May 13, 2016

David Howard  Spiritual Leader
David's Thoughts
The Art of For-getting
Sunday, May 15, 10:00 AM

My current Sunday lesson series, "Life as Art," is intended to help remind us of our true selves and acquaint us with some tools and practices we can engage in to strengthen our conscious awareness of and further our connection with our souls. God, as the Master Artist of all creation, created us as expressions of Itself. Each of us is an individuated soul formed in the image-likeness of God and born into this life experience to share our own unique gifts and talents with the world.

As we give expression to our souls, we bring into visibility the invisible nature of our unique image-likeness of God and create our lives as works of art. In order to do so, we must, as all great artists do, learn to use our tools, in this case it is our thoughts, words and actions with focus, skill and vision.

We are born with awareness of our souls. However.

Special Musical Guest  Sheryl Renee

Sunday, May 15th, 10 AMsoloist

The dynamic versatility of Colorado's Sheryl Renee, comes from a literal lifetime in the music business and the ingenuity from a long line of her ancestors. 

An audience favorite, Sheryl has shared the stage with the best talent in the world and moves effortlessly between music genres,  artistic avenues and her entrepreneurial pursuits. 

Her God-given gift of song has led to wonderful opportunities such as performing the national anthem for President Barack Obama, featured vocals for countless bands, projects, CD's and orchestras, including the Colorado Symphony Orchestra conducted by the late Marvin Hamlisch. 

Sheryl has done TV and been in over 30 theater productions, as a lead award winning actress, ensemble, playwright, director, props designer and most recently, production assistant for Kenny Leon's True Colors Theatre Company in Atlanta, GA. 
As a producer, her greatest joy is providing opportunity for others in excellence.  

Sheryl's fearless pursuit of her dreams has led to impressive career connections for her company, SR Productions, with notable accomplishments in Colorado, Hawaii, Atlanta and New York City. She is proud of the recent launching of her radio show "Making a Way...with Bargain Queen, Sheryl Renee" and aspires to transition into a television, with her mission of providing relief for the working poor.
Sheryl dedicates every one of her performances to the biggest part of her, daughters Leah, Rena and Ameerah and her beloved "Grandpumpkins".



Our beautiful Rose Petersen, pictured here with her husband Bill Abercrombie, made her transition from this Earthly plane on Sunday, May 1. rose

Rose shared her loving presence with our Unity Spiritual Center Denver community in many ways, including as a kitchen angel helping with fellowship.

A celebration of life service is planned at Unity Spiritual Center Denver on
Sunday, May 15, at 2:00 PM with a reception to follow. 
If you are able to bring a dish to share to support the reception. 
To  see what is needed and to sign-up,  please click here.  


Office Renovations Underway 

The Ministry Office renovation is underway. Our contractor began work on Wednesday on the project to freshen up Trish's office on the southeast corner of the building.
The revitalization will include: scraping the ceiling texture and resurfacing it; texturing the paneling to create the look of sheetrock; painting the walls and ceiling; installing new entry doors, window treatments, and carpet. We will also create a storage/workroom space by rebuilding the previously existing wall. We also plan to purchase new furniture. We want our ministry office to reflect the revitalizing energy and consciousness of our community and to welcome all who come into our facility withupdates beauty. If you would like to contribute financially to this project, you may do so by clicking the link below and select 'Building Fund.' You may also contribute via check or credit card on Sunday. Please make a note on the check or envelope that the donation is for the 'Building'. 

Welcoming Ministry updateWelcomingupdate

The Welcoming Ministry has been going through a bit of a reorganization based on feedback obtained from congregants, staff, council members, and visitors/guests.
We believe that we have landed on a model of structure that will enhance our welcoming efforts, while also providing opportunity for sacred servers to create as much or as little structure into how and when they volunteer.

Online sign-up in easy ! Click here to give it a try!

The Power of Sacred Service sacredservice
Is sacred service something that you've been considering, but either haven't been ready to commit or perhaps you're not sure how to "plug in"? 
Now is the time!

Sacred service is vital to continuing our mission here at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. Without those willing and able to serve as leaders and members of our service ministries, our larger mission would not be realized. 
Our sacred servers are the heart and power of this center.

Your spiritual community is in need of your talents and services in the following areas:

-          Welcoming Ministry: Greeters, Ushers, and Ambassadors
-          Family Promise: Team Leaders
-          Office/Administrative Ministry: general office help
 Ministry leaders & members for:
-          Event Planning Ministry
-          Environment Ministry
-          Pastoral Care Ministry

For more information: [email protected] 720-684-5528

Environment Ministry update enviromentalministry

Our Environment Ministry has been dwindling down over the y
ears and we are looking for some folks to breathe into it some new life! Our Earth Day event happened because the of the dedication of just one sacred server...Nancy 
Seghetti. Without her, we would not have had much of a celebration. It takes more than one person though! If this is something you're interested in participating in or leading, please contact me at  [email protected]

Just because our Environment Ministry is needed some energy, doesn't mean that we here at Unity Spiritual Center Denver are not working hard to lessen our impact on our Mother Earth and all of creation. We will begin composting soon and switching from our normal paper plates to a higher quality compostable paper plate. We will also be switching out the Styrofoam coffee cups for a compostable paper cup. We're hoping the Environment Ministry will be able to help us roll out some education to our congregation. If this is something that interests you, please let us know.

