Weekly Update
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Weekly Summary

  • A fire caused approximately $175,000 damage to a home in River Hills on December 1. No occupants were injured. The fire appears to have been caused by faulty electrical equipment.
  • A house fire caused approximately $200,000 damage to a home in Brown Deer on December 6. The cause of the fire is under investigation. No occupants were injured.
  • High winds likely caused a high voltage power line to drop on a house in Shorewood on December 5. The home suffered approximately $3,000 in damage.
  • Firefighters from Station 82 in Glendale and our Community Risk Reduction Bureau went door-to-door in the neighborhood of a fire that occurred last week in Glendale to offer home safety assessments and to educate residents on the fire and safety related issues.
Calls for Service This Week
Incident Type
Incident Count
Weekly Average (2016)
Emergency Medical
Weekly Average (2016)
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
Meeting Response Goal of 7:02
(goal of 90%)
Average Response Time
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
5 minutes 28 seconds
(goal of 6 minutes)

*Priority 1 & 2 calls are calls for service which the Department sends an initial responding unit to a scene with lights and sirens operating. Priority 3 calls are responses that are considered non-emergent.

Documents of Interest

2017 Department Strategic Plan 

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