Updates from the STAR² Center 
March 6, 2017

The  STAR² Center (Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention) of the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) provides free resources, training, and technical assistance (TA) related to recruitment and retention in community health centers. 

STAR² Center News
2017 Health Center Data Profiles

Updates to the STAR² Center individual health center recruitment and retention Data Profiles are in the final stages! We will be sending out more information shortly to help prepare health center CEOs and their workforce teams to work with the 2017 Data Profiles. In the meantime, we hope you'll look back at your 2016 Data Profile and the supporting resources that can be found in our Resource Center. Feel free to contact us for more information!
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Got updates?
Has your organization had success using a new tool or training? Has your team released a new resource? We are always looking to highlight great resources, tools, and events through our website and newsletter. Head over the the Best Practice page to share your success stories with other teams who are looking for workforce inspiration. If you would like to share your news through our newsletter, please use the  Contact Us page on the STAR² Center Site.
Partner News

The UDS Mapper is a free online mapping and decision-support tool available to anyone in the public with a valid email account. It integrates health center patient demographics, U.S. population characteristics, location data, and other relevant health care data, to create visualizations of areas served by the Health Center Program (HCP). HealthLandscape offers interactive tools that examine health, socioeconomic, and environmental information, including:

This webinar is a general introduction to the UDS Mapper, a mapping and decision-support tool driven primarily from health center patient location data within the Uniform Data System (UDS). This webinar will go over the basics of using the UDS Mapper, and is geared toward users who are new to the UDS Mapper or in need of a refresher. Join this free webinar from 2:00-3:00pm ET on Tuesday March 7, 2017.

This webinar presented by Relias Learning provides an overview of burnout before detailing how to identify, treat, and prevent burnout in caregivers. It also gives examples of how to integrate ongoing burnout prevention into your organization and highlights be benefits of doing so.