To the Ends of the Earth
March 2015
In This Issue

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Quick Fact
Marcelo, Karim and family

Back to School!


Did you know summer vacation is just ending in Chile?!

From the end of December to the end of February families have been "disconnecting"- that means going to the beach, to the river, camping...anywhere to get away from the bustle of the city and "reconnect" with their family!



Prayer Requests


*  Pray for the families of the two mission plants here in Santiago...that they would grow spiritually and  reach out to others so that the Church will grow in number!

*   Pray for the continued blessing of God on our Lenten "family altar" project.

*  Pray For Liisa's dad, Edwin, as he deals with health issues.

*  Pray for our daughter, Gabriela, and fiance, Daniel, as they make wedding preparations.

*  Praise God for the opportunity we had to see our family in February! 

* Pray for more believers to respond to the great commission and seek to be part of God's mission.
*  Praise God for successful surgery for Liisa's mom, Shirley. Healing is well underway!

*  Praise God that we obtained our temporary Chilean visas! Only two or three more steps in the process, then we can open a bank account (!)

*  Thanks for your prayers for Jim's class in Brazil. It was a great class, with about 20 post-graduate level students (nearly all pastors) participating.


The focus of the season of Lent does not seem to fit well with evangelism. After all, who wants to hear about suffering, crucifixion, and death? For some, the passion of Christ seems to be  too much of a  "downer".  That attitude, though, contrasts starkly with the words of Jesus: "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (Jn. 12:32). Rather than being a turn-off, the passion of Christ is a wonderful, compelling revelation of the depths of God's love for us. The triumphal 'end of the story' in the Resurrection seals the deal! Be bold to invite your non-Christian friends to join you on your lenten journey, and as the old hymn says so well, "Raise us and let your cross the magnet be"! 

 Families of the Nations     

"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations."  Psalm 22:27


Fabricio, Laura, and family

   Family is important in Chile.  Most homes include three generations - partly for financial reasons - but mainly because family is there to care for one another.  When we tell people here in Chile that our family is in the USA, they are sad for us.  Church members invite us to their homes for holidays and family celebrations.  They ask how they can pray for our family members back in the USA.


Armando, Mandy and Family

However, although family is a priority, not all families are healthy.  In fact, the majority of Chileans express a need for tools to bring peace to their families.  They are looking for something to give hope to their children, as well as to the older generation.  This is why we're here.  God's love makes us better mothers and fathers.  The Holy Spirit makes us better children.  Christ's forgiveness makes us better spouses.  Jesus is the answer!

    We pray for the families of Chile.  We pray that we can introduce them to the Lord of the nations who has mercy and love for all!
No Time for Lent?
Arturo, Marisol, and family

     In a big city like Santiago, time is precious. Many people leave home at 7:00 am and return at 9:00 or 10:00 pm every day! Two-hour commutes (on bus and subway) are not uncommon. No wonder no one wants to try to fit in the traditional Wednesday evening lenten service!

    This year, pastor Cristian and I decided to skip the Wednesday Lent service. Instead, we are reviving the idea of the "family altar". During Lent, we are visiting each family in the congregation in their homes and leading a family-style Lenten devotional and prayer. Splitting the member list between us, we ended up with about 10 households each (another advantage of team ministry!). We are also encouraging our members to invite neighbors, friends, or family members who are unchurched. This way, our "family altar" is also evangelistic!

     So far, it has been a great experience. We get a chance to visit, hear the people's stories, laugh (and sometimes cry) and pray together, and reflect on Lenten themes of service, sacrifice, repentence, forgiveness, and renewal. I leave each family with a copy of the brief devotional service I prepared, as well as with a Bible, if they do not have one or need another one. 
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