Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Norovirus Update: Please Take Precautions to Limit Spread
As of today, May 10, 2017, we want to share with you the latest information regarding the Norovirus (stomach flu) from the Yolo County Public Health Department. The virus has indeed reached each of our schools in West Sacramento and it’s important that our community work together taking precautions to limit spread.

Attendance rates across our entire school district are normal for this time of year and in fact, well above 90% for ALL schools in WUSD. While we do have students and adults absent with virus-like symptoms, we are taking every precaution to ensure the spread is limited.  

  • Children or adults on campus with symptoms are being sent home immediately.
  • DO NOT wait for confirmation of the Norovirus—anyone with virus-like symptoms must remain home and follow the same precautions.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Children and adults must be symptom-free for 48 hours before returning to school.
  • If your symptoms go away in 2 days, you need to wait an additional 2 days before returning to school.
  • WHY? The Norovirus remains active in the human body even after symptoms go away—48 hours is needed to ensure the virus is not still active.
  • ALL schools are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily.
  • Raise awareness and practice good habits!
  • Wash hands regularly using soap and water
  • Clean all areas that have come in contact with a sick student or adult.
  • Notify your school and tell them your child’s symptoms.
  • Consult with your doctor for any questions and let them know that other students at your child’s school have these symptoms.
  • Stay hydrated! Fluid is lost in diarrhea and vomiting. Make sure you and your child is able to drink fluids.
Additional resources and helpful information:
930 Westacre Road, West Sacramento | (9160 375-7600 |