In addition, in our effort to care for the planet, this Sunday we are introducing a 
NEW BULLETIN FORMAT. Our intention is for the outer shell to be reusable from week to week. In our effort to save paper and ink, we hope to use the same cover for at least one month. If you do not wish to take it home with you, please return it to the basket at the entry door to the sanctuary. However, please feel free to take notes on the back in the space provided and keep it for your reference. The insert will list upcoming classes, workshops and other events. 

Strategic Planning Survey Resultsstrategicresults

We had 83 responses to our strategic planning survey! 
This surpassed our expectations and we are thrilled that we were able to hear from so many of you. Thank you.  This is a lot of data and we are excited to share it with you. We will be releasing results as we continue to analyze the data from different perspectives.

Ministry Skills Training

Your ministry staff and several of your Council members attended a Ministry Skills Training workshop on Friday, April 29. The workshop was facilitated by Rev. Toni Boehm, Ministry Skills Coordinator at Unity Worldwide Ministries, and was hosted by Rev. Susan Gumm and Unity on the Avenue. We received some valuable information on many topics. One our meaningful takeaways was considering ways in which leadership can be more communicative and transparent about what is happening at Unity Spiritual Center of Denver. This section of the newsletter is one way that we have chosen to implement some of our learning. You will be noticing some additional changes in coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Compelling Conversations
NGU: Next Generation Unity Sponsored Event
We received 50 responses to our request to who would attend a bi-weekly potluck, speaker, and community building event we are now calling: Compelling Conversations ~ Cultivating Spiritual Community. 

Only 6 said they would not participate and the majority of you said you were available on Wednesdays. 
So....  our first "Compelling Conversations" will be held on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from 6-9pm.

This event is sponsored by NGU and is open to all persons wishing to participate regardless of age.   Check out the event page 
Check us out on Facebook:

Monthly Contemplative Service Announcedcontemplativeservice

Beginning, Wednesday, June 1, we will provide a monthly 
contemplative service at 7:00 p.m. on the first
Wednesday of every month. We envision this service including prayer, meditation, readings and music. Our Spiritual Leader, David Howard, will be responsible for creating and facilitating the services; however, if you are interested in participating by providing music, reading, prayer or meditation, please let David know by email -   [email protected].

This is one of the initiatives we are taking in response to the feedback we received from the recent survey.  Thank you for your input.


Treats and Tales!
Saturday May 14th, 6:00 pm

Come enjoy our local talent!treatsandtales

We have a full line-up of folks ready to share their spirit with you on Saturday night!   Geared toward ages 1-101!

Ice cream bar following performances.

Questions,  email Sierra or Jackie, here

Family Promise Kick-Off Event: 
Sunday, May 22nd,  11:30 - 12:30familypromise

This will be our first gathering to begin planning for our next Family Promise host week  which is July 10-17th!



Did you know that we now have a YouTube channel? That's right! If you miss a Sunday service or if you would just like to hear a message again, you can watch videos of our Sunday lessons online. 

You can also subscribe in order to be sure you don't ever miss another one. Once you subscribe you will receive notification each time a new video is uploaded.

Share them with your friends and family! 

Click on the YouTube logo to the right to be directed to our channel and subscribe today!

Ongoing Tai' Chi Gung Class
Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm 
Do you want to make your spiritual life physical?
Tai Chi Gung is sometimes called the "simple yoga". It features fluid breathing and graceful moving exercises that build stamina, relieve stress, improve balance, speed recovery from injury, strengthen the immune system, foster peace of mind and develop mental focus. This gentle, ancient system of health and longevity from Tibet has been passed down in an unbroken lineage from the original Master Boganathar, known in China as the sage Lao T zu for 3000 years.
Can the Infinite Abundance in your mind be in your body as well?
Tai Chi Gung includes a series of simple standing exercises that help people connect to the energy of the life force in nature consciously. It is an ancient art and science that shows students how to draw, store, project and release the chi through their spirit, mind and physical body; gradually returning it to the perfect image in which it was originally created ... manifesting good on earth as it is in heaven.
Facilitated by  Rev. Phyllis Hoover, ThD on a love-offering basis.

Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox
Ongoing Sunday Morning Class
Sermon on the Mount
sundayamclassThe Sermon on the Mount by a pioneer of the New Thought
movement and one of the world's greatest metaphysical teachers,  Emmet Fox, reveals how to transform negative attitudes into  life-affirming beliefs, understand the nature of divine wisdom,   tap into the power of prayer,  develop a completely integrated  and fully expressed personality, and claim  our divine right to all  of life's abundance. 
Offered on a love offering basis the open class will be facilitated by Rev. Dr. Phyllis Hoover, LUT and will meet on Sunday mornings upstairs in the Adult Education Office from 8:45 to 9:45.  
Compassionate Communication
Practice Group
Wednesdays  7:00 - 8:30 pm PracticeGroup
Join J Johnson and David Howard on Wednesdays for a Compassionate Communication Practice Group.
Anyone who has completed at least the Introductory Compassionate Communication skills class at Unity Spiritual Center Denver or has completed a foundations class elsewhere is welcome to join.
If you have any questions, please contact J at [email protected] or 214.532.3761

New Member Classes
These classes are required for those seeking membership.  
They also provide valuable information about Unity principles  and practices and Unity Church of Denver for those who are  already members or for those who want to learn more about us.
1. Unity Quick Start  
This  class covers the history of Unity and the New Thought movement as well as basic Unity principles and spiritual practices.
2. Unity of Denver and You,
which covers the history of the church and introduces the many ways of becoming involved as an active member. 
3.  Connecting to Unity of Denver, which explores the culture of Unity of Denver and how we choose to be together in community.
This will session will be offered on  Sunday, June 5th from 11:30 to 1:00.

The classes need not 
be taken in consecutive order, but must all be completed prior to becoming a voting member. 

Please email Trish in the office to register,[email protected]
*Childcare can be made available with one weeks advance notice,                                    email Jackie in the Children's Garden at [email protected] .                                                


Couples Spirituality Group Meeting
Sunday, May 22nd from 11:30 to 1:00
How can our spiritual growth support both the individual and the couple?  The Unity Couples Spirituality Group will be an opportunity for couples in a committed relationship to discover ways to explore this unique spiritual territory.  couples
Whether spirituality is already a strong part of your relationship or you are looking to add a spiritual dimension to your relationship this group may be for you.
  Join other couples interested in exploring spirituality together!
For more information contact  Lori here  or Tim here.

Recorded Prayer LinePrayerLine

Unity Spiritual Center Denver offers a recorded prayer line as a service to all. Our own Phyllis Hoover records the Daily Word reading for each day. If you would like to receive a special blessing, call and listen 24-hours a day.


Need to release an old car, boat or other vehicle?vehicledonations
Consider donating it!
Donate Vehicles

Unity Spiritual Center Denver is listed as a beneficiary with Car Donating Is Easy! 

For general information on the programclick here.

To initiate a donation via the program, click here


Help us spread the Online word about 
Unity Spiritual Center Denver Online!socialmedia
Click on these links for Unity Spiritual Center Denver :
We ask that you actively get involved by:   
  • Check in to Facebook on Sunday mornings
  • Write a review
  • Invite Friends
  • Like, comment and share.

If everyone gets involved, we can easily increase our reach from 50 to 500 to 5000.  Help spread the word of Unity Spiritual Center Denver.  It's only a few clicks away.

Video and Picture Disclaimerdisclaimer
Unity Spiritual Center Denver actively engages in social media.  We take photos and video of the services and church activities on a regular basis and post them to Facebook.  If for any reason you do not want to be photographed or to appear in any of the online activities of Unity Spiritual Center Denver, we ask that you to sit on the right side of the sanctuary during the service (non-piano side), or let the photographer know you would prefer not to be photographed. 

Giving Just Got Easier! securegive
Via Secure GiveSecure give

In addition to online donations via our website, 

we are now able to accept text-to-give donations

via Secure Give.

A one time set up process is required. After that a simple text is all that is needed!

Click here for detailed instructions


Unity Spiritual Center Denver?

We recently learned that if you have a zero balance on your re-loadable for Unity King Soopers card for 30 days or longer, it is no longer connected to the payback program.

While you can still re-load your card as usual, it is no longer connected to Unity of Denver, and thus, does not contribute to our  payback program. 
The only way to rectify this is to purchase another $10 card in our bookstore, and be sure to use it once a month. 
NOT SURE... if your card is still active in the payback program, please email the office with the serial number on the back of your card for confirmation. 

If you don't have a card, they are available in the bookstore for $10. *This initial $10 is available for use at any King Soopers.  You can reload it thereafter and use it just like cash and Unity Spiritual Center Denver will receive 5% of your total purchase.
This program has been a good source of income for us in the past!


You Shop. Amazon Gives.

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to
Unity Spiritual Center Denver when you shop on AmazonSmile!

You can use the same Amazon account you have always used. Just go to, select Unity Spiritual Center Denver as your charitable organization and start shopping. 
It's that easy!

Unity Spiritual Center Denver


Inspiring spiritual awakening and personal transformation.

Audio Recordings of our Sunday Morning Lessons are
Available Online