New York Law: Full Insurance Coverage  For Breast  Supplemental Screening and Diagnostic Imaging


New York Becomes the First State to Both Require Personal Notification of Breast Density and Provide for No-Cost Supplemental Screening and Diagnostic Imaging  

First State to Provide Notification and Full Coverage

  • In 2013, New York women became the first in the nation to be informed in clear, unambiguous language if their mammogram showed that their breasts are dense. State laws enacted prior required only general language about breast density be provided to patients. 
  • On June 27th, Gov. Cuomo signed insurance bill S8093 into law. According to a release issued by his office, "This measure removes the cost-sharing (e.g. annual deductibles or  coinsurance) requirements for screening and diagnostic imaging for the  detection of breast cancer. Eliminating these insurance barriers will  prevent women from paying out-of-pocket for breast cancer screening,  including imaging for the detection of breast cancer, diagnostic  mammograms, breast ultrasounds, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)." The law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2017.
  • One caveat, and not specific to New York, is that employer plans set up as "self funded" are generally exempt from state insurance laws. is an effective tool because of ongoing feedback and suggestions from colleagues and users.  Please do not hesitate to contact us .