AASCC's Monthly News and Notes


March 2015 Issue

Do You Know a Centenarian? 

Each May we celebrate centenarians by holding a special luncheon in their honor. Invitations will be sent out in March to those that are celebrating their 100th birthday this year or who have already passed this milestone.  If you know someone that should receive an invitation, let us know by visiting our website under News & Events.

Volunteer Spotlight

One of AASCC's RSVP Volunteering Programs is called "Money Management Bill Payer". This program offers support to older adults, individuals with disabilities and veterans who are finding it difficult to organize their monthly bills. Volunteers assist in establishing a workable budget and meet with the client monthly to insure that essential bills are paid, providing peace of mind to the clients who are struggling to manage their finances.


Born in Worth, Virginia, Pat, 1 of 9 children, moved to New Haven after high school to join her family. She then enrolled in college and studied business. Then she moved to Hamden where she lived with her husband for 47 years, until he passed. Her children, 3 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild all live in Hamden.


Patricia rose through the ranks of the Southern CT Gas Company and was Vice President when she retired at age 56. Declining other job offers, she found that she was called to care for several sick family members.


Patricia is an extraordinary human being who shares her heart and skills. After "retirement", she joined RSVP as a Money Manager and works with two clients. With her son she also formed an organization called "MYCloset". The purpose of MYCloset is to provide homeless persons transitioning to housing with clothes, kitchen utensils, school supplies and whatever else is needed.


Last year Pat remarried. Her husband Matthew moved from Oregon to join her here and he now volunteers with the RSVP program, as well.


When asked about the best part of volunteering, Patricia said that she sees volunteers and volunteering as blessings in her life and she feels God has called her to do what she does for others. She believes that volunteers are blessings, and because of that she has joy and peace in her own life. In her work with RSVP, Pat has received a prize for making  a volunteer referral and she has also taken the time to recommend a client for the Friendly Visitor Program.

Click here to find out more about RSVP or email Cherie Strucaly.




If you have diabetes, Medicare can help pay for some of the costs you'll experience caring for yourself. Medicare Part B may cover some diabetic test supplies as durable medical equipment, including blood sugar test strips. Individual with Medicare who have diabetes are covered. You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount; however, Medicare will only cover their portion if your doctors and suppliers are enrolled in Medicare. It's important to ask your suppliers if they participate in Medicare before you get your supplies. Participating suppliers must accept assignment. If suppliers don't accept assignment, there's no limit on the amount they can charge you.


Medicare Part B also covers screenings to check for diabetes. You may be eligible for 2 diabetes screenings each year. Medicare covers these lab tests if you have any of these risk factors: 

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • History of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels (dyslipidemia)
  • Obesity
  • History of high blood sugar (glucose)
  • Medicare also covers these tests if 2 or more of these apply to you:
  • Age 65 or older
  • Overweight
  • Family history of diabetes (parents, brothers, sisters)

You pay nothing for these tests.


Medicare Part B covers diabetes outpatient self-management training to teach you to cope with and manage your diabetes. It includes tips for eating healthy, being active, monitoring blood sugar, taking medication, and reducing risks.


Medicare may cover up to 10 hours of initial diabetes self-management training.

This training is for certain people with Medicare who are at risk for complications from diabetes. You must have a written order from a doctor or other health care provider.


You may also qualify for up to 2 hours of follow-up training each year if you meet these conditions: you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies.


For more information about Medicare covered services go to or call CHOICES 1-800- 994-9422

Upcoming Events

New to Medicare Workshop - March 11


M-Team - March 19  

Training Opportunity

Are you interested in working with older adults with chronic health conditions? Do you have good communication and interpersonal skills and the enthusiasm and dependability to lead a small group? Then Live Well could be the perfect volunteer experience for you!   Live Well leaders assist participants to feel more in control of their lives and help build their self confidence in managing their chronic diseases through positive role modeling and facilitating Live Well workshops. Find out more.  

Caregiver Corner

A "slip" occurs when there is too little traction or friction between the shoe and walking surface. A "trip" occurs when a person's foot contacts an object in their way or drops to a lower level unexpectedly, causing them to be thrown off-balance. A slip most often results in the person falling backward; a "fall" occurs when you are too far off-balance. Most slip, trip and fall incidents are preventable with general precautions and safety measures. The best way to help your loved one prevent injuries such as these is to remind them to be aware of where they are going and pay attention to the walking surface.


Anti-slip floor tape can help combat all of the common causes of slips and falls. Using an anti-slip tape alerts those walking by that a slip hazard is present, while protecting them against slippage. The tape is easy to apply to any surface and lasts a long time. It provides an anti-slip surface and can be used indoors and outdoors. Use it on the floor of the tub, around grab bars, in front of the toilet, on the floor alongside the bed, on stairs & ramps, on walker tray surfaces and in front of your loved ones favorite chair.



In the Community

AASCC provides grants to community organizations through Federal Older Americans Act funding to provide services for individuals 60 years of age or older.


Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI) provides comprehensive primary care services in medicine, dentistry, and behavioral health. CHCI receives OAA grant funds from AASCC for its Meri-Care Dental Center. 


Care of the elderly is a priority of CHCI. Medicare continues to exclude coverage for dental services; therefore the overwhelming majority of elderly has no coverage for dental care, and often can't afford to pay out-of-pocket. For the low income elderly, accessing dental care is even more difficult. The goal of the Meri-Care Dental Care for the Elderly Program is to provide high quality dental care for those over age 60 in the communities it serves who would not otherwise have access to care and whose health would be compromised by lack of services. Poor oral health can contribute to a decline in overall health. For instance, there are numerous studies on the effects of periodontal (gum) disease on health, and its connections with heart disease and other programs.  Through this program, CHCI provides routine prevention (hygiene and oral exams), emergency care, and restorative services. In addition, staff works with seniors to help them access the full ranges of service available at CHCI as needed.




Did You Know



The Challenges of Chronic Disease

  • Nearly 92% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and 77% have at least two.
  • Four chronic conditions-heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes-cause almost two thirds of all deaths each year.
  • Diabetes affects 12.2 million Americans aged 60+, or 23% of the older population.
  • 90% of Americans aged 55+ are at risk for hypertension, or high blood pressure.
  • Chronic diseases account for 75% of the money our nation spends on health care. Yet only 1% of health dollars are spent on public efforts to improve overall health.

National Council on Aging


The Challenges of Oral Health - "Oral health is essential to the general health and well-being of all Americans and can be achieved by all Americans. However, not all Americans are achieving the same degree of oral health."

  • Only about half of all seniors 65 and older have been to the dentist within the past year. 23% of seniors 65 and older have not been to the dentist in the last 5 years.
  • More Black and Hispanic Seniors and those with lower incomes and less education have not been to the dentist in the past 5 years.
  • 18% of seniors 65 and older have untreated decay. Black and Hispanic seniors and those with lower incomes and less education have more untreated decay.

National Institutes of Health


Copyright Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut.

1 Long Wharf Drive, Suite 1L, New Haven, CT * (203) 785-8533 **