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Social Media Series - The importance of Social Networking Sites for Recruitment

Part III
Now we take a look at the third part of our Social Media Series for Recruitment.

As companies develop their Social Media recruitment plan it is important to keep in mind that this outlet is one tool in a well rounded recruitment process. Social media should not take the place of other recruitment efforts but should be utilized as one of many platforms to reach potential candidates. Companies should focus on developing a variety of channels for communication so as not to limit their market.

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Joachim Woerner
Managing Director

Social Media Series - Finding #3 
 Social Media is a supplement, not a replacement of traditional instruments of recruitment.
Any time that companies can make the recruitment process more effective and efficient, it adds huge value to the organization. And indeed, Social Media is able to provide this. Without any doubt, the interviewees clarified that social networking sites become more and more important and established for recruitment. In fact, they expect its significance to grow even more, as we move forward in society. 

Social Media has changed the way companies look at candidates and cultivate talent.

More and more people, on both sides of the desk, are leveraging the resources that social networking sites provide them. The extent to which they are using Social Media for recruitment, or are planning to use it in the future, varies among the respondents. The majority of them declared that the advantages of social networks to accelerate the recruitment process would make them a fundamental, inalienable part of recruitment. However, the respondents pointed out that social networking sites would not necessarily be a replacement of traditional means of recruitment. They highlighted...

.. .the importance of implementing and tying together social networking sites with traditional instruments of recruitment, like job boards, company websites, print media or recruiting companies.

This ensures that companies do not limit their recruitment market. The respondents see Social Media as a development that is especially familiar to younger generations and professionals. They pointed out that it is fundamental to recognize that not everybody is adept at Social Media, or is present online at all. In fact, everybody approaches recruitment differently - companies, as well as professionals. Therefore, Social Media is a substantial plus that provides a complex mean for imparting information about an employer, gathering data, and actually applying for a job. In other words, since it generates the greatest outcome in recruitment, companies have to use social networking sites as a complementary tool to the traditional instruments of recruitment.

About the author: During her MBA at Pfeiffer University in Charlotte, North Carolina, Anna Schweifel worked for an American executive recruiting company based in South Carolina. While writing her Master's dissertation to complete her graduate studies in the United States, she conducted empirical research to gain greater insights for the application of social networking sites concerning recruitment across international companies. As part of her research, the author interviewed more than a dozen high-level managers from various companies located within the United States to outline the practical usage of LinkedIn and more for recruitment. The outcomes are four key findings that illustrate the American perspective of using Social Media for recruitment.

By Anna Schweifel  - The Q Works Group