June 2, 2018

Our Islamic Speakers Bureau and Interfaith Speakers Bureau Head to Sacramento and Local Districts
(L to R) Supervisor Joe Simitian hosts a forum on American Muslims with
ING Executive Director Maha Elgenaidi, Jihad Turk, and Anita Husen
Salam alaykum/Greetings of peace,

At ING, we know that strategic partnerships can exponentially increase our impact. That's why we’re taking our educational programs and interfaith panels to federal, state, county, and city political representatives and asking them to:

  • Host forums on American Muslims or interfaith panels on current events
  • Help distribute our educational materials to schools and leaders in their region
  • Join us in our talks and interfaith Know Your Neighbor events as a speaker
(L to R) ING Community Engagement Manager Kate Chance moderates an interfaith panel with speakers
Diane Frankle, Rabbi Amy Eilberg, and ING Content Manager Ameena Jandali
In 2017, both of ING's Speakers Bureaus saw a 34% increase in output by holding face-to-face events in a variety of venues for 862 groups that reached 25,854 people. In 2018 as of today, we’ve reached 17,000 people face-to-face in 566 groups.
And our volunteer speaker pool increased by 57% from 35 to 55. By year's end, we plan to certify more volunteers to allow us to fulfill the increasing number of speaking requests that we get on a weekly basis.
Please join us in this new area of working with our elected officials in education and interfaith engagement by donating any amount that you're comfortable giving.

Thank you,

Maha Elgenaidi
Executive Director
View my previous campaign notes here:

May 19th email: ING's 25+ heroes
April 19th email: It’s been 25 years!

All rights reserved, ING 2018