Do you have news to submit? Great! Contact the staff person who serves that area and they will assist you.

From the Pastor
I've been thinking about high school recently. Mostly because my 20th high school reunion was last month. I didn't make the festivities, but I was able to see all the photos on Facebook. I was reminded of the variety of types of people who went to our high school and I was looking at these pictures of people having a drink with one another who you would never have seen talk in high school. In fact one guy captioned his photo saying, "I bet you never thought you would see these three people together." And it was true!! 

But it was a good segway into November for me. November always has two very important things for me...All Saints  Sunday and Thanksgiving. Although most Americans have some celebrations around Thanksgiving, not everyone sees All Saints  Sunday as a priority. But, over time, this service has become one of my top ten favorite worship services of the year. It is a chance to honor the people that have died over the last year in the life of the church, but also a chance to remember and lift up all those in our lives who have had an impact who are no longer with us. It is a chance to remind us how we are connected with those who have died. Then a few weeks later, at Thanksgiving, it is a time to be thankful for the people and experiences of our lives over the last year.   

This November, amidst a presidential election that has proven to be more divisive than unifying, I invite you to celebrate the ways we are connected. Come for All Saints  Sunday on  November 6th and feel connected to all those you have loved who are no longer in this place with us. Come on  November 8th for Election Night Communion and help us to be reminded that we are one in Christ, no matter the decisions we make at the polls. Come on  November 22 for our Thanksgiving wors hip and give thanks for God's presence, the presence of the church, and all those who make your life meaningful. Let us be reminded this November that we are blessed!

- Pastor Jason
Putting God First: Stewardship

For the past few weeks we have talked about stewardship during Sunday worship. (Missed a sermon? Listen here.) We understand that giving is not primarily about the church and what the church needs, but about what each of us needs and desires for our lives as disciples. We are stewards of the extravagant generosity of God!

While many in our congregation give occasionally, making a commitment to give is a significant and important step. Pastor Jason challenged regular members of our worshiping congregation to fill out a giving card - no matter what their giving level is.  So far 96 cards representing 159 people (more than 50% of our worshiping congregation) have been turned in.

We are excited that:
- 30 of the pledges indicate increases in their giving!
- 8 are completely new giving units!

If you have not yet filled out your card - there are additional pledge cards in the entryway - or you can fill out an online pledge by clicking here

Help us reach 100% and be united in our desire to honor God with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness!
Halloween Candy
Had enough candy and wondering what to do with the rest? We'd love to have it! We welcome any leftover candy in the bin in the entryway. It will be used in the coming weeks and months to support a number of our feeding and mission ministries. Thank you!


White House Ornament
2016 White House Historical Association Christmas Ornament Sale
Beginning Sunday, September 11
$20 in the entryway

The White House Historical Assoc. has commissioned a single ornament each year since 1981, based on a president, anniversary or historic event. This year's design contest was the first open to students. The design was created by art student Kayla Whelan, the winner of a national art school design competition created by the Association. Whelan attends Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, Massachusetts.

The 2016 White House Christmas ornament honors the administration of Herbert Hoover, who served as the thirty-first president of the United States from 1929 to 1933. It is inspired by the fire engines that responded to the 1929 Christmas Eve fire at the White House. Whelan said her replica is similar to the type of pumper used in the 1920s, and not an exact replica of the old Engine 1, a 1924 Seagrave 1,000-gallon pumper that was first on the fire scene. The ornament is crafted from shiny brass plated with nickel and 24-karat gold, and the engine carries a Christmas tree for delivery to the White House.

Proceeds of the ornament sale benefit Bethany House of Northern Virginia, Inc., a mission of Burke UMC. Bethany House is a local (Alexandria, VA) Christian ministry that provides housing and care for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. Ornaments are available for purchase weekdays in the office or on Sunday morning in the entryway through November 6. They make excellent gifts.  
ECHO, an all volunteer charity, gives food and financial help to people with short-term emergencies, and provides clothes and household items to people with low incomes.

For many years, Burke UMC has provided Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets for clients of ECHO.

ECHO was formed on May 22, 1968, when representatives from nine Springfield churches met to discuss and identify ways in which the churches of Springfield could meet social needs in the community on an ecumenical basis. This group was subsequently identified as "ECHO" - an acronym for Ecumenical Community Helping Others.  The purpose of Ecumenical Community Helping Others (ECHO), Inc. is to help people in need in our community by assisting those who suffer the effects of long-term poverty as well as people who are experiencing an emergency need.

ECHO has been, from the very beginning, an all-volunteer organization. There is no paid staff. It is comprised of persons from many faith communities, and persons who do not belong to any faith community, and serve the needy in the Springfield and Burke area without regard to religious belief or ethnicity, nor do we discriminate in any other way in providing services.   Ann Chiles is BUMC's representative on the ECHO Board of Directors and volunteers there weekly.

