August 2015  

In this issue...                
Hello Everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer. This edition of Health! Tips will feature a mix of great information, event announcements, and some new office tools that will help make your life and mine easier. Articles include:
  • Health article on Osteoporsis
  • Recipe for Salmon Meatballs (you heard me correctly!...they are delicious)
  • Announcement for my Nutrition at the Library Series 
  • Introducing a great way to buy organic, healthy foods at wholesale (see more below)
  • Announcing the MindBody Online Appointment Scheduler...go to this link at MindBody Online to schedule appointments to see Kathy...this will make scheduling appointments easier for you and To Your Health! staff 
"Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle"

Kathy Westover
Health! Tips
is a "mini" newsletter devoted to improving your nutrition and your health one step at a time. By making small changes in your lifestyle, you can make big improvements in your health. Enjoy!
Kathy Westover,  MA, MNT
 Nationally Board Certified in 
Holistic Nutrition®

 Upcoming Events:


Library Series

Second Thursday of the Month

7 pm -8:30 pm



Oldies But Goodies

Catch up on presentations you may have and updated information! 

August 13th

Healthy Bones

(Council Tree)


September 10th

Blood Sugar Balance

(Old Town)


October 8th

Cancer: Prevention and Support (New presentation!)

(Council Tree)



For more information and the dates of the rest of the series go to 





2015 Library Series: Oldies But Goodies


Kathy has been presenting cutting-edge nutrition information at the Poudre Valley Libraries since 2009. In this year's series of presentations she will update some of her most popular topics with the newest information to help you become your own best health resource. Healthy aging is not merely surviving; it is thriving!   


The presentations will be given at the Poudre Valley Libraries; rotating between the Old Town Library and Council Tree Library. They will always be on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 to 8:30.  The next presentation is:


Healthy Bones for Life!



We all fear the loss of mobility and health from broken or fragile bones as we age. The most important factor in keeping your bones healthy throughout life is nutrition; but just supplementing with calcium is not the answer. Your bones need a variety of nutrients to prevent bone loss as you age. This presentation will show how bones "remodel" themselves and provide the keys to keeping your bones strong and healthy throughout your life.

Thursday, August 13th
7:00 - 8:30 PM 
Council Tree Library
2733 Council Tree Ave. #200
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 


Image: Bigstock
by Kathy Westover, MA, MNT

Bone is a living tissue that constantly repairs itself by absorbing and replacing cells. Osteoporosis develops when the removal or absorption of old bone happens at a greater pace than the body's ability to create new bone. As a result, bones become brittle and weak. A person might break or fracture a bone simply by sneezing, bending down, or taking a slight fall.

Osteoporosis happens as we age, but certain factors accelerate the process. The foods we eat can leach calcium from our bones such as high-sugar, refined grains, coffee, sodas, alcohol, and tobacco. Various pharmaceuticals such as steroids and gastrointestinal medication can disrupt our calcium levels as well. A higher risk for osteoporosis exists for women, older adults, people with small frames, a family history of hormone imbalances in the thyroid or adrenals, or those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

Bone density machines can help determine the mineral density of your bones. But, in general, it is a good idea to support your bone health as you age regardless.

Here are 6 ways to help support your bone health:

1. Calcium. Calcium is crucial for strong, healthy bones. Not all calcium supplements are equal and some use forms of calcium are not easily absorbed by the body. Try adding in calcium rich foods such as salmon, leafy greens, organic dairy products, and soy. For additional supplementation, chat with me about the right calcium supplement for you.

2. Trace minerals. Calcium does not work alone in our bones. We need a broad range of other minerals. Our food supply does not contain the rich mineral content it did 50 years ago. I suggest using Himalayan Sea salt to supplement mineral levels. Trace minerals provide a broad spectrum of minerals that we need to maintain optimal health and the ratio between those minerals is as important as the minerals themselves.

3. Essential Fatty Acids. The omega oils help lubricate joints and reduce inflammation in the tissue and muscle surrounding our bones. Eat more salmon and other fish, olive and flaxseed oils, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. Supplements such as small fish oils and krill are great ways to increase omegas.

