Dear friends,

We are excited to announce that our new 1421 Research, Education and Exploration Foundation is finally up and running. The 1421 Foundation will enable us to invest in new research into ancient maritime civilisations for many years to come. It is a USA-based non-profit, and you can find out more at the new website

Our ambition is to generate new research, explore ancient sites and set up a series of educational programs, including a travelling exhibition of ancient maps, and a television documentary, as well as the production of several new books and research papers. However, to get these projects off the ground, we really need your help. Are you able to assist the 1421 Foundation, be it financially, or equally importantly, with goodwill, sharing your skills, research leads, and new ideas? Please let us know your thoughts by replying to this email.

Neanderthals - the Untold Story
Our newest research project is an exciting in-depth study of the ancient world. Just how far back in antiquity does the history of maritime exploration reach? We believe that the first great explorers and seafarers may in fact have been not Homo sapiens, but another human species altogether. Gavin has been working tirelessly with his co-author from The Lost Empire of Atlantis researching a new book entitled Neanderthals - the Untold Story

In popular imagination Neanderthals are often seen as little better than apes. As our new research reveals, nothing could be further from the truth: their extraordinary innovations include the invention of fire as well as clothing, art and music.  This extraordinary new book will uncover the mounting evidence that it was sex with Neanderthals, with their bigger brains, that gave birth to Homo sapiens' cognitive revolution. This genetic fusion sparked  a genetic mutation that altered our inner wiring, enabling us to think in new and unprecedented ways .
We believe this book has great potential: can you help us get it off the ground?
It is only with the help and support of yourselves, our readers and friends, that we will be able to continue our investigations.
If you are able to assist us in any way possible, please get in touch. In the meantime, we wish you all the very best for 2017.  May it be a fruitful and positive year for us all.
Your support means the world to us, so thank-you.

Best wishes,

Gavin, Ian and the team

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