Weekly E-News
March 16, 2016

L-R: Atlas C.K. Rankin, Lee Welkley, Steve Lawson
Jeff Walsh and I were at the Florida Conference this past weekend and enjoyed seeing the new facilities at the Advent Christian Village. It was also great to see a lot of old friends, former pastors, missionaries and leaders. The conference went great, and we had the opportunity to hear about ministries all over Florida.
On Sunday we went to New Life Community Church in Jacksonville, Florida, to participate in morning worship. At the conference, we had the opportunity to meet and hear about Rev. Atlas C.K. Rankin. He and many of his congregation have united with the church, and others are attending. He met with the Ministerial Committee and was accepted into the Florida Conference as an Ordained Minister. There will be a service at the church in the near future to recognize this.
News from Our Churches
Story time
THAILAND - Christian Mission Naratchakwai
In March, the Soup of Love team went to a slightly different place.
Ploy writes:
"Soup of Love in March. We went to Ban Sang Hin. We read Dr. Seuss' book -"One Fish, two Fish" to the children in the Child Development Center and gave Soup of Love to them. They like eating soup and listening to Dr. Seuss very much. We were happy to be there with them."
... and by the look of the pictures they took some candy for the children, too! 
Announcements & Upcoming Events
(a course offered through eBerkshire)

Christianity-Through-the-AgesUnderstanding the historical foundations of the Christian Church helps us understand challenges that face us today. This course examines the history of the Christian Church from the Ascension to modern Fundamentalism, ecumenism and Pentecostalism. Particular attention is given to the development of doctrine and to the growth of the Church, including the Advent Christian denomination. By reading both recent material and first-hand documents, students are encouraged to consider how this information relates to ministry.

You can take the course from the comfort of your home, library or church. Yet, since the course is online, you will be able to easily work this into any busy schedule. Interaction with fellow classmates and with your instructor will enrich your understanding of how God has used his people, for his glory, throughout the ages.

An offering of this course through eBerkshire is scheduled to begin March 7, 2016 (with a course end date of June 24, 2016). Contact Debra Welkley, Distance Education & Learning Manager, [email protected] for more information and a Course Registration Form today. (Scholarships are available.)
World Outreach
News from our Asia/Pacific Area Directors Jeff and Penny Vann
Jeff and Penny Vann
When former short-term missionary Dr. Kimon Nicolaides retired from the U.S. military, he and his wife, Chin Lee, decided to stay where they were stationed last - in Hawaii. They felt the call from the Lord to plant a new Advent Christian church there.
Rev. Efren Miranda, who presides over our Advent Christian Conference in the Philippines, is excited about this new ministry. Efren has learned about a good number of Filipinos out in that area, and has begun coordinating with the pastors of those people. He wants to make sure that Filipinos who hire on as overseas contract workers in Hawaii know about this new opportunity to connect with other Advent Christians there.

Western Regional Superintendent Jim Crouse has also been keeping up with the progress of this new Advent Christian church plant. After a recent phone call with Kimon, Jim says that the couple is in the process of planning a special Easter outreach event, and plan to distribute 10,000 flyers to advertise and promote it. They are also in need of a suitable location for the event.

Student and Family Ministries
Emerging Leaders
Heather Graff Installation Service (Matt Larkin, Heather Graff)
One of the more significant tasks the Department of Student & Family Ministries is responsible for is identifying, tracking with, and helping to develop emerging leaders. This is a task in which we work closely with the Department of Nurture, our regional superintendents, conference leaders, pastors and local churches. There are a number of students, currently, who are actively training to serve God in various areas of local church ministry. The development of these leaders is an important task that belongs to us all.

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to take part in an installation service for Heather Graff. Heather is the new youth pastor at Grace Advent Christian Church in Walterboro, South Carolina. There, she'll be serving with Rev. Wayne Lucas and Rev. Nelson Howe, who have both served that church faithfully for a number of years. Heather's connection to the Advent Christian network came through the Aurora Advent Christian Church, but through programs like our Summer Ministries Exchange, Heather has had the opportunity to connect with pastors and leaders throughout the Midwest, New England and the Southeast.

IF Update
Sam Warren
Have you ever been in need? Silly question, right? I notice this a lot when I read a prayer request. People are reaching out to friends, other believers and more to get help with a particular need in their lives. If nothing more, it's comforting to know that someone beside yourself is praying for your need.

In reading the words of David, the King, this morning, I was struck by the fact that he often reached out to God for the meeting of his needs, which were many. He was so thankful that God did not turn a deaf ear to him. Instead, God was faithful to listen and respond to his need. David writes these words in Psalm 116:1-2, "I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live." We should, like David, all be thankful for the fact that we can give our needs to God, but more importantly that God listens and responds appropriately to our needs. I may not be able to share my need with everyone, but I can certainly give them to the Lord and know that he will help.
Asleep in Christ
Now located on our website is an "Asleep in Christ" page. As we are made aware of your Advent Christian loved ones who have fallen asleep in the Lord, they will be added to this list. Click  HERE  to go to this web page. If you wish to have details of your loved one on the website, please send the information via email to  [email protected] .
Contact Us
Phone: 704-545-6161
Web:  www.acgc.us


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