Latest News from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

E-NEWS replaces the SSJ Newsletter and will be published "as the news happens."

E-NEWS is available for viewing on the SSJ website.

Edition No. 4   April 15, 2016

Convent Crawl
by Celeste Mokrzycki SSJ

On Sunday afternoon, April 10, Sister Michelle Lesher SSJ, Sister Celeste Mokrzycki SSJ, eight students from Chestnut Hill College and one student from Saint Joseph University, stepped into two cars and began our second Convent Crawl. What’s a convent crawl? It’s a field trip of sorts, traveling from convent to convent, where the “spirit” is one of prayer, sharing, fun and “Nuns.”

We began our trek at Saint Joan of Arc Convent in Philadelphia, then traveled to Our Mother of Consolation Convent in Chestnut Hill and ended the ‘crawl’ at Annunciation House on the Motherhouse grounds. After some fun icebreakers, to get to know each other, we focused on a different aspect of our spirituality, mission and vocation at each house. We participated in a Sharing of the State of the Heart at Saint Joan of Arc, wrote letters to legislators at Our Mother of Consolation and, finally, “opened up the floor” to the students’ questions about “what it’s really like” in the convent at Annunciation House.  

The sisters in each of the communities warmly welcomed the students and willingly allowed them a “peek” into their homes and lives. Sister Christine Konopelski SSJ, from Our Mother of Consolation community, wrote an e-mail that expressed our feelings at the end of the day: “It was a positive experience for all of us and we all enjoyed the students!” We will offer this experience again in the future, so we hope that you will be ready for the Convent Crawl to come into your neighborhood!

Read entire SSJ E-NEWS
Pictured above: Sisters and students at
St. Joan of Arc Convent
Swing Into Spring
A Party — Just For Fun!
As the cold and dreary winter of 2016 was coming to an end, Sister Eileen Dorothy Maquire SSJ and Sister Helen Miller SSJ decided to ‘push away those winter blues’ and plan a fun evening for the sisters. This would be an event that didn’t include agendas, readings or meetings. What it would include was scrumptious food, live entertainment, door prizes and great company!

On Wednesday evening, April 13, 2016, approximately 85 Sisters of Saint Joseph, from the immediate area and Saint Joseph Villa, arrived at St. Genevieve Hall for the Swing Into Spring evening. SSJ Associates who had organized the event, provided the door prizes and decorated the hall greeted them. SSJ Associate, Dannah Addalli, catered the delicious meal. The Good Times Trio – keyboard, sax and drummer, provided the music.
As you viewed and listened to all in the room, the smiles, laughter, conversations and dancing were evidence that Eileen and Helen’s idea was a great one. Everyone was having FUN!

Pictured top: from left, Helen Miller SSJ and
Eileen Dorothy Maguire SSJ

Pictured middle: seated, from left: Kathleen Pales SSJ, Joan Mickey SSJ and Anna Mae Harkin SSJ

Pictured bottom: from left, Lourdes Kennedy SSJ, Peggy Maguire SSJ and Dannah Addalli
More Photos from Swing Into Spring Party
“We make every effort to share daily in the Liturgy of the Word and of the Eucharist. Here the community finds its unity and a special expression of our apostolic life as Sisters of Saint Joseph. Here we encounter the mystery of the self-emptying love of Christ whose presence we recognize in our midst. A sense of brokenness shared deepens our entrance into the mystery of Christ’s life unfolded in us and in the body of the Congregation.”

— SSJ Constitutions #31
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | [email protected] |