CREEC Region 9 Orange County
Spring 2018 Newsletter
New High School Program Available (fully funded)– Where’s My Water?
Inside the Outdoors has a new high school water education program! This Traveling Scientist visit to your classroom will introduce your students to the current topic about where we get our water and the debate of the CA Water Fix. If your school is approved for the grant, this program will be provided
Free of Charge.
Environmental Literacy & NGSS for Classroom Teachers
Discover how Environmental Literacy skills are powerful tools to help students experience meaningful three-dimensional science & engineering learning. CREEC Region 10 is offering sessions in Riverside & San Bernardino counties for different grade level spans and subject areas. Cost is $25 per session.
High School Science & History/Social Science Teachers and Coaches
May 2, 2018; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Grades K-5 Teachers and Coaches
May 9, 2018; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Grades 6-8 Teachers and Coaches
May 10, 2018; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
All participants in the trainings will be able to order up to two free EEI Curriculum Units.
Questions, email CREEC Region 10 Coordinator Mary Walls at
Early Learning Educators
April 28, 2018 at The Living Desert in Palm Desert
Early Learning Educators are invited to a day of play and planning hosted by The Living Desert. Discover the Early Learning resources available from Project WET, Project Learning Tree, and Project WILD. Experience the hands-on activities you can share with your youngest students and kick-start their nature connection through play and learning.
Save the date!
OCDE's STEM Summer Camp for a week of learning and fun!
July 30 - August 1, 2018; 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Heritage Elementary School, Tustin
As more information becomes available, it will be posted at:
Energize Schools Summer Teacher Training
High school teachers are invited to join weeklong teacher trainings for our signature project-based learning course series: Introduction to Green Technology (IGT) and Energy and Environmental Design (EED). IGT and EED are year-long project-based learning courses designed to prepare students for careers in the energy industry. IGT is UC A-G D-Lab Science approved. EED is UC A-G G-Elective approved
IGT training: June 25 - June 29 in Costa Mesa
EED training: July 30 - August 3 in Oakland
*Costs waived for California high school educators through scholarship opportunity. Travel and stay not included.
The two courses act as great sources of sustainability project materials and combine to satisfy California Technical Education Standards requirements for the Energy and Power Technology Pathway in the Energy, Environment, and Utilities (EEU) sector.
Exploring the Next Generation Science Standards & Environmental Literacy for Non-Formal Educators
Join us for a chance to learn more about NGSS & Environmental Literacy while engaging in discussion about the potential impacts on your program. This opportunity would be great for your program to send a team to. You will walk away with a collaborative & reflective process to help self-evaluate your program and how it compliments NGSS learning in schools.
When: Thursday, May 17, 2018; 2 - 5:30 p.m.
Where: Girl Scouts, 1751 Plum Ln, Redlands, CA 92374
Cost: FREE
Earn Professional Development or Graduate Credit with
Population Education!
Are you looking for new ways to make science and social studies education more interactive and fun for your students while earning professional development or graduate credit? Population Education has you covered!
Online Courses in the Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences
Summer Session 1 starts May 21
Summer Session 2 starts July 9
Courses are rich in essays, case studies, readings, videos, interactive simulations, images, online discussions and more.
Earth Day and Spring Events
Earth Day at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands
April 14, 2018;
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Davey’s Locker & Newport Landing Whale Watching is offering a discounted $12 whale watching cruise during the month of April to celebrate Earth Day! Use coupon code EARTHDAY12 online at or call 949-675-0551 to receive the discount.
Green Scene Plant & Garden Expo at Fullerton Arboretum
April 21 & 22, 2018;
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Earth Day at Chino Hills State Park
April 21, 2018;
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Help us do a cleanup at the Rolling M Ranch which will include removing weeds and non-native plants on the Native Plant Trail, establishing a trail at the campground restrooms, painting the Clubhouses, and restoring benches at Rolling M Ranch amphitheater. Lunch will be provided.
Earth Day at Crystal Cove State Park
April 21, 2018; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Earth Day projects include planting, weeding, mulching, trimming, and watering in the Historic District as well as a beach cleanup.
