P4K Post

November 2016

Day Care

Morning & After School Care

Nursery School


Summer Camp

Dates to Remember
Below are dates our various programs are closed in November, December and the first of January:

November 11: Veteran's Day weekend
November  24 - 25:  Thanksgiving
December 19 - Jan. 2: Christmas/New Year's Break

November 24 & 25:  Thanksgiving
December 26 & 27: Christmas
January 2, 2017: New Year's Day Observed

November 24 & 25:  Thanksgiving
December 26 - January 2: Christmas/New Year's Break
Quick Links
Keep in Touch                
During the month of October we had a few technology glitches! Time Warner went down for about an hour, which also kicked our phones offline. A week later, our Outlook server went down and we had no way to check and respond to emails for a few days. Fortunately we have some backups, and other ways to connect, in place so we can be in communication with you. With the winter weather coming, now is a good time to remind you how we communicate with our families.

First,  P4K has a back-up cell phone that we can use if we were to have an emergency and need to evacuate the building or if the phones go down in the building due to a disruption in the internet. In the event that the lines go down, we have the capability to forward calls from the P4K office phone to our P4K cell phone. The P4K cell phone number is: 585-315-5987.  Please note, the phone will not be turned on unless we need to use it for an emergency or as a back-up when our regular lines go down. 

Second, we have a text message service that we encourage you to opt into so that you can receive messages from us. Text messaging is one of our primary means of communicating closings and emergency information, etc. We suggest that you "opt in" to each program in which you have children involved.  Instructions for opting into our messaging system may be found in the  "Quick Links" above or contact Lydia at   [email protected]  and request an instruction form be emailed to you.
Third, we often put messages for parents on our P4K Facebook page - as long as we deem them appropriate for anyone in the world to read!! Like us at the  P4K Facebook page  link. 

Fourth, information about P4K closings and emergencies will be posted to local television stations (13 WHAM, WROC, WHEC), WHAM 1180 and the P4K and Pearce Church websites.
 Food  Basket Donations
Each year, Pearce Church joins together with Rochester Family Mission, Browncroft Community Church, Foodlink, and our community to collect and distribute food for local families in need to enjoy at Thanksgiving.

With all of the food collected, there is a need for up to 1,000 boxes in which to assemble  "baskets" for distribution. Pearce is collecting empty boxes (copy paper or equivalent size). If you have any to donate, drop them off at the reception desk when you sign in/out your child.

P4K is going to help fill some boxes! Here's how you can help:

Starting Monday, October 31, families may stop by the "turkey" in their child's program and take a feather(s) that has a particular food item written on it to bring back. All donations need to be brought in by Friday, November 18.  Once all of the food items have been brought in, P4K classes will put together boxes to donate to Pearce's Food Basket distribution.

Day Care Families:
The Day Care turkey will be located on the wall across from the Blue 4's classroom. The box for donation drop off will be in the same location.

Nursery School & Pre-Kindergarten Families:
The NS & Pre-K turkey will be located outside of Miss Sue's Nursery School classroom. The box for donation drop off will be in the same location.
Staff Spotlight on Clara Manak    
We want to highlight one of our staff who we are very proud of and we hope you will join us in celebrating her! Clara Manak began working as a part-time teacher's assistant at P4K when she was a college student at RWC. In August 2015 she assumed the lead teacher position in the 3 year old Day Care class, where she remained until this fall when she moved into her current position as lead teacher in the Orange 4 year old class. While teaching full-time at P4K, she has also been working on her Master's Degree and in September of this year she received her diploma.  Below, Clara shares about what led her into her master's program and a little about who she is outside of P4K.

  " Originally, I started at Roberts Wesleyan College in pursuit of a Secondary Education degree, concentrating in both Literature and History. Not too far in, I decided to switch and pursue a degree in History with a minor in Literature. I graduated from RWC in May of 2014.  I started working at P4K in August of 2012 and found that I loved working with young
children, as well as the environment at P4K. My love of working with young children is what pushed me to pursue and complete my M.Ed. in Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction. While completing my Masters, I did a lot of research on emergent literacy, classroom diversity, and learning through play. I love working with the four year olds because their independence allows me to teach them more academic and fundamental skills. It also allows me to take a little more of a "hands-off" approach when it comes to learning through play, since unrestricted creativity with peers can be more powerful than it is with adult interactions.

I grew up in the tri-state area of NY, NJ, and PA with two younger brothers and rescue animals. In the summer months I enjoy camping, going to parks, and boating. In the winter, you can find me at hockey games or on snowmobile trails. I also meet up with my family in the Adirondacks often throughout the year."

