To maximize our efficiency, we have 24 trailer-mounted leaf vacuums, as shown above, which make quick work of picking up leaves. Our crews use blowers to consolidate leaves into piles or wind rows, then vacuum them up with the large vacuums. During November, our crews work Saturdays to allow us to work on some sites without the normal car-filled parking lots. We adjust our schedule to improve our efficiency and reduce our impact to customers' businesses. 

Leaf removal is challenging when leaves are falling at their fastest pace. It is sometimes hard to tell if we were even at a site as the leaf drop covers up our cleanup work within hours. As shown above, we cleaned up this section last Wednesday afternoon and by mid-morning Thursday; there were as many leaves down as we had just picked up. Sometimes it is hard to tell that we had visited and removed any leaves there or many of the properties that we have serviced earlier this week.

Our focus in November is almost entirely leaf collection and removal. The leaves are turning and falling everywhere and thus leaf removal is becoming our highest priority.  We may squeeze in a few mowings as needed but, we are now focusing primarily on leaf removal.  The heavy rain over the past weekend will complicate mowing as the ground is saturated and we don't want to damage lawns so mowing will wait till the ground dries out a bit. Consequently, some lawns may get a bit shaggy.

To aid in overall site clean-up we recommend increasing your parking lot sweep frequency during the fall. Combined with our landscape leaf removal efforts, increased sweeping will keep your site cleaner during this messy time of year. We are also happy to coordinate with your sweeping vendor to assure a combined effort.

During the Fall, we will collect over 8,000 cubic yards of leaves. That is over 800 trucks full of leaves or the equivalent of a football field covered with four feet of leaves. That is a lot of leaves which all are recycled and composted into garden mulch for reuse. Some have asked if we do this ourselves but we don't.  We instead utilize several existing composting businesses in the area as this is the most cost effective method and they are better set up to do this, their core business.   LEAF REMOVAL SERVICES

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