Energize Schools LA Green Careers Conference
April 24, 2018; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Earth Day Weekend at Ocean Institute
Visit Ocean Institute on April 21 and 22, to learn why insects are essential to keeping our oceans and beaches healthy. Join us for a comparative anatomy lab of shrimp and grasshoppers, make your own bug box, discover why bees are key, and more.
In addition, visitors can participate in a special workshop where they will create their own plastic-free Butterfly Feeder to take home. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Workshops will be held on both Saturday, April 21 and Sunday, April 22 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Workshops will last approximately one hour.
Join us for a Beach Cleanup both April 21 and April 22 at 10 a.m.
OC Coastkeeper Earth Day Beach Cleanup
April 22, 2018;
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
OC Coastkeeper is partnering up with local band Dirty Heads for this special Earth Day cleanup.
Seasonal Bird Monitoring at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary
April 22, 2018;
10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gather bird data and learn how to identify birds, see live birds of prey, and more.
Earth Day at The Ecology Center
April 22, 2018; 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
This special day signifies a time our community comes together for a unique festival that showcases skill sharing, garden activities, local food, music and more.
Doheny State Beach Earth Day Native Planting Project
April 21, 2018; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Meet at the Campfire Center in the campground.
Spring Faire & Butterfly House Opening at the Environmental Nature Center
May 6, 2018; 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Party for the Planet at Santa Ana Zoo
May 20, 2018; 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Celebrate Earth Day and Endangered Species Day. This annual event features guest organizations from throughout Southern California sharing information and give-aways, crafts and activities featuring endangered species and our animals! Event is free with zoo admission.
Community Park Clean-up at Mile Square Park
April 7, 2018; 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Come and join the Orange County Department of Education’s Tobacco-Use Prevention Education program and Inside the Outdoors as we work together to give back to our community!
Light refreshments will be provided.
Discovery Cube's Ocean Quest, Newport Beach
Speaker Series: Plastic Pollution in the Local Marine Environment
April 26, 2018; 7:00pm
Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks - Outdoor Activities and Programs
Check out hundreds of outdoor activities including wildflower walks, equestrian programs, restoration work, and so much more!
Laguna Canyon Foundation
Birding Walk April 22, 2018; 8 a.m.
The Reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo
Wild Child Wildflower Walk April 14, 2018, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Sea and Sage Audubon
Join us at 9 a.m. on the 1st Saturday of each month for an easy hour and a half Wildlife Walk to witness the varied interactions among plants, insects, birds, & wildlife at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine (near I-405).
Starr Ranch Sanctuary Audubon
Family Nature Workshops May 5, 2018 (tentative)
Middle schoolers from La Habra earn top honors — again — in national environmental challenge
Be entered to win 100s of prizes, including $5,000 for your Home Utilities, and a Toyota RAV4 Hybrid for a deserving charity in your town.
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Awards up to $5,000. Deadline is April 15. Available to students ages 8 through 18, who have led a truly extraordinary service activity which has clearly benefited other people, animals, or the planet we share. Service activities must have been initiated and motivated primarily by the person applying.
Students! Young people ages 4 – 18 will have the opportunity to exhibit their art at the Environmental Nature Center’s Spring Faire on May 6, 2018. Art must explore one or more California ecosystems, and may include plants, animals, and people!
Entry Deadline: April 29, 2018
Municipal Water District of Orange County: 30th Annual Poster Contest!
Orange County students in grades Kindergarten through 12 are encouraged to submit hand-drawn posters. All artwork should reflect this year’s contest theme: Water is Life. This theme was chosen to get students thinking about our most valuable natural resource – water – and how vital it is for our way of life.
Contest entries are due April 15, 2018.
Energize Schools’ 2018 Earth Day Campaign Contest!
High schools are invited to compete to create sustainable behavior change campaigns around energy, waste, water, or transportation. Each registered school will be paired with an Energize Schools Advisor to support the creation of these campaigns, so that you and your students can make a measurable difference in sustainable behavior on your campus. Plus, every participating school will receive a launch package with an introduction to the four categories, information on how to motivate behavior change, and other helpful tips.
Prizes worth up to $3000!
CREEC Region 9 Orange County is supported by San Diego County Office of Education and housed at Inside the Outdoors, OCDE
The California Regional Environmental Education (CREEC) network
is a program of the California Department of Education