A Month of Deals and Discounts on $tatewide Contract Goods and $ervices
Yes, it's the two-year anniversary of COMMBUYS! And yes, March also is National Procurement Month! But just as noteworthy is the fact that, beginning March 1, the Operational Services Division is launching a month-long sale on a wide array of Statewide Contract (SWC) Products and Services! All buyers eligible to purchase from SWCs may take advantage of these special
March to $avings offers.
More than 130 SWC Vendors have signed on to offer product and service discounts on top of their negotiated contract agreements for eligible purchases issued March 1 - 31, 2016.This is an opportune time to match your organization's 2016 purchasing needs with our March to $avings offers.
Follow your organization's prescribed method for purchasing from Statewide Contracts - process the Purchase Order through COMMBUYS or send the Purchase Order directly to the vendor;
Enter Promo Code "Sale2016" on your Purchase Order to receive the discount:
COMMBUYS buyers must enter the Sale2016 Promo Code in the Special Instructions field on the Requisition. Buyers purchasing from a PunchOut must include the Sale2016 Promo Code in the Special Instructions field on the G2B Requisition after Punching Out from the vendor's catalog.*
All others buyers must prominently display the Sale2016 Promo Code on the top of the Purchase Order.
Orders placed without the Promo Code will not be eligible for the additional discounts.
Discounts will be applied by the vendor during invoicing.
*Please Note: For Government Scientific Source PunchOut purchases (HSP41), buyers also will need to remit a copy of the PO Print form via email to Jeannie Ruiz at
jruiz@govsci.com to receive the discount.