September was yet another great month of training! We welcomed in new faces and continued towards accomplishing our goals. Seeing you all work as hard as you do is truly inspiring, keep it up!

As we move into the final quarter of 2022, it’s a good time to take a minute and check your progress on the goals you set for yourself at the onset of the year. Have you reached them? Or have you made good progress?

Remember that as martial artists we should always be setting goals for ourselves; without goals to work towards, training can often become stale and monotonous. Don’t fall into this trap! This is always more to learn and work on, keep pushing yourselves and reaching new heights!

Welcome New Students!

Every month, more and more people decide to start or continue their martial arts journey with us. Last month we welcomed the following students:

Andrew Do

Solomon Magnuson

Cesar Caoagdan

Andrew Maddy

Huali Shi

Logan Cartwright

Marcos Rodriguez

John Allen Murillo

Lei-Lani Acevedo-Gutierrez

Ethan Dearing

Mallayana Bradley

Cesar Gonzales

Welcome to the C3 family!

Leo Vieira Seminar!

We are extremely excited to announce that Professor Leo Vieira will be at C3 teaching a seminar on October 15th! This will be a gi technique seminar, and will start at noon.

For those who aren’t familiar with who Leo is, Leo is the head of the Checkmat Brazilian JiuJitsu team. A sixth degree BJJ blackbelt and multiple time world champion in and out of the gi, Leo is also a renowned coach. Leo has helped develop top athletes such as Marcus ”Buchecha” Almeida, Joao Assis, Lucas Leite, and others.

Bring your gis and be ready to work!

No Classes on October 15th

As we will be hosting the seminar with Leo Vieira on the 15th, we have decided to cancel classes for the day to prepare for the event. Thank you for understanding!

Last Grappling Tournament of 2022!

Our last tournament of 2022 will be The Revolution; The Revolution is easily the biggest tournament in the state, drawing competitors from all over the Pacific Northwest. The tournament is gi and no gi, with weight and skill divisions to cater to.

Tournament date is October 29th for adults, and October 30th for teens and kids. The tournament will be held at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. Registration opens on October 3rd, grapplers interested in competing need to talk to Coach Jake for more details.

Good luck to our grapplers!


Level Up In Our Kickboxing Program!

While kickboxing is a popular competitive sport and martial arts style, it doesn't have a belt system to show progression of skill and knowledge like how Karate, Taekwondo, and other traditional martial arts do. Because of that, it can be hard sometimes for students to measure their progress.

We have at C3 our Kickboxing Certification program to do just that! These levels are meant to both your physical skills and knowledge of kickboxing; as the levels progress, the techniques and concepts will get more and more difficult. The list of techniques and terms for each Level are located on the shelf above the big mirror on the main training floor.

To earn your certifications, students must successfully pass a brief pretest to show that they are ready to test. If they pass that, they will be allowed to do the full test, which is much longer. If the student passes, they earn their certificate as well as one of the wrist bands shown in the picture!

Get with a coach and see if you're ready to test! Let's see how many students we can get to level up in 2022!

Upcoming Fights!

We have a couple upcoming fights to announce!

-November 5th, Combat Games MMA returns to Fitness Quest in Auburn for another night amateur mixed martial arts, and C3 will be well represented! Javier Miramontes, Isaiah Young, and Pavel Bredikhen will be making their returns to the cage and looking for wins in their respected MMA bouts; good luck boys!

-Bilal Hasan will be fighting in December, and we’re excited to announce that this will be his professional debut! More info will be released as we get it; good luck Bilal!

Stay healthy, stay safe, and we'll see you on the mats!

-Coach Charlie

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