Weekly Update
Active Assailant/Shooter Events

The Country was rocked last week with the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. While prevention of these events in the future is key, being prepared to respond to these events is important also. North Shore Fire/Rescue regularly trains with the seven local law enforcement agencies, area fire/rescue providers and schools as part of it's preparation. Over the last several years, North Shore emergency responders updated our response plans and training and made additional investments in needed equipment.

As recently as last week, Department Chief Officers attended an Active Shooter Incident Management Class in Oak Creek that was offered by the FBI. 
Weekly Summary

  • Part of the Department's approved Capital Budget in 2018 is to replace it's auto extrication tools. The current tools are approximately 15 years old. A committee met with selected vendors to evaluate their products and is in the process of putting together a recommendation for purchase.
  • The Department assisted the Germantown Fire Department with a structure fire in their community in the early morning hours of February 19.
Calls for Service This Week
Incident Type
Incident Count
Weekly Average (2017)
Emergency Medical
Weekly Average (2017)
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
Meeting Response Goal of 7:02
(goal of 90%)
Average Response Time
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
5 minutes 40 seconds
(goal of 6 minutes)

*Priority 1 & 2 calls are calls for service which the Department sends an initial responding unit to a scene with lights and sirens operating. Priority 3 calls are responses that are considered non-emergent.

Documents of Interest

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