"This is it."  ~ Saint Germain 

(Channeled by Christine Burk 10/18/16)

TODAY'S HEADLINES                                                

Ready! Set! Redeem! Saint Germain Confirms Progress & Offers Insight
by Saint Germain through Christine Burk

Community Corner

Bless All Who Are Making Possible The Birth Of An Age Of Freedom, Peace And Prosperity!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Tresses Of Passions Are Embraced In Full
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort

Republic Sovereignty Party
by Faithful Intel Providers

Ready! Set! Redeem! Saint Germain Confirms Progress & Offers Insight
by Saint Germain through Christine Burk

Photo of Saint Germain and his Violet Flame Sky
taken by Marcia in Florida, USA in October 2016

"Every time you see something in your thoughts and behaviors that does not match the true and loving you, and you choose to see, heal and release it, you are progressing in your Ascension and directly assisting in the  release  of the RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA!" ~ St Germain  10/18/16

Saint Germain:

Hello One and All!  I am warmed by your steadfast faith in holding the Light for the release of the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, beginning with the topple of the domino that is the liberation of the 800#'s.  Every time you choose to remain positive, confidant, patient, expectant and loyal to our shared project, you are both progressing in your own Ascension and bringing our unified venture to fruition!   Every time you see something in your thoughts and behaviors that does not match the true and loving you, and you choose to see, heal and release it, you are progressing in your Ascension and directly assisting in the release of the RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA!

Some of you are still a bit surprised when we come through our many devoted messengers to speak of matters of finance, corruption and government, yet many more of you have relaxed your ideas of who you thought we were and are now getting to know us directly.  This brings us such joy.  For those of you still getting used to our involvement and participation, I say we have only one agenda:  the Highest Good of All in the name of God.  Yes, our goal, our methods and our purpose is Love.  Alongside you, we are currently giving our all to re-establish Light upon Earth.

In the midst of all things, choose Love.  That is your mandate.  That is your purpose.  That is your Mastery.  Your dark overlord programmers corrupted and convoluted the meaning of Mastery in order to keep you applying your efforts and life-force in the direction that sustained their tyrannical agenda.  For instance, their dark programming has many folks believing that spiritual Mastery means that difficulties and challenges cease to occur in your life.  This evil propaganda was taken so far as to insinuate that all your struggles and trials are in some way your "fault."  Yes, what you experience is allowed by you.  In your Life Plan, you desired to experience and to transcend certain lessons in order to personally grow and to Serve God.  However, the real meaning and pursuit of Mastery is the desire to choose God, to choose Love in the midst of all circumstances, events, relationships, feelings, thoughts, and occurrences.  In this way, you transmute and transform all life into an expression of Prosperity and Love.

In one way or another, many of our Messengers have been encouraging you not to wait, but to begin your Redemption NOW.  The sincere inner proclamation to reclaim your unfettered connection to God all the way to your soul and back is what they are referring to.  Their encouragement - to align your will with the Will of God BEFORE your redemption appointment - comes from profound truth and fervent service to your Highest Good.  Each moment before your Redemption transaction is completed is a precious precious opportunity.  You could surely say it is a Golden opportunity.  Choosing God / choosing Love in the midst of all things is your personal, global and moment-to-moment choice of surrendering your small will to be God's Will and is the only assurance that all of your dreams for your: self, family, community, planet and beyond come to pass with more grace than you can yet even envision. I, Saint Germain promote and join their plea:  choose God now.  I do. 

I now offer you...
"Saint Germain's Tips on Redemption."
  • Surrender and align your small will to God's Will.
  • Relax.  You are ready.  You were born for this.
  • Laugh easily.  Laughter is a high dimensional portal. (wink)
  • Embody Faith.  Remain steadfast in the Knowing of your Soul.
  • When confronted with new or surprising opportunity, expand with Light rather than contract with fear.
  • Whenever you feel uncomfortable, invoke the mighty consciousness of God's Violet Fire to assist you in seeing clearly and restoring all energies to God's Light.
  • Be willing to SEE things plainly for what they are.
  • Choose Love in the midst of ALL things.
  • Be gentle and kind with yourself and others.
  • Be brave.  I give you my word, you will not be mocked when you ask for the high sovereign rates needed to fulfill your Mission and heart's desire of service and healing for Earth and all upon her.
  • Whenever you may still occasionally trip over old paradigm values and beliefs either with yourself or in your life experience, faithfully turn to gratitude and service to others to see you through.
  • Include your Team (your higher team of God, loved ones, angels, healers...along with your Earth team of fellow Lightworkers, Starseeds and all of beautiful humanity!).  You are part of a mighty family.
  • Be your loving Present true Self.  Love FIRST, so that all else may be Loving.
We are with you.  Thank you for holding the Light steady, so that your brothers and sisters on both sides of the evaporating Veil may fulfill their tasks and Missions to restore Freedom and Prosperity to your self and to Earth!

