  • Why do 5 out of 10 women who wear wigs, weaves, scarves, and hats suffer from 'female pattern baldness' and learn how to grow your hair back.
  • How to turn your brain back on and enjoy your relationship to the fullest.
  • What's really causing depression in both men and women today?
  • Why do single men have a shorter life span than married men?
  • What is the number one reluctance that many women have about getting with a mate as they age?
  • What do single women need to stop telling themselves about relationships?
  • What are the 4 areas that couples need to focus on in their relationships?

Cathy's New Book Club
I will be taking my  new book club with me to Dallas, 
"Reader's Empowerment Circle 
Non-Fiction Book Club."

Cathy Harris
Speaker, Author, Coach

Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 1, 2016
Angels Press
Attn: Cathy Harris, CEO, President and Publisher
P.O. Box 800511
Dallas, TX 75380
(512) 909-7365
Cathy Harris Creates 
Reader's Empowerment Circle 
Non-fiction  Book Club
Dallas business woman, Speaker, Author and Coach, Cathy Harris has always wanted her own book club, especially after forming her "Let's Read Campaign" -- eight years ago. 

She wanted the book club so that she could highlight not just her writings and books but some great books by others, who also had great stories to tell. To join the book club join the group "Austin/Dallas Community and Online Writing Club."
As an author of 23 books, sure Cathy's books are great and 'easy to read' and can be read by 12 year olds and above but there are other authors, who can help empower your entire family and she does believe in sharing. 

We live in a country that has taught everyone to reach for wealth. But being wealthy is not always about money and power, there has to be a health and wellness proponent attached to everything you do because the United States is the unhealthiest industrialized nation in the world. And you certainly can't be wealthy -- if you are not healthy.
Many of us continue to be heartbroken as we see the people that we truly love die from preventable and avoidable diseases. We don't share our knowledge or ideas so Cathy Harris wanted to create a book club to open up a dialogue of sharing information starting with the title of the books selected in this book club. Make sure you check out the e-book, paperback and audiobook version of the books.
The first 3 books in the book club were written by women and the next 3 by men. There is a reason the first 3 books were written by strong women who all ending up getting divorces, while raising two daughters. They all have great stories to tell and all were featured on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
The next 3 books were written by men in the medical profession who also believe in natural and holistic healing. This book club will be a physical and virtual book club and will meet every couple of months online and in Dallas, TX. 

Feel free to skip ahead and read the first 6 books in our selection and because the world is moving so fast, we will discuss two books every two months.
The first six months of books include:
  • "Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating A Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder" by Arianna Huffington - June 2016
  • "Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription of Radiance, Vitality and Well-Being" by Christine Northrup - July 2016
  • "How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide To Becoming Healthier Over the Next 30 Days" (Series 3) by Cathy Harris - August 2016
  • "Eat Right 4 Your (Blood) Type: The Individualized Diet Solution" by Peter J. D'Adamo - September 2016
  • "The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health" by Shelley and Dr. Robert O. Young - October 2016
  • "Unleashing the Power of the Female Brain: Supercharging Yours for Better Health, Energy, Mood, Focus, and Sex" by Dr. Daniel Amen - November 2016.
Short description of each book:
"Thrive" will talk about how the author woke up in a pool of blood after creating one of the largest and most successful news empires in the world and will bring our attention to how important it is to get enough sleep.
"Goddesses Never Age" will help all women understand why they feel the way they do and how not to make life altering mistakes that you simply can't take back.
"How To Take Control of Your Own Life (Series 3)"  was written by an author despite filing 10 workplace complaints, a Sexual Harassment and a Whistleblower Complaint, her biggest fight - her fight to live - did not come until 2 years after she retired from working 11 years in an abusive workplace environment, especially when 6 doctors including two specialists failed to diagnose her with any illness - despite having pain over half her body.
"Eat Right 4 Your Type" is a way of eating that will not only help you live an energetic life full of vitality but the book will provide a list of foods to eat for your blood type and will also help you clear up many myths about foods.
"The ph Miracle" will educate everyone on why diseases and sickness cannot exist in an alkaline environment and the different foods and steps you need to take to move toward an alkaline lifestyle.
"Unleashing the Power of the Female Brain" is a book written by a neurosurgeon who grew up surrounded by many strong female women in his life so who better can understand the female brain than a neurosurgeon.
Cathy Harris is an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker, Non-GMO Health and Wellness Expert, Self-Publishing and Business Coach and the author of 22 non-fiction books, including 4 books on health.  She can be reached through her empowerment company, where she also provides seminars, workshops, webinars and coaching at Angels Press, P.O. Box 800511, Dallas, TX 75380, Website:, email: [email protected].