4. Exercise. Exercise can help build strong bones and slow down bone loss. It is best to have a consistent exercise regimen throughout your life, rather than exercising in small bursts. Alternate strength training with resistance exercise. Always check in with your doctor before beginning an exercise routine.

5. Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for bone health. Because of our modern lifestyles, we do not get the proper amounts of vitamin D from our environment. Talk with me about ways to supplement Vitamin D in your diet. 

6. Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is the "new kid on the block" when it comes to nutrients that can support healthy bones and at the same time promote cardio-vascular health. K2 is not the same as vitamin K1, which is available in green leafy veggies. K2 is found in foods that are fermented such as a fermented soy product called natto. It is also found in pasture raised eggs, liver, other organ meats, and aged cheese. Many people find it easiest to supplement with this important bone supportive nutrient.

Pizzorno, Joseph E., and Michael T. Murray. 1999. Textbook of natural medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.


Image: Hayley Ryczek

Salmon Meatballs
with Caper Dill Tarter Sauce




16 meatballs


Meatball Ingredients

  • 1 pound wild caught salmon, ground or finely minced
  • 2-3 tablespoons cassava flour or other grain/gluten-free flour
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chives fresh or dried
  • 1 tablespoon chopped dill or dried
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • ¾ teaspoon seal salt
  • ¼ teaspoon finely ground black pepper
  • 1 large egg

Caper Dill Tarter Sauce

  • 1 cup mayonnaise (I suggest Avocado Mayo)
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped dill pickles
  • 2 tablespoons capers with juice
  • ½ teaspoon fresh chopped dill
  • 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
  • 1 pinch crushed red pepper
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 pinch sea salt to taste
  • 1 pinch finely ground black pepper to taste


1.     In small bowl, combine ingredients for the Caper Dill Tarter Sauce and chill in the refrigerator until ready to use. The tarter sauce will keep up to a week in the refrigerator.

2.     Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and line a small sided baking pan with parchment paper.

3.     Combine all the meatball ingredients together in a large bowl. Mixing well to make sure all the ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. I recommend starting out with 2 tablespoons of cassava flour and seeing what the texture is before adding the additional tablespoon. You want the meatballs to hold together but not be stiff

4.     Roll roughly 2 tablespoons of the mixture into w6 balls, arrange on your parchment lined baking pan. (It's okay of they touch)

5.     Bake for 25 minutes or until cooked through as desired.

6.     Remove from the oven and serve with the Caper Dill Tarter Sauce.


Recipe from Health Starts in the Kitchen


A Great New Resource for Health Food Choices
   I have taught you well and you are shopping for less processed, organic, and non-GMO foods. But as we all know, the cost can add up. That's where ThriveMarke t comes in. They're an online shopping club that offers healthy, organic, non-perishable products at 25-50% off retail prices Foods that we use all of the time, like coconut oil, canned wild caught salmon, and nutbutters. Even baby products, cleaning supplies. and body products.

Just click on the link above and it will take you to the Thrive Market website. Cruise around and see if you see anything you like. If you place an order using the link above you will get:
  • an additional 20% on your first order
  • a free month subscription (after the first month it is $55 per year)
  • your own code to send to friends and family that will give them 20% off of their first order and you will get a $25 gift certificate 
  • free shipping on orders of $49 or more 
  • and every time you place an order Thrive will send a free order to a family in help you, me and the world all in one order!
I use it about 2 times per month...I just add to my shopping cart until I get to the $49 free shipping amount and then order. Last week I had 2 gift certificates from friends who have placed an order ($50) on a $65 order...I got the whole thing for $15 and still got free shipping! I have saved a ton already!

If you are ready to try it, here is the link again, Happy shopping!
By making small changes in your lifestyle,
you can make big changes in your health! 
Contact Info
To Your Health! Nutrition    

Kathy Westover, MA, MNT  
Nationally Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition ®




New Auto-Order Progam...earn 10% discount automatically


Call now and ask about our new Auto-Order Service. Work with Kathy to determine a maintenance supplement plan and order two to six months worth on a scheduled basis and earn a 10% discount with each order. 


We will still offer our Frequent Buyer Loyalty Program for supplements, but beginning July 1st, filling your card will change to a 10% discount on an entire order of less than $150. No need to worry about where you put your card, we will keep it on file for you. For more information call To Your Health, today.