Weekly Update
Change Your Clock Change Your Battery

Did you know that the National Fire Protection Association reports that 71% of smoke alarms which failed to operate had missing, disconnected or dead batteries? Working smoke alarms decrease the risk of dying in reported home fires by nearly half. Help us reduce those numbers by changing your smoke detector batteries when we change our clocks on November 4. The Fire Department recommends you install a smoke alarm in every bedroom, outside of bathrooms, near stairwells and on each floor of your home.
Great Work!

I want to thank and congratulate the entire Department and North Shore Professional Firefighters Local 1440 for being the top fire department/Local in funds raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in 2018. The group collectively raised over $22,000. On November 1, Local 1440 Representative Cal Chapman, Assistant Chief Harris and I had the opportunity to present a check to Elizabeth Nelson, the MDA Regional Manager for Firefighter Partnerships. Firefighter/Paramedic Chapman was our leader on this effort in 2018 - thank you to Cal for your great work - Chief Whitaker 

Weekly Summary

  • The Department responded to a man not breathing with no pulses in a car on E Hampton Ave in Whitefish Bay on October 27. Two bystanders immediately began CPR upon becoming aware of the emergency and Whitefish Bay Police Officers responding to the emergency applied a defibrillator from their squad car and successfully shocked the man's heart. Paramedics continued resuscitation efforts and transported the man to Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Milwaukee Hospital. The man survived the event and was released from the hospital this week.
  • The 2018 Third Quarter Performance Measurement Report can be found at this link.
  • Employee Open Enrollment Information was distributed this week. Responses are due Friday November 30, 2018.
  • Assessment Center as part of the Captain's Promotional Process was held this week.
  • The Department wrapped up Fire Prevention Month by providing twelve programs at North Shore area schools this week.
Calls for Service This Week
Incident Type
Incident Count
Weekly Average (2017)
Emergency Medical
Weekly Average (2017)
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
Meeting Response Goal of 7:02
(goal of 90%)
Average Response Time
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
5 minutes 27 seconds
(goal of 6 minutes)

*Priority 1 & 2 calls are calls for service which the Department sends an initial responding unit to a scene with lights and sirens operating. Priority 3 calls are responses that are considered non-emergent.

Documents of Interest

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