Book Club Discussion
"Reader's Empowerment Circle 
Non-Fiction Book Club" 
presents our 
1st book club discussion

"Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating A Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder." 
(Available as e-book, paperback & audiobook)

Until I can find a new place in Dallas, TX to hold physical book club discussions, I will start off today in this e-newsletter discussing our first book with you. 

I will also be discussing all of the books in the book club through our virtual platforms, so read all the recommended books.

I would like to discuss what the first book in my book club meant to me. The book is entitled  Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating A Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder." 

Some people don't like people with accents, therefore, they might not enjoy listening to the audiobook version of this book, however, I did this several times. 

The author, Arianna Huffington, hired another person, who also had a thick greek accent like her, to read the audiobook verison of the book, so basically she sounds just like the author.

Even though I recently bought the paperback version of the book, I never read this version of the book, but I have listened to the audiobook version several times and the book was really special to me.

The book discussed why many women need to sleep themselves to the top. For most people when they hear anyone make a statement like that, they would think it is a negative statement.

However, what the author meant was, you need to get enough sleep every night, so that you could be in top form everyday to do what it takes to make your life work.  

I know this is true because last year, at age 59, I went 3 months without sleeping. Right after joining, and having to get up at 4:30 a.m. for a 5:45 a.m. hour workout in the morning 3 or 4 days a week, I had a hard time trying to get a good night's sleep.  

Three months ago I injured my right arm after lifting too much weight, too many times. However, I continued the workouts and received great results after altering some of the recommended exercises.  

Not only did I have a hard time trying to  get a good night's sleep, but I can't tell you how many times I went to the morning workout, without even having gone to sleep.  

I definitely don't advise anyone to do this. Not only is it unhealthy for you, but this can also make you prone to accidents when working out, so NEVER workout if you are feeling too tired. 

It wasn't until I attended a event and sat down for 5 minutes with a Sleep Therapist, that I was able to realize what was happening to my body and understand why I was having a hard time sleeping every night.

He said that when I got prepared to go to sleep every night, because I had such a BIG CREATIVE SIDE OF MY BRAIN, my creative side would literally wake up and talk to me.  

I would use this time to go over what I had accomplished each day and no matter how much I accomplished, I always felt I was falling short. I can't tell you how many times, I got out of bed and went into my home office, just to write things down. 

My accomplishments over the last 21 months while in Austin was astronomical, however, again I always felt I was falling short or that I should be doing more. I guess this is just how creative people and their minds work. 

These are just some of my accomplishments during my 21 months living in Austin, TX: 
  • Released the book "The New CEO"
  • Released the book "How To Raise Smart, Talented and Responsible Children"
  • Released the book "Love After 50"
  • Help educate everyone as a GMO educator and help pass new GMO legislation
  • Brought the GMO movie "Consumed" to a theatre in Austin
  • Held regular GMO movie screenings at Peg's Place
  • Answered questions and gave hope through my forum
  • Expanded my business to
  • Created New Banners for Website
  • Created New Pictures for Website
  • Created A New Target Audience with
  • Trained Many Women on
  • Increased Videos on Cathy Harris TV on
  • Created MP3s for my Product Catalog
  • Launched Periscope and became known as "The Empowerment Queen"
  • Launched
  • Launched
  • Interviewed wonderful guests on "The Cathy Harris Show"
  • Created a Non-Fiction Book Club
  • Created 9 Groups
  • Became a Tarot Reader and Advisor and launched a new website for my readings
  • Joined
  • Found a New Computer Expert 
  • Just to name a few...
As you can see, dynamo accomplishments so after meeting this Sleep Therapist located in Austin, TX   for just 5 minutes, who I highly recommend to others, he gave me a list of several things I could do.  One included when I went to bed every night, to concentrate on a certain part of my body. 

