www.mercycareplan.com                                  www.mercymaricopa.org
May 1, 2017
Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program required registration
The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program (CSPMP) grants system access accounts to practitioners and pharmacists so that they may look up, view, and print controlled substance dispensing information on their specific patients directly via user name and password. Access is granted to individuals only - not to clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, or any other health care facility.  A prescriber can grant access to a delegate, i.e., a nurse or medical assistant, to check CSPMP for you.  
A.R.S. § 36-2606 requires each medical practitioner who is licensed under Title 32 and who possesses a DEA license to register with the CSPMP.  Each DEA license should have an associated registration.  There is NO fee to the practitioner for this registration. This registration includes: MD, DO, DDS, DMD, DPM, HMD, PA, NP, ND, and OD.   Residents may register using the hospital DEA number and appropriate suffix.

Per Senate Bill 1283, which does not include cancer patients, hospice patients, etc.: 
Beginning January 1, 2017 , a medical practitioner, before prescribing an opioid analgesic or benzodiazepine controlled substance listed in schedule II, III or IV for a patient, shall obtain a patient utilization report regarding the patient for the preceding twelve months from the controlled substances prescription monitoring program's central database tracking system. 
In accordance with AHCCCS regulations and requirements, both Mercy Care Plan (MCP) and Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care (Mercy Maricopa) have implemented the following: 
  • Investigations that identify an adverse outcome, including mortalities due to prescribing issues or failure of the provider to check the CSPMP, to coordinate care with other prescribers, refer for substance use treatment or pain management by MCP and Mercy Maricopa shall notify AHCCCS CQM, take appropriate action with the provider including suspension or corrective action plans and referrals to appropriate regulatory Boards, including the Pharmacy Board. The case findings shall be taken to the MCP/Mercy Maricopa's Peer Review Committee for discussion and review.
  • MCP and Mercy Maricopa have implemented a process to report providers to licensing and other regulatory entities all allegations of inappropriate or misuse of prescribing including allegations of adverse outcomes that may have been avoided should the provider have reviewed the CSPMP and coordinated care with other prescribers. 
  •  Documentation of review of the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program (CSPMP) data base prior to prescribing a controlled substance or another medication that is known to adversely interact with controlled substances must be attained. 
For additional information regarding the CSPMP registration, please access the CSPMP website. 
As always, don't hesitate to contact your Mercy Care  or your Mercy Maricopa Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. You can find this notice and all other provider notices on our Mercy Care Plan or Mercy Maricopa website.   
Thanks for all you do!
QB 2672

www.mercycareplan.com                        www.mercymaricopa.org