Trenton Cryptographic Systems Now Feature Latest IBM Hardware Security Module (HSM)
U.S. Built Rugged Computers Now Support The Latest PCI Express Cryptographic Coprocessor
Earlier this month Trenton Systems announced that IBM® approved four of our rugged computers for use with the IBM® 4767-002 PCIe Cryptographic
Coprocessor Hardware Security Module (HSM).  
See how these two new Trenton Cryptographic Systems (TCS) merge the crypto coprocessor with a dual-processor SBC

2U-Dual Processor Trenton Cryptographic System
The 2U, TCS2504 and the 4U, TCS4504 combine Trenton's HEP8225 HDEC Series processor board and its dual, Intel® Xeon® processors with the IBM® 4767-002 PCIe Cryptographic Coprocessor Hardware Security Module (HSM).  These systems protect the privacy and confidentiality of data in a variety of business, government and military computing applications.    
Single-processor cryptographic systems are also available

2U-Single Processor Cryptographic System
Like the dual-processor versions, the 2U, TCS2503 and 4 U, TCS4503 single-processor Trenton Cryptographic Systems are Made In America to deliver the long-term computer configuration stability and performance demanded in secure computing applications. 
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