Sign up in the entryway to provide food for the baskets or to help deliver them on November 20!

Rising Hope Angel Tree

Rising Hope UMC Mission church, located on the Route 1 corridor in Alexandria, is committed to ministering in love to the needs of everyone, especially those living in poverty and on the margins of society.  They operate a soup kitchen, food pantry, clothing closet in addition to the Bible studies and church services. The needs and opportunities of the community are great; the fiscal resources to support the ministry are limited.  Unlike most congregations, Rising Hope's members and constituents are not blessed with the fiscal resources to fully undergird the congregation's ministry.

For many years, Burke UMC has provided Christmas gifts for children served by Rising Hope UM Mission Church.  Children are identified by age and gender, and requested gifts are provided to their parents for them to give to the children.  For so many families living in poverty, Christmas is not a joyous time of year - it is incredibly stressful to parents who, just like all of us, want to be able to provide for their children not just their NEEDS but some of their WANTS as well. This Angel Tree program helps parents provide some special gifts to their children each Christmas.

Angels will be on the tree in the entryway beginning Sunday, November 13.  Gifts should be returned to the church no later than Sunday, 12/4.

BUMP is dreaming of a new playground that will provide opportunities for safe play for the kids of BUMP, BUMC, and the neighborhood! We have started a GO FUND ME Campaign ( click here) to reach our goal of raising $37,600. However, if you would like to give a tax deductible donation to support the construction of a new playground, feel free to make a donation to the church office or in the offering plate - just label the donation "PLAYGROUND." Thank you!

Our second Lunch and Learn of the year will be held on Sunday, November 13 right after the 10:30 service.  We will enjoy a simple meal together, then the nursery will be open for little ones and K-6 can go do Kids Can Do Missions, while youth and adults can enjoy the speaker.  This month's speaker is BUMC's very own author, Kay Corbett discussing her book Calla Lilies.

"Four young Southern sisters try to live life with courage and determination despite an alcoholic birth mother who deserted them and a maternal grandmother who left them at the Salvation Army. Two sisters remained in foster care during childhood, but all four women have subsequently reunited and are close despite recurring sibling rivalries. Through all their adversities the four sisters show an amazing inner strength and resiliency, and it is obvious they care about improving their lives. Conversations from 1994-2002 between the sisters and their stepmother reveal surprising events in real-time; their lively and impassioned personal conversations read like a novel but are absolutely true. Their stories include heart-rending accounts of childhood physical and sexual abuse and spousal abuse in marriage, unwarranted loss of children, living on the minimum wage, and repeated ER visits resulting in pain-medication addictions. Boxes of statistics inserted between the conversations add educational material to support the many social issues in the book. These women are survivors, but it is easy to see that traumatic childhoods left them with drug and alcohol addictions to stop the pain and memories. One has served time in Chowchilla Women's Prison in California after life on the streets of San Francisco and LA. This book speaks volumes to the unfairness of our legal system and its failure to rehabilitate offenders. At the heart of this memoir is a touching love story of five women, four sisters and their stepmother, who support each other with uncompromising loyalty and devotion."

Come and be touched by this true story and learn more about the issues that affected these girls' lives!

Youth Ministries

Youth gather every Sunday morning for Sunday School at 10:30AM. 7th-12th grades begin together - then divide up into middle and high school small groups for a time of discussion, questioning, learning, and prayer. 

Youth group is every Sunday from 5-7PM. 7th-12th grades eat dinner together and participate in an activity before dividing into middle and high school small groups for discussion. 
Recently, youth supported the  4th Annual Friends of Sadie Glow & Go event at the Burke Commuter Lot by handing out candy and invitations to our Advent celebration. 

Youth also celebrated Halloween with a special party at the Sawin home!

Sign up in the entryway to make a meal for youth group. Contact Ann Sawin with any questions!
Missions Marketplace is finally here! 
Come this Saturday, November 5 from 10:00-3:00 and find amazing crafts by talented members of our church as well as our annual visitors, AlterNatives, supporting the Highland Support Project in Guatemala, and Holy Land Carvings, supporting Christians in Israel.   This is a great way to do some Christmas shopping, support several great causes, and enjoy the fellowship of neighbors.  
A barbecue lunch will be available as well as great baked goods!
Hypothermia Prevention

It is a busy time of the year, getting ready for Christmas. The plans, decorating, parties, shopping, wrapping...all for the BIG day!  I have found that being involved with hypothermia prevention the week before Christmas, prepares my heart for the big day. After all, we're celebrating the arrival of Chris on earth, our Savior, who came to teach us that compassion and mercy towards others is important. 

Sometimes the days before Christmas are so cold and blustery. As the homeless gather outside our doors, I can see on their faces that it's been a hard day for them on the streets. Then we welcome them into our fellowship hall; we offer them a cup of warm soup, and the hard lines on their face melt away into a soft smile and a word of thanks.

