Elijah Ministries

   "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord."  (Luke 1:17)
Dear Champion of the Lord and the Preborn, 

Press Release
July 24, 2017
Press Conference

Operation Save America Open Letter to the Civil Magistrates and Citizens of Kentucky

"Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling" (Psalms 2:10, 11).

Operation Save America will proclaim the doctrines of the lesser magistrate and Interposition from the steps of the State Capitol. The state of Kentucky is in a unique position and has a rich history of reeling in the federal government's actions when the federal government acted outside their constitutional restraints. Kentucky interposed against tyranny and said no to unjust laws. The Kentucky Resolution of 1798 stated in part "And that whensoever the general [federal] government assumes undelegated power, the acts are unauthorized, void, and of no force."

The federal government [SCOTUS} has assumed for decades such unauthorized powers. The most egregious to our survival as a nation are the murder of innocent children in the womb and the redefining of the God-ordained institution of marriage. OSA submits to Kentucky that men should forbear, even in long painful seasons. There does come a time, however, when forbearance becomes sin and cowardice. We submit to you that the murder of innocent pre-born Children should not be forborne. The perverting of marriage and a host of other evils by the federal judiciary should not be forborne. Who knows Kentucky, if you have come into the kingdom "For Such a Time as This!"

What: Press Conference
Who: Operation Save America
Rev. Matt Trewhella
Rev. Rusty Thomas
Rev. Matthew Trewhella
Where: State Capitol Steps
700 Capital Ave.
Frankfort, KY 40601
When: Wednesday July 26, 2017 10 A

For copy of proclamation go to:



Please pass it on in your sphere of influence and use it to invite family, friends, and your churches to make plans to join us for our national event in Louisville from July 22-29, 2017. Thanks!

OSA's New T-shirt for our National Event in July

Grateful to the precious Childress family for giving Jesus to the world. Check our Lucas' video capturing the essence of the rescue. We are still working on our official OSA video that will be released soon. Powerful Kingdom realities have been set in motion. Keep praying and pressing on to the high call and prize.


Video Promoting National Event

Here is a video that a brother put together to promote our national event in July. If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. Thanks!

Jail Release Video

Here is a brief video message that went forth after our release from prison.

Media Coverage Video

The Lord is moving. Check out this media presentation of the rescue. Please pass this on in your sphere of influence and rally the troops to come back to Kentucky "For Such a Time as This!" The dates are July 22-29th, 2017. Hope to see you there. If I do not make it, just know I will be serving the Lord through prison ministry.

Press Release Video Message

Here is the  link to the video message explaining the purpose for rescue and interposition at the gates of hell today. They will not prevail against the church of the living God! If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. Thanks!

Three Inescapable Truths

Our newest OSA Gospel tract is ready to copy and distribute. It is called "Three Inescapable Truths."  

National Event Promotional Video
National Event Promotional Video

National Event Brochure

The following links will provide the front and back of the national event brochure for Louisville, KY. Feel free to download, copy, and distribute to your friends, family, and churches to rally them to Kentucky For Such a Time as This. Thanks!

Video Message Sent To Rep. Byron Cook

Here is another admonishment to Rep. Byron Cook to get behind HB 948, grant it a hearing, and abolish abortion in Texas once and for all in Jesus' name! If you find any merit, especially if you are from Texas, please pass it on to your contacts. They need to make sure they contact Rep. Cook to prod him to do his duty before God and protect our most vulnerable defenseless citizens in the state of Texas.

Representative Cook's contact information is:

His email address is  [email protected]  and his phone numbers are   (800) 643-7026 or (512) 463-0730.

Challenging Rep. Cook to Support HB 948
Challenging Rep. Cook to Support HB 948

Our Books Republished

Our two books that fell to the wayside by our former publisher, Tate Publishing, have been recovered and republished by Create Space. You can access them on Amazon or contact me to secure copies if interested. Amazon charges, while I do not charge, but donations are welcomed.

To order the KLI Manuel go here.

To order Abortion Violation go here.

Voiceless the Movie

Voiceless the Movie is making the transition to DVD. If interested in getting copies to your friends, family, and churches follow this link, http://voicelessthemovie.com/

Donate through Cornerstone Payment Solutions:

National Event Promotional Video
National Event Promotional Video

National Event Brochure

The following links will provide the front and back of the national event brochure for Louisville, KY. Feel free to download, copy, and distribute to your friends, family, and churches to rally them to Kentucky For Such a Time as This. Thanks!

Video Message Sent To Rep. Byron Cook

Here is another admonishment to Rep. Byron Cook to get behind HB 948, grant it a hearing, and abolish abortion in Texas once and for all in Jesus' name! If you find any merit, especially if you are from Texas, please pass it on to your contacts. They need to make sure they contact Rep. Cook to prod him to do his duty before God and protect our most vulnerable defenseless citizens in the state of Texas.

Representative Cook's contact information is:

His email address is  [email protected]  and his phone numbers are   (800) 643-7026 or (512) 463-0730.

Challenging Rep. Cook to Support HB 948
Challenging Rep. Cook to Support HB 948

Our Books Republished

Our two books that fell to the wayside by our former publisher, Tate Publishing, have been recovered and republished by Create Space. You can access them on Amazon or contact me to secure copies if interested. Amazon charges, while I do not charge, but donations are welcomed.

To order the KLI Manuel go here.

To order Abortion Violation go here.

Voiceless the Movie

Voiceless the Movie is making the transition to DVD. If interested in getting copies to your friends, family, and churches follow this link, http://voicelessthemovie.com/

Donate through Cornerstone Payment Solutions:
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas

Elijah Ministries is dedicated to impart a Biblical Worldview to the Church of Jesus Christ that will provide the theological impetus to fulfill the Great Commission.
Elijah Ministries is devoted to challenging Christians everywhere to pray, believe, and work for repentance, reformation and revival to sweep America.
Reform the Church to restore America is our battle cry! No king, but King Jesus and may God be pleased to save America!
Elijah Ministries
P.O. Box 3126
Waco, TX 76707