APRIL 2017   Mon-Sat: 9-6  Sun: 9-5      Like us on Facebook  View on Instagram  Follow us on Twitter
Now Open for the 2017 Season!!
Both K&A locations are now open for the season. With almost daily deliveries this time of year, the greenhouses are filling up fast, and we expect to be at maximum capacity by the first weekend of May.  Our current inventory includes:  annuals, perennials, veggies, herbs, shrubs, trees, soil, fertilizer, pottery, statues, fountains & more!  If you're itching to get your hands dirty, you'll be pleased with our selection of pansies, violas, and other cool season annuals that can be planted now, as well as our growing selection of hardened off perennials, shrubs, and trees.   

We hope to see you soon!
Cold-Tolerant Annuals
The average last frost in Southern Wisconsin normally occurs in mid-May, but you can safely enjoy the cheerful color of annuals before that by choosing cold-tolerant varieties. Cold-tolerant annuals are those plants that can withstand several light frosts without any ill effect.  This doesn't necessarily mean they can survive a hard freeze, but they hold up well at temperatures hovering around freezing. 
Both locations will have a great supply of pansies and other cold-tolerant annuals this spring.  Pansies and violas are well known as cool season annuals but these aren't the only options available.  Other cold-tolerant annuals that we will have in stock include:
You may find that some of these cool season annuals will begin to go dormant in the heat of the summer, but with some pinching back and fertilizing, they often bounce back in late summer when cooler temperatures return.
Hellabore Galore!
As usual, we will have lots of beautiful varieties of Helleborus available this spring.  These are just two examples that we planted in our own yard a few years ago, which have been blooming beautifully for the past month.  Their super early blooms make a great addition to the perennial garden.  As a bonus, they're deer resistant and tolerant of black walnuts! 

In addition to hellebore, we have many other early blooming perenni als and shrubs showing color these days.  Our bleeding hearts are looking great, as well as our brunnera, pulmonaria, forget-me-nots, magnolias, forsythia, rhododendrons, and more.  Stop 
out soon to see what's in bloom!

7595 W. Mineral Point Rd.                                          5555 Irish Lane
      Verona, WI  53593                                             Fitchburg, WI  53711
          608-833-5244                                                     608-271-3230