Hypothermia prevention is just one of the many ways that BUMC works to serve as the hands and feet of Christ in the world and I'm grateful to be a part of this particular ministry.
Barbara Nowak
For the 11th year, Burke UMC will participate in FACETS Hyperthermia Prevention program from December 11-18.

Each year hundreds of individuals living on the streets, in cars, and abandoned buildings in Fairfax County/City search for shelter from the often bitter winter weather. Beginning late in November FACETS works with 34 faith communities to offer safe places to sleep and nutritious meals to men and women who are homeless through our Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program. This program is one of five operated across Fairfax and Falls Church in partnership with the Fairfax County government.

In operation since 2003, the program has evolved from solely offering a safe haven to also offering life-enhancing programs. Last year FACETS served 242 guests in our Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program. Approximately half of these guests participated in case management services, leading to 61 individuals not returning to sleeping in the woods, their cars or on the streets at the conclusion of the program.
There are so many ways you can participate in the program here at BUMC.  Last year, over 150 people volunteered their time at some point during the week, and countless others donated food, clothing, and toiletries to help the week run smoothly.  Chairs Barbara Nowak and Gerry Staudte will have a volunteer and donation sign up board up in the entry way on Sunday, November 13 - stop by and see how you can participate!  

November Mission Calendar
Acolyte Training!
Join us on Nov. 20 at 11:30 for a 30 minute training session for any children or youth grades 3 to 12! Acolytes are important members of our worship team - bringing the light of Christ into and out of the church, and assisting with offering and communion. Sign up in the entryway - and plan to just stay after worship for 30 minutes!

We are grateful to Erica Dahlin for agreeing to serve as our new Acolyte Coordinator! 

Vegetables for Robinson Square

A couple of years ago, we identified that the holiday food boxes provided to many low income families included only canned and dry goods.  Although the families are grateful for the food, we wanted to offer some fresh fruit and vegetable options for their Thanksgiving celebrations.  Last year we provided over 700 pounds of potatoes, onions, apples, oranges and other fun produce to enhance their Thanksgiving tables.  We will have a holiday get-together at Robinson Square on Monday afternoon, November 21 from 4:00-6:00 to distribute the produce and enjoy hot chocolate, cookies and each other's company!

Sign up in the entry way - bring produce to church by November 20.

On Nov. 27, the first day of Advent, you are invited to a special worship service followed by storytelling and activities that will prepare your heart for the coming season. We so often focus on the trappings of Christmas - and miss the opportunity to prepare our hearts again for the coming of the savior. This event is for adults, children, youth, YOU! We hope you will plan to join us as we kick off Advent together as a family! 4-5:30PM
Fall Crafts for Kids

Did you know that Children & Family ministries maintains a Pinterest page with ideas for your family? Check it out some time - and note that we have a section on fall crafts that you may enjoy! Click here to view or you can click on the Pinterest icon from the main page of the web site anytime!

Missed a sermon? Listen on line any time! Click on the image above (or the same image on the main page of our web site) to listen to sermons from previous Sundays. (Sermons are uploaded each week by Thursday if not sooner.)

Burke UMC invites all students 7th-12th grades to participate in confirmation when they are ready and interested in being part of this deliberate time of faith preparation. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  - John 14:6
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God's grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation and becoming members of the church.
The confirmation ceremony occurs on Pentecost Sunday. It is the first public affirmation of the grace of God in one's baptism and the acknowledgement of one's acceptance of that grace by faith. In other words, the confirmand is taking responsibility for living as a member of the body of Christ and for fulfilling God's purposes in his/her life.

The confirmation process is outlined on our website - or in the handout you can pick up in the entryway. All youth, their parents, and their mentors who are interested in participating in the Confirmation process should plan to attend a mandatory meeting this Sunday, Nov. 6 from 11:30-1PM. 

We are grateful to Ellen Quisenberry for serving as the Confirmation Coordinator this year! Please email her if you plan to participate or with any questions.
Lights On After School

In October each year there is a national event called "Lights on After School."Launched in October 2000, Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their role in keeping kids safe, inspiring them to learn and helping working families. The effort has become a hallmark of the afterschool movement and annually sees more than 1 million Americans celebrate at more than 8,000 events nationwide.

On October 20, BUMC helped celebrate the after school program at the Wedgewood Community Center which serves 700 low income families at Wedgewood Apartments in Annandale by providing hot dogs, chips, drinks and desserts for over 75 kids and their families.  Several of the children spoke about why they like to come to Homework Help and other afterschool programs and how it is helping them do better in school.

There are many ways you can help at this community center and the others run by FACETS (including Robinson Square).  If you'd like to know more, please contact Jane Wilson ([email protected])

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