I will be by your side along with your own loving Team.  Also, billions of benevolent Galactics are now and will be focusing on Peace for Earth as you Redeem.  Begin now.
With love, I Am your Saint Germain.

(Channeled by Christine Burk 10/18/16)

  Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk.  Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website,   www.whoneedslight.org  Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.

Community Corner
Bless All Who Are Making Possible The Birth Of An Age Of Freedom, Peace And Prosperity
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual  Hierarchy 

Sheldan Nidle's Next Live Webinar! Register:   HERE

"This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear .

5 Imix, 4 Tzec, 13 Caban 

Dratzo! The Victory of the Light grows. Everywhere on your world, the emergence of the new financial system and never-ending waves of prosperity continues. Together with these marvelous changes is the prospect of a peace that almost didn't happen. In its closing moments, the dark tried, but was unable to instigate a global war. Fortunately, our liaisons and their earthly counterparts prevented this from happening. This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear. This process is to be aided by the use of technologies, both yours and ours, that are to introduce the universal processor. This wondrous device is to render obsolete the need for farming, manufacturing and the use of Gaia's natural resources. Hence, your global societies are to be freed of the need to devote so much of their populations to these arduous and dangerous tasks. Gaia can expect to see much of her land returned to their original environments. This process will allow for the expansion of grasslands, swampy areas and forests. Therefore, more and more of your environments are to be reworked to add a number of habitats.

These changes are to improve the quality of your air, allowing the oceans to again sustain a teeming fish population. The water in lakes and rivers is to become cleaner as well. You are to learn to use your personal processors to prepare meals and replace furniture as you wish. This vast array of changes allows your Ascended Masters to teach you about your past and prepare you for our arrival. Our mentors intend to take this new knowledge to expand the way you look at yourselves, both individually and collectively. Your global societies need to fully evaluate the way they operate. Your great diversity is an opportunity to readjust how humanity can best get along with itself. You are then to be in transition to a world that can comprehend what these changes can accomplish. This will enable you to see Gaia as a split realm, and allow you to introduce the Agarthans to this outer realm. This alone is a giant step in the right direction. It means that the nonsense begun by the Atlanteans and sustained by the Anunnaki can at last be put to rest. 

All of this is part of a process that started to happen to humanity in the mid-1960s. Suddenly, the young began to understand what the decrees of Heaven were all about. A sense of a new conscious birth became evident to many of them. In America, this wake-up call became known as the "Summer of Love." This awakening was short-circuited by the sudden introduction of psychedelic drugs by many gurus of this movement. These university-oriented gurus successfully misdirected the consciousness movement and brought on gave rise to the horrific era of drug addiction. Their actions quickly waylaid the consciousness process. It was only the dark actions of the Ancharans (the near nova-ing of your Sun, for example) that allowed us to intervene and help this growth in consciousness to slowly resume. It was our intervention that helped to deflect the next part of the dark's master scheme, the false ET invasions. This was to be the means by which a prolonged series of massive military actions would complete the permanent enslavement of surface humanity. 

The sudden onslaught of these false flag actions led Heaven to ask us to begin a mass intervention against the dark's intentions. In 1990, we sent a large S&E fleet to oversee the consciousness shifts just begun by Heaven. As you may recall the next two and a half decades included events that we have described in numerous past reports. A short learning curve then ensued. We eventually organized part of a Light team that, through great dedication to its divine service, was able to end the dark's grand plan for your permanent enslavement. This process led to the dark's last-ditch schemes, the American election of 2016 and the nearly successful 2016 attempt to hatch a nuclear war scare. This was of course curtailed by declarations of the NESARA Republic. This new entity can temper the elections and cool down any potential nuclear war. You stand now on the edge of disclosure, at a time of great peace and the dawn of an immense prosperity! The old reality is waning and a new one is being set firmly in place! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world's reality is transforming. Our initial task here is to bless all who are making possible the birth of an age of freedom, peace and prosperity. Those who for so long controlled this surface realm are now being isolated from you. The long dark night of your Souls is almost over! Ahead lies a time for achieving your dreams, and for a long list of banned technologies to see the bright Light of day. All this is being carried out in a state of divine grace and with a true measure of divine mercy. We sincerely thank all who are implementing their sacred visions to aid in making this possible. Be blessed, and know in your heart of hearts that a magnificent reality of joy and celebration is about to be yours! You are shortly to meet us and learn much about your origins, and of a long-forgotten history. At this time, take a moment to thank Heaven and her grand instruments of this world and others. You are now approaching a time of freedom. Let this endless prosperity now begin!