Just pick one body part and concentrate on it, he said, so I picked my stomach. Why did I pick my stomach? I felt if I concentrated on my stomach, even though my eyes were closed, my eyes would not wander upwards or sideways, but instead go downward, and this worked for me every time. 

The next thing I remember after doing this exercise is waking up in the morning, feeling refreshed, energetic, springing out of the bed - ready to take on the day. 

A lot of people like to go around pretending and won't and can't admit when they need help. They don't want anyone to see them vulnerable. 

Many people, especially business owners, have all types of talents and even though I am an Empowerment Speaker, I try to seek out help when I need it because even the best of us can get off track, so you need to figure out when you need help.

The bottomline is the community in Austin, TX saved me. It saved my mind, body and soul because of all the great information I encountered in the meetings. This is also why I created my own 9 groups at so I could PAY IT FORWARD. 

This is a great low-cost platform (you get 1 or 3 groups for $19.99 a month) that everyone can use to form thriving communities and just take care of each other. Remember that no one is an island and we all need each other to survive.

Arianna Huffington's book "Thrive" was an awesome read. I will continue to discuss this book in future e-newsletters, and at physical and virtual book club discussions. 

I would like to close this discussion today by making the statement, "if you are a female and you never read this book, again it is highly recommended that you do so as soon as possible." 

The book has forever altered my mind on how I think when it comes to getting a good night's rest. The book has forever changed my life! Good luck!

Cathy's New Website

Cathy Harris is a Transformational Empowerment Coach and Tarot Reader. She grew up fascinated with astrology and numerology, and after relocating from Atlanta, GA (20 Years) to Austin, TX (21 Months), which has one of the largest metaphysical communities in this country, she realized that reading Tarot was a big passion of hers.

To see what's in the cards for you by phone or video, contact Cathy today at  [email protected] or call her 12:00 - 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday at  (512) 909-7365.

  Cathy Harris List of Books
Books can be read by 
12 year olds  and above...

Available at  

and at 

Forever Young 
My Year On the Road
We Were Females First - Then Soldiers
How To Create The Life That You Truly Love

Cathy Harris Audiobooks
Also available as E-books & Paperbacks 

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Are You Ready to Make Your Dream Come True of 
Writing A Book?

How To Write A Book: The Complete Guide 
To Writing and Publishing Your Own 
Paperback and E-book

Available as E-book, Paperback & Audiobook


Sample Audiobook - How To Write A Book by Cathy Harris
Sample Audiobook - How To Write A Book by Cathy Harris

Audiobook Available at:

Available as E-book and Paperback

Car Books For Women
  Why All Women  Should Read 
These Two E-books at
According to car experts, African  American women pay on average at least $6,000 more for a new car than others; African American men pay $4,000 more; White women pay $2,000 more; but  White men pay $2,000 LESS.  

Welcome to
Cathy Harris, Advice Columnist

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Forever Young 
My Year On the Road
We Were Females First - Then Soldiers
How To Create The Life That You Truly Love

 Brought To You By
Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Coach
Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher
P.O. Box 800511
Dallas, TX 75380
(512) 909-7365
(Seminars, Workshops, Coaching)
(Empowerment & Publishing Company)
(Advice Columnist)
(The Cathy Harris Story)

"We Can Sit Back and Watch As the World Goes By  or We Can Find Opportunities To Make It Better."   
....Cathy Harris