AASCC's Monthly News and Notes


May 2015 Issue
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 Art of Aging Opening Reception
 May 21, 2:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  Art submissions will be accepted through May 14th.
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Volunteer Spotlight

Mayor Harp Recognizes Impact of National Service and 
Reflects on Her Own Journey

On Tuesday, April 7th, Mayor Harp met with AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers at Teach for America's offices to thank them for their service and have a conversation about the issues that face New Haven-and how national service can help.


She was joining joined more than 3,000 mayors across the country for the third annual Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service, a nationwide bipartisan effort to highlight the impact of national service in tackling city problems.


There are over 700 AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers serving at schools and nonprofits throughout New Haven every year, representing an investment of over $3 million.


In addition to speaking about the impact of national service on New Haven, the Mayor also shared how her own experience serving as a VISTA in the city helped her jumpstart a career of service to Connecticut and encouraged New Haven residents to take her lead.


"So much of what she said about developing contacts in the community and being open to new ideas when addressing community needs ring true for me as a current VISTA" said Rebecca Burwell a VISTA serving with PAVE New Haven, a program of the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut, at Lincoln Bassett School.


Volunteers representing all of the AASCC's national service programs were present to hear Harp speak, including Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions, RSVP, VISTA, and AARP Experience Corps. Every year, these programs engage over 400 volunteers who serve throughout the community to to help children, veterans, and their older adult peers.


As President and CEO of the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut, Ted Surh states, "Volunteering is one of the best ways for older adults to stay healthy, allowing them to share their skills and experience while helping address some of our communities' greatest needs."


 Find out about Volunteering through AASCC and the National Service Corps. 


 Online replacement of EBT cards


SNAP and cash assistance recipients can now use 2-1-1's online EBT Card Replacement Service.  EBT cardholders can also check the status of their card replacement request.  This new online service and more information are available here.

In order to request a replacement EBT card through 2-1-1, please note:

  • You must be the head of household
  • You must have at least 2 of 3 pieces of identifying information; date of birth, Social Security number, DSS client id number.
  • You should keep your EBT card safe to prevent loss or theft. Multiple requests within a calendar year may require additional review and approval by DSS.

If you have a SNAP EBT card you can use it at a store or at the bank.  To use it at a bank:  Before you shop, Check your last receipt to find out how much money is in your account; Look for the Quest® mark on the door or the window of the store; At check-out, your card is swiped; Enter your secret PIN on the number pad, then press Enter; Tell the clerk how much money to enter or enter the amount yourself.

To Use Your EBT Card at a Cash Machine (ATM):Always follow directions on the ATM. Enter your secret PIN; Press Withdrawal; Press Checking; Enter the dollar amount you want; Take your cash from the machine; Wait for your card and receipt.


It's important to take care of your EBT card.

Keep your card in a safe place when you are not using it. Never write your secret PIN on your card. Do not damage or bend your card. Do not write on or scratch the black stripe on the back of your card. Do not put your card near magnets, TVs, stereos, VCRs, or even the magnetic clasp on a purse.


Upcoming Events


"New to Medicare" Seminar, May 13


M-Team, May 14

  H.O.P.E. Meeting, May 28

Registration Now Open:  Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a self-care education program for family caregivers, designed to provide you with tools and strategies to better handle the unique caregiving challenges you face.  Learn more.  

Caregiver Corner


You and the Doctor


Sometimes, as caregivers we feel intimidated at medical visits.  The health care providers have all the power and we're just the "tagalong" with the person we care for.  


It shouldn't be that way.  You have the right to feel you are part of the health care team.  Without your role the person you care for would need much more service from the medical providers on the team.  You should feel comfortable in sharing your observations about the health conditions of your loved one.  After all, you're the one who sees them more often than anyone else on the team.  You have the right to expect that the doctor or nurse will be thorough and open with any medications they prescribe and alert you to any possible side effects.


You have a right to expect that they will inform you about resources that are available to help you manage the health of your loved one.  Your ability to provide the recommended care should be considered in the decision about how best to proceed.  You should be given sufficient time during the visit to make important decisions about the care of the person you care for.  You shouldn't be rushed into determining end of life decisions without the opportunity to ask questions and consider your answers.


You have an obligation to think about the future and make plans but you need the information and support of the care team to ensure you're making good decisions.  You shouldn't be made to feel as though you're in this alone.

Did You Know?


This year  is the 50th Year of the Older Americans Act.


Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. Although 

individuals over 60 may receive services under many other Federal programs, today the OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to this group and their caregivers.


Last year, through OAA Title III funding, Connecticut received:

  • $9,193,969 for Nutrition and Supplemental Services. 
  • $45,85,093 for Supportive Services and Preventative Health.
  • $1,721,520 for the National Family Caregiver Support Program.
The State Department on Aging distributes these funds to the local Agencies on Aging. Through a competitive grant process, the AAA provides these funds to community organizations that provide the services in support of the aims of the OAA.

Copyright Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut.

1 Long Wharf Drive, Suite 1L, New Haven, CT * (203) 785-8533 **