Edmontonians can borrow free air monitors to test air quality 
June 7, 2017  

The City of Edmonton has purchased 20 AirBeam Air Quality Monitors that are now available for loan from the Edmonton Public Library (EPL). The handheld monitors allow residents to test the air in their neighbourhoods for Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5.

The monitors, which are used with Android mobile devices, were purchased by the City to help Edmontonians understand more about air quality in a fun and educational way. The monitors are part of a kit that also includes an instruction guide and more information on air quality.

“Edmonton’s air quality is affected by a number of factors, including home heating and vehicle exhaust,” said Paul Ross, Branch Manager for Economic and Environmental Sustainability with the City of Edmonton. “These air quality monitors will teach Edmontonians more about air quality and give them some ideas about steps they can take to improve the quality of our air.”

An area of specific concern in Edmonton is PM2.5. Particulate matter refers to the solid and liquid particles in the air - dust, soot, smoke, droplets of water, etc. that are 30 times smaller than a single human hair. The AirBeam Air Quality Monitor uses light scattering technology to measure it.

The handheld monitors can be put on hold and checked out from library branches for three week periods.

“As a good steward of our environment, EPL strives to be as efficient as possible in providing services and operating our branches,” said Pilar Martinez, Chief Executive Officer of the Edmonton Public Library. “We are delighted to offer a free way for residents to learn more about air quality in our city, as well as discover ways to be more environmentally friendly through information collected through the monitors online.”

Anyone interested in borrowing an air quality monitor can put one on hold or talk to library staff in-branch.