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It's our job as adults to keep kids safe.
CAPC Newsletter                                                  October 2017

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Join Operation Care in turning Amador County purple! Show your support by wearing purple during October. Awareness baskets will be located around the county. Look for them during October and help show your support by wearing the free bracelets, pins and stickers.
What are ACEs?  
  Adverse Childhood Experiences
 Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that can have negative,  lasting effects on health and well-being. These experiences range from physical, emotional, or sexual  abuse to parental divorce or the incarceration of a parent or guardian. As the number of ACEs a  person has increases, so does the risk for outcomes such as heart disease, depression, heart disease,  cancer, smoking and obesity. Childhood abuse and household dysfunction are linked to many of the  leading causes of death in adults according to the adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.
 What is the ACE Study?
 The landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study(1) examined the relationship between  some of these experiences and longer term outcomes. Adverse Childhood Experiences have been  linked to:
  • risky health behaviors
  • chronic health conditions
  • low life potential
  • early death
 As the number of ACEs increases, so does the risk for these outcomes. The wide-ranging health and  social consequences of ACEs underscore the importance of preventing them before they happen.
 ACEs Can Be Prevented
 Safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments may help people reach their full potential by
 preventing early adverse experiences before they occur and protecting against poor outcomes for  children who have already experienced adversity.
 However, there are practices that build protective factors for individuals, communities, and families  and may reduce the risk of ACEs. According to the Center for the Study of Social Policy Strategies,  communities can do the following to promote these family protective factors:
  • Promote children's social and emotional development
  • Provide resources for family crisis
  • Identify and respond to early warning signs of child abuse and neglect
  • Facilitate friendships and mutual support among parents
  • Strengthen parenting skills, resources and education
  • Value and support all parents through culturally competent practices
 ACES in Amador County
 Families, organizations and entire communities benefit from a common goal that coordinates efforts  to prevent a variety of ACEs, by promoting awareness of the problem, and finding  community  solutions. The earlier we can address ACES in individuals, the better our chances are of promoting  healing and resilience for all.
 Join CAPC in creating a county-wide effort to recognize and address the impact of Adverse  Childhood Experiences(ACEs) and to work towards changing local systems that promote healthy  children, adults, families and a healthy community.

 First meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 3:00-5:00pm. Print flyer  HERE.
 Light refreshments included.

 (1) For more information about ACEs and the landmark Kaiser ACE study, visit this LINK.
Family Strengthening  
Mini-Grants Now Available!
We are excited to announce that funding is available for Family Strengthening mini-grant proposals for the 2017-18 fiscal year. Mini-grants will be awarded up to $2,000. Funding is provided by the Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council (ACAPC).
Grants are available for qualified organizations and agencies to provide Family Strengthening programs within the County of Amador.
Family Strengthening is the premise that children do well when families do well, and that
families do well when they live in supportive communities. Enhancing connections within
families, and between families, and the institutions that affect them, result in better outcomes
for children and their families.
Mini-Grant Application

Mini-Grant applications may be submitted to ACAPC at any time throughout the 2017-18 fiscal year, however grant reviews and awards will occur bi-monthly, suggested application deadline dates are as follows:

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 5:00pm
Friday, December 29, 2017 - 5:00pm
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 5:00pm
Monday, April 30, 2018 - 5:00pm
Upcoming Events

Addressing ACES
(Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Join CAPC in creating a county-wide effort to recognize and address the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs) in Amador County.

First meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 3:00-5:00pm. Print flyer HERE.
Light refreshments included.

Free Mandated Reporter Training  
The second Thursday of every month, from 10:00am - 12:00pm, the Child Abuse Prevention Council is holding free mandated reporter trainings. Open to parents, child care providers, teachers, the community, staff or colleagues needing a refresher course, or new staff with no previous training, give us a call, (209) 223-5921. For the flyer with all the information, click HERE

Other Events:
Saturday, October 14, ... Loss and Trauma in Young Children

Saturday, October 14, 12:30-3:30pm, Sutter Amador Outpatient Building, Jackson

Thursday, October 26, ... ACES Training (part 1)

Saturday, October 28, 10:00am-2:00pm

Thursday, November 2, ... Addressing ACES with Resiliency (part 2)

Next CAPC Meeting
Monday, November 20, 10:30am-12:00pm
975 Broadway, Jackson 
National Prescription Drug 
Take-Back Day

Saturday, October 28, 2017
10:00am - 2:00pm

The Child Abuse Prevention Council urges you to properly dispose of unused prescriptions. Keep families and drinking water safe. Do not flush or throw prescriptions away. Safely remove unused or expired prescription medicine from your home. For a full list of locations for disposal visit the US Drug Enforcement Agency's website at: 
If you are not able to take advantage of this special collection event, please contact the Amador County Sheriff's Office for drop off times during regular business hours, 223-6500.

About CAPC

Our Vision
All children know how they are valued; all families receive the support, education and tools necessary to give every child a safe, healthy, and nurturing home; and a community that actively supports the health, safety, and education of its children.

Our Mission 
CAPC is committed to preventing all forms of child abuse in Amador County through community partnerships, free trainings, education, and family-centered events that value children, strengthen families, and engage communities. 
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Investing in Our Youngest Children
Stay up to date on all the latest news and information for the youngest children in our county! Sign up for First 5 Amador's monthly e-newsletter HERE!