We are preparing to meet those who We, your Ascended Masters, have known for millennia. These are your former Lemurian cousins from the Inner Earth land of Agartha. With us, they have offered humanity a refuge from the dark ones and provided a place where holy grace and mercy was able to be applied. We are thankful as well that all of us are to be given a home alive with ancient rituals that have provided our hearts true joy and Love. Here, we prepared for our missions to aid you, and here we found those who, when necessary, came along to assist us. We bless this coming new era for humanity and know that soon all are to be united in the return of this outer realm to full consciousness. Then, as galactic humans, you are to see the union of Inner and Outer Earth. At that time, Heaven is to give all of us our new, divine marching orders.

Contemplate in joy what you accomplished in Heaven's good name. You stood firm in your visions and gave all the energy required to positively alter this realm. Your good works are being rewarded. You are being freed of your age's long debt slavery and can bask in the eternal Light of freedom. You are to have the wherewithal to be healthy and well again. You are to also have the ability to start your rejuvenation process. Moreover, you shall have the means to prosper, and this extraordinary resource to achieve your dreams. For all of this, we bless you and wish only the best for you. Long ago, we were created by Heaven to lessen the bleak and sinister blows dealt you daily by the dark's minions. Now this mission is transitioning to a new one. We are to supervise your process of returning again to being Galactic Humans. This time is surely to be brimming with joy and a way for us to easily communicate with each one of you!
Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we carried on with our gracious task. We have presented these reports to give you a better understanding of the ways in which this world is transforming. Having taken a peek into our new realm, enjoy what is breaking out all around you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

More from  Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Heart & PAO: HERE 
Community Corner
Tressels Of Passions Are Embraced In Full
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort

Photo Credit: Opal by Alaskan Essences

18 October 2016

Tressels of passions are embraced in full.
Harmonics are gathered.
Luminaries encircle the Light gatherings.
Essence is understood.

More from GaiaPortal: HERE
Community Corner
Republic Sovereignty Party
by Faithful Intel Providers via Dinar Chronicles

Republic Sovereignty Party - Republic Update - 10.18.16

Republic Sovereignty Party

A Republic party broke out on an Indian Reservation in Reno last night after Chinese Elder appointee interim Republic of the United States President Joseph Dunford peacefully and legally passed over the Republic Presidency to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for the following two reasons:

1) President Obama and Vice President Biden were made to resign when Pope Francus released the United States Of America Corporation from Vatican ownership in September 2015. The Speaker of the House therefore is next in line for said Interim Presidency per the Constitution.  

2) Also last night in Reno, Chinese Elders including Grandfather were present to sign off TRN/USN control under full Republic monetary authority and implement a new Republic government operations budget.

This means that the long awaited TRN/USN combo is now controlled by the Republic's own UST, not the privately owned FED, and our currency is both activated and internationally recognized at this hour, as are all gold backed currencies worldwide in the Republic banking domicile for unencumbered investment and movement globally. 

No small feat, hence the celebration.

This means we are right now simply waiting on Republic leadership to release the RV on their own terms, by their own hand, among their own sovereign territories--less any foreign nation oversight.

It's also no small feat that the American people have regained control of their own government, currency and country all in the same historic moment. Which adds up to our restored good standing skiing all nations in the international community and thus declares our sovereignty again as a free and democratic Republic of the United States!

Thank you heroic White Hats!

Thank you powerful Russia!

Thank you patient China!

Thank you noble Elders/Grandfather!

Thank you oh merciful God!

We are forever humbled and grateful.

Thanks and love always to Dinar Chronicles:   HERE

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Our Mission
Kathryn, Christine & Meg

Our shared Mission is to restore the Light of our Mother and Father God on Earth and in this Galaxy and beyond.  This Mission begins with restoring the Light within and extends to whatever is necessary -- as messengers guided by the Ascended Company of Heaven -- including the fulfillment of Divine Prophecy, the completion of Duties and Projects and all out system busting and building.  We faithfully choose Love in everything we think, feel, say, do, intend and imagine until all that is not loving within us and on Earth is forever transformed by God's Love and and everlasting Light.

Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk.  Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website,   www.whoneedslight.org  Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
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Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May,  endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension."   It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix. 

Who Needs Light is a Mission.  It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.

Who Needs Light?  We all do!  We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy.  In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family. 

Order     Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy.  The author will match all donations. 

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