Departmental Weekly Update
Department Hosts American Heart Association of Wisconsin Executive Board Event

The Department hosted a meeting of the American Heart Association of Wisconsin Executive Board on June 20. At the meeting, the Board presented Senator Alberta Darling with the Friend of Heart Award for her support of American Heart Association legislative efforts in the last legislative session.

Senator Darling supported the Association's efforts to pass legislation that required all high school graduates to have received training in CPR and to require all 911 public safety answering points to provide CPR instructions to callers who report a person in cardiac arrest. 

Weekly Summary
  • The Department responded to forty-five calls for service during the twenty-four hour period beginning at 8 AM on Monday June 18 and ending at 8 AM on Tuesday June 19. This day included excessive heat followed by heavy rains in the late afternoon and evening. An average twenty-four hour period brings sixteen calls for service.
  • Chief Whitaker met with the chairperson of the Hales Corners Police and Fire Commission to discuss the benefits of fire/EMS services consolidation and cooperative efforts. Hales Corners is currently evaluating their fire department and evaluating options for the future.
  • Staff continues to update the Department's capital equipment replacement plan for 2019-2022.
  • The Finance Director has begun to develop the 2019 Budget.
  • An orientation for new Firefighter Interns was held on June 20.
  • Fire Marshal Mertens presented at the National Fire Protection Association Conference.
Calls for Service This Week
Incident Type
Incident Count
Weekly Average (2017)
Emergency Medical
Weekly Average (2017)
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
Meeting Response Goal of 7:02
(goal of 90%)
Average Response Time
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
5 minutes 45 seconds
(goal of 6 minutes)

*Priority 1 & 2 calls are calls for service which the Department sends an initial responding unit to a scene with lights and sirens operating. Priority 3 calls are responses that are considered non-emergent.

Documents of Interest

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