USA-MDT Monthly Newsletter
September 2012
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(914) 250-1420
Drugs and Money

Letter from the President

At USA MDT, you are our number one priority. From morning to night, we do everything we can to maintain the highest standards while also providing customer service and professional integrity.

In order to keep you in the loop on all of our projects and interests, we've decided to schedule:

We've also hired a Social Media Coordinator to make sure everything is taken care of perfectly. Please welcome Rachael Cleveland to the team! She comes to us with years of blogging and social media experience, and the devotion to make sure you, our valued customer, are always taken care of. 
She's available day and night to field any questions or concerns. Rachael's been with us for about a month now, and has already helped spread our name across the web with her skills and understanding of this field. 

We're thrilled to have her on board, and hope you get to meet this newest addition very soon!     
Rachael Cleveland
Rachael Cleveland

Please visit our Team page to learn more about our newest addition, Rachael

Best Regards,

Michael Gedigk
USA-MDT, Westchester, NY and Fairfield, CT
Tel. (914) 250 1420

New York Bans Synthetic Drugs



Over the past years the popularity of bath salts has increased dramatically.   Bath salts are sold under the names White Lightning, Snow Leopard, Zoom, Vanilla Sky, and many others.


Another popular drug is a synthetic version of marijuana often sold by the names Spice, K2, Blaze, and Red Dawn X.


Synthetic drug  


Many people call these substances "designer drugs," which indicates that they are often hand-crafted by specific individuals. What that really means is that there is absolutely no control of moderation of their production. In fact, there are no consistent percentages or values of specific ingredients in any of these items, which makes them all the more dangerous.


Producers get by the illegality, or used to, by adding "not intended for human consumption" to the packaging, which were sold in head shops and convenience stores as "bath salts," "plant food," or any of a wide variety of innocuous names.


The health risks are dire, sometimes including stroke, catatonia, and temporary paralysis.  Users sometimes become extremely violent and even cause severe harm to themselves and others.


Legal Actions


This June, President Obama signed a bill to add bath salts to the list of banned substances in the United States, there was still a pressing need for reform and stricter rules. In fact, some believe that the new federal law was too lenient on drugs like bath salts, which continue to run rampant.


To combat these programs, each individual state needs to outlaw the products including clear disciplinary consequences and banned chemical compounds.


One of the first states to make a move in this regard was one of our home states, New York. With Governor Andrew Cuomo's legislation signed in early August, officials in New York state will now be able to pursue violators, place them in jail for up to 15 days, and fine them up to $500. Civil penalties can even reach a $2,000 fine depending on the offense.  



New York Governor's Seal

Governor Cuomo even started a toll-free phone number (1-888-99SALTS or 1-888-997-2587) for people to call with any information about the illegal distribution of bath salts around the state. Please post this number somewhere accessible for all of your staff to help combat this problem.


For more information on the New York state ban on synthetic drugs, please visit the following links:


Governor Cuomo's Announcement


Westfair Online: "New York bans bath salts, synthetic drugs


Smithtown Patch: "State Bans Bath Salts, Synthetic Drugs


Omega Labs: The New Synthetic Drug Test Panel

One of the most dangerous aspects of 'bath salts' and synthetic marijuana is that they are undetectable on traditional drug tests. 

In fact, many abusers used these products instead of cocaine, meth, or even prescription drugs because they knew they could pass a drug test even while under the influence.

Of course, this is a huge concern. When our own public and national safety is on the line, there is a need for an immediate development in testing procedure.

Fortunately, Omega Laboratories responded to this growing trend by creating oral fluid tests that are able to detect both synthetic marijuana and bath salts.

USA Mobile Drug Testing works with Omega Laboratories to provide these tests to our clients. We're honored to provide the latest and most critical services to our customers, and this is just one of many advances we will continue to offer. To learn more about how you can institute testing for synthetic drugs at your workplace, please get in touch with us.



For more information, visit these resources on Omega Laboratories:


Printable brochure


Press Release on Synthetic Drug Testing


Synthetic Drug Testing Types and Procedures 



Drug Fact

Addiction in Men vs. Women
alcoholic beveragesRecent studies have shown drastic differences in the ways that Mexican-American men and women abuse drugs.

According to one study, the most abused substance by Mexican-American males was alcohol (40.1%).
For the women, they preferred methamphetamine or c
ocaine (33.5%).
Although these numbers apply to a very specific population of individuals, they show a dangerous divide when it comes to the culture of addiction. 
Table of Contents
New York Bans Synthetic Drugs
Omega Labs: New Synthetic Drug Test Panel
Drug Fact: Men vs. Women
Regulatory Update
Proposed FAA Rule to combine drug testing for air carrier and on-demand operators

Featured Article
Synthetic drug
Synthetic drug "Spice" and others taken off shelves in NY

New York Bans the Sale of Synthetic Drugs
Community Corner
Looking for local resources on alcohol and substance abuse? Westchester County has a plethora of options depending on where you live.
Print out this page or send it to Human Resources to make sure everyone gets the help they need! 
USA Mobile Drug Testing of Westchester, NY and Southern Fairfield, CT
500 Mamaroneck Ave, Suite 320 - Harrison, NY 10528
Tel. (914) 250-1420

Ask For:
Michael Gedigk, Jonathan Gentile, Jay Genova, or Rachael Cleveland

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