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January 2015
Vol 5, Issue 1


News,Tips and Happenings

Dear Shipmate:


2015 is BlueJacket's 110th anniversary and the start of my second full year here. My how the time flies. I have really enjoyed meeting people in the gallery and talking with our customers on the phone.  Everyone's modeling project is interesting to me.

We will again be holding the following classes.  All classes are designed for people with no prior experience, and all materials and tools are included.

Rigging in late May
Half Hulls in late July 
Planking in late September.

All classes run Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM.  Stay tuned for exact dates in next month's newsletter.

In This Issue
Nautical Terms
Model of the month
Something Fun
Tip of the Month
final message
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Nautical terms and origins

Boltrope - The binding line around the edges of a sail, awning, or cover. It is derived from the Old German word bolz, meaning rope.

Dorade Ventilator - A type of small-craft deck ventilator designed to admit air but not water below.  It was named for a famous racing yacht, the yawl Dorade, designed by Olin Stephens in 1929.  The ventilator was designed by Roderick Stephens in 1933.

Pitometer (also called Pitot Tube and Pit Log) - A device for indicating a vessel's speed through the water.  It was named for Henri Pitot, a French Physicist who developed the principle for measuring water pressure by which it works.

Whelps - Ridges on the drums of capstains, gipsies, etc., to reduce slippage.  The term is derived from the Middle English bwelp, of the same meaning, and may go back to Old English.

Information is from the book "Origins of Sea Terms" by John G. Rogers
copyright 1985 Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and available from BlueJacket. 
Model of the Month - Gertrude L. Thebaud
We received a model for repair recently. I asked the owner for permission to publish it, and he did, along with a very interesting story about the model's history. Here is his story:

My father, William B., was a Forestry Major from the University of Maine.  He loved boats, and took a course in model making in Portland Maine about 1950.  The Gertrude L. Thebaud was his first model.  He built the hull and deck from a frame and individual (steamed ) planks. For about a year and a half, he had a card table in the corner of the living room.  He'd work on the model for an hour or so most evenings.  Near completion, my mother made the sails for him.  My older brother remembered that the sails originally worked, but with two young boys around they were soon tied into place. Over the years, Gertrude took on some dust and a little damage from his grandchildren. In 2014 it was on top of a cabinet in an open box in my garage. Water damage coming thru from the house's second floor made this "safe" place a disaster area.  It suffered from a deluge of water, soaked insulation, drywall pieces, followed by mold.  I'd been in Blue Jacket to admire their models several times when going up the coast.  I'm glad I contacted them. Gertrude is back!

Here's the way we received the hull

Overall view of the deck

Closer inspection of the mast area

After restoration, Gertrude looks like a lady again. Some deck planks had to be replaced.

All proper once again

Hull looks a lot better than that first photo. I think Dad would be proud.

With a tip of the hat to our expert restorer, Terry G.


What's on the workbench?

All hands are finishing up the CSS Alabama. What's left to do is rig the bowsprit, attach lifeboats, anchors and cannon. Deliveries will commence at the end of this month.  You can place an order from our website here:

Overall view

And a closer shot of the bow.

Something fun

Tip of the Month  -  Anchor Bend
The Anchor Bend, also known as the Fisherman's Hitch, is one of the most common types of anchor knots used.  Its name originates from the time when "bend" was understood to mean "tie to" and not restricted to knots that join rope ends.

This knot is used to secure your anchor line to your anchor or anchor shackle.  As you can see, the above example is using a shackle.  Every anchor setup should be using some sort of shackle between the rope and chain (if the rope/chain isn't already nicely spliced.) However, you can use this knot to tie the line directly to the anchor. It is a good idea to seize the free end or tie a backup knot to ensure that the knot does not unravel with use.

Should you wish, it can be made more resistant to jamming by taking an extra turn around the anchor or shackle.  This will require more available room at the connection point (a larger shackle may be required.)

To tie the Anchor Bend:
1 - Make two turns around the shackle, leaving turns open.
2 - Pass the free end behind the standing line and feed the free end through the first turns; pull tight.
3 - Tie a half-hitch around the standing line and pull tight.
4 - seize the free end or tie a backup knot.

sources: Wikipedia and ns-marine published on
Thanks for your support


My final message in this newsletter will always be the same because it is what BlueJacket has done for 110 years, and we're not about to stop.


We appreciate our customers, we exist for our customers, and we listen to our customers. What we do is fun, just as I will try to make this newsletter. If you have any suggestions or comments, still, as always, please just give us a shout!


There's nothing I'd rather do than work on, or talk about model boats. Have fun!  




Nic Damuck

BlueJacket Shipcrafters, Inc.