Windy Knoll Farm

11602 Kettle Run Road

Nokesville, VA 20181



Fall Festival and Brunswick Stew is coming up fast, this Saturday!    As I mentioned in the last email, we are having it at WINDY KNOLL FARM where we were last year.


As of right now, the pre-orders are still coming in, and there's still plenty of room for vendors.  We had a couple vendors who told me that the app and check was in the mail, and we still haven't gotten them.  If you're one of those who have sent me email, we haven't seen anything, so it's open to anyone who wants to come.


Here are the vendors we have coming as of this morning:


Homemade Jam

Blue Ridge Orthopedic

Countryside Garden Club

Vee Daniels (local author)

Madera Farm

Manassas Church of God

Prince William Farm Bureau

Leah Bias


There are plenty of opportunities for local businesses who want to set up their direct sales tables. (Scentsy reps, I know I responded to 4 of you who asked if the space was available, and I confirmed that we have NOT received an application/check as of this morning - so first person to respond to this email gets the opportunity to come on Saturday and take one of the spots as the local representative to set up.)  


Space is $30 for a 10x10 spot, and you bring your own tent/tables/chairs... The vendor application link is on this email, so you can print the application off, and bring with you on Saturday with your $30 check, and come out to Windy Knoll between 7-8AM to get your spots, and set up.  Please email us if you're coming at the last minute, and we will make sure you're taken care of.


We will also have the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT stew, and pick-ups for quart sales as well.  I heard there will be some cornbread muffins, rolls, desserts as well that will be there for the all you can eat.


The Rudy Youth clubs will also be there selling apples and cider and baked goods...


Hoping for some fantastic fall weather, and look forward to seeing you all there!


Thanks again for your continued support of the Nokesville-Bristow Ruritans.





Fall Festival is just WEEKS away!  We did have a change in our location for the Fall Festival...  It's back over at Windy Knoll where we had it last year.  We're rearranging the setup so that everyone will benefit better from it this year (learned some things in our first time last year) and we're excited to be having the fall festival/stew day at Windy Knoll again!


Plenty of room for vendors!   (Application is on the link in email below)


Still taking in pre-orders for stew.  Get your checks in the mail to our PO box if you want yours ordered now!


Thanks and have a great October!

Nokesville-Bristow Ruritans






Good morning!


Wow, where did the time go?!  The Fall Festival is just around the corner!  Hope you are all enjoying the last hurrah of these summer days before the cooler weather sets in.  Ready for some mouth-watering stew?  Want to get out and enjoy some fall festivities?  Want to get started on your holiday shopping?  Mark your calendars, and come on out to Nokesville!




Brunswick Stew PREORDERS!


Yes!  It's here!  You can pre-order your stew now!  The price remains the same as last year at $9 per quart, or 12 quarts for $100.  We will have all-you-can-eat as well at the fire hall, so come hungry!  Please indicate how many quarts you want, and a check and mail to PO Box 431, Nokesville, VA 20182, and mark "Brunswick Stew" on the front of the envelope.  The stew will be made and sold and picked up at the Fall Festival being held at the Nokesville Fire Department.



Fall Festival 2014

at Windy Knoll Farm, 11602 Kettle Run Road, Nokesville, VA 20181

Saturday, October 25, 2014
9AM - 3PM
Rain or Shine!
Hope you are all staying COOL in the middle of this HEAT WAVE!  Of course, during the dog days of summer, I do think about my favorite time of the year coming up.  Yep, you guessed it, it's FALL.  The cool crisp days of autumn... the smells of falling leaves... the apple cider and pumpkins... oh yes, BRUNSWICK STEW!
We are working hard to make this year a fun-filled family event for our annual "Brunswick Stew Day" and continuing it as a FALL FESTIVAL!
The date is the same... the LAST SATURDAY of OCTOBER, so this year, it's October 25th.  We're going to make it a FULL DAY from 9AM - 3PM with activities, craft show, and food!  Maybe we'll get some music too!  (Of course, the annual Brunswick Stew won't be ready until around 11AM, but you can come out and join the fun and festivites on this day!)  The youth clubs will be selling apples and cider again this year as well!
We are looking for VENDORS now for the ARTS and CRAFTS section of the festival. Click here for the application!  Fall Festival Vendor Application

If you have any questions, please let me know!
Ken Hinkle, Jr
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