P4K is blessed to have Clara on our team. If you walk into her room it is clear that she provides the children with many fun and creative outlets. It is also obvious, from the number of books in her room, that she is passionate about children's literacy. We are thankful for Clara and the contributions she makes to P4K and the love and care she provides for your children each and every day.
 Linked with Love: P4K and Nzige Preschool Partnership
Our Nursery School teacher, Sue Smout, had the opportunity to travel to Nzige, Rwanda in August to visit our partner preschool and, along with 3 other teachers from Pearce Church, provide a week of teacher training for the Nzige Preschool staff. She was also able to meet our P4K sponsored child, Rosine, and her family in their home and give her a book and some other gifts that P4K sent to her. 

Below is a picture "diary" of Sue's adventures in Nzige. Her narrative about her experiences was rather  lengthy!! Read about her time in Nzige,  in her own words, by going to this link:: Visiting the Nzige Preschool by Sue Smout.

The team on their way with lots of school supplies

Greeted in Nzige with music and dancing

Sue showing students how to use puzzles

Meeting women in the village while out for a walk

After watching the Pearce team teach the children in the mornings, the Nzige teachers had training with the team on the new teaching methods they observed

Sue reading a book about Pearce 4 Kids to Rosine

P4K's sponsored child, Rosine (in front), and her family at their home

Sue said that each classroom in the Nzige Preschool had a poster siimlar to this one on the wall

  For more information about our Nzige/P4K partnership, go to the Quick Links above and click on the "Linked with Love Article"
 Fair Trade Market
"Shop with a Purpose" at the Fair Trade Market in the Pearce atrium November 11-13. Now in its eighth year at Pearce, the Fair Trade Market offers unique handicrafts produced by, and all proceeds returned to, at-risk individuals in developing countries.  Stop by as you pick up your children on Friday or come back during one of the times listed below.

This year's vendors include:
  • Heavenly Treasures (heavenlytreasures.org)-an affiliate of Free Methodist World Missions, assists refugees, single mothers, widows, the physically disabled, victims rescued from human trafficking and others
  • SEED Livelihood (seedlivelihood.org)-helps market handicrafts from artisan groups related to Free Methodists in developing countries with a goal of assisting economic self-sufficiency
  • African Presents, Presents with a Presence-supports the local schools and extended families of nine artists in Ghana
  • Ugandan Water Project (ugandanwaterproject.com)-works with sponsors in the United States to provide safe accessible drinking water and other resources to communities in Uganda
  • In Jesus Name, a student ministry of Roberts Wesleyan College-enlarging their global vision by helping women and children in Africa; products they offer are made by African women and sold through Sifa Threads (sifathreads.com) which combines Bible-based discipleship with sewing and entrepreneurial skills to reach at-risk women in Tanzania
The Market is open the following times:
  • Friday, November 11 from 3:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Saturday, November 12 from 1:00pm - 7:00pm*
  • Sunday, November 13 from 8:30am - noon 
* Soup and bread will be available on Saturday beginning at 6pm in the Family Life Center (cost is $3 per person)
P4K Housekeeping
A few reminders as we do life together at Pearce 4 Kids:


Parents & Staff:

Please park only in designated parking spaces along Orchard Street or in the parking lot across the street.


Parents of School Agers:

 Make sure to check your mailboxes frequently for invoices, injury reports, program information, special event flyers, etc. 



Parents of Before School Care Children:

Please walk your children to the entrance of the school age hallway. We have a staff person sitting in the hallway, at the door of the snack room, who can see the children coming down the hallway. We prefer that children not be allowed to walk down the stairs unsupervised.
November Family  Night - Come Join Us!
The next Pearce Family Fun Night is scheduled for Friday, November 11 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. 

For information regarding details about the activities for that night, check the  Pearce Church News page in the coming weeks. 
 Check Out Our Website
Our website, www.pearce4kids.org, has a Google calendar. Go to our website, click on the "Events" tab at the top. Click on the drop down Calendar link and you will be into the P4K calendar. On the calendar you will find information about:
  • Day Care lunch menus (click on the tab for the full menu)
  • Holiday Dates
  • School Age full and half day schedules and information about field trips, etc.
  • Nursery School & Pre-K days off, field trips and other events
Each program is color coded so you can easily search for information that is pertinent to your family. When in the calendar, if you want more information about a particular event posted, click on the event box and we will have more detailed information listed. 
Be Our Fan!
Be sure to go check out  P4K Facebook Page! We use our FB page to post events happening in P4K and Pearce Church, communicate emergency information/closings and to share fun pictures or stories about something happening at P4K. "Like" us today!
Lydia Monroe, P4K Executive Director
Pearce 4 Kids Child Care Center