SmartPower Update For Members That Use Pre-Pay



The SmartPower pre-pay Kiosks were unexpectedly shut down on Friday, November 10, 2017 by PayPal owned company, TIO Networks. The after-the-fact reason given by them was they had identified a "vulnerability" in the TIO system. Further disclosing the vulnerability before shutdown could have allowed exploitation, and they moved quickly to protect customers. In addition to WCEC, this shutdown is affecting many companies that use the TIO Networks system.


Our best information indicates that the shut down will be long-term. The current TIO/PayPal system will require significant redevelopment to patch vulnerabilities. Therefore, we do not expect the kiosks to be usable.
Consequently, SmartPower revalue options will be limited to the Mobile Office and the Quitman Office. We will keep extended weekday and weekend hours at the Quitman drive-thru, with a schedule posted on our website. Please note there will be shorter holiday hours.  We realize some members' schedules will not accommodate these revalue options. Those members should consider installing a regular meter until we have a new system in place next year. We are happy to discuss that option with anyone who wishes, and they may call 903-763-2203.
We are currently developing a new pre-pay system that has been in planning for over a year. It will not require a card or kiosks, and members will be able to revalue by making payments in person, over the phone, or 24/7 via the internet. We expect to have this system ready for deployment by August of 2018. During the transition phase, and until we have the new system in place, we will not be able to offer pre-pay as an option for new adopters.
Lastly, we cannot apologize enough for this inconvenience. It was not foreseeable nor preventable by us. We thank all our members for their patience during this transition and we look forward to presenting you with a solution that will be much more flexible and convenient than in the past. 

10 Quick Tips to Avoid High Winter Electric Bills
Looking to lower your bills this winter? Use the 10 tips below to conserve energy.
  • Seal air leaks and insulate well to prevent heat from escaping and cold air from entering your home.
  • Installing a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature of the home while you are away or asleep and return it to a level of comfort before you return or wake up.
  • Turn off lights when not in use.
  • Lower your water heater temperature. The Dept. of Energy recommends using the warm setting (120 degrees) during fall and winter months.
  • Unplug electronics like kitchen appliances and TVs when you're away.
  • Open blinds and curtains during the day to allow sunlight in to warm your home.
  • Close blinds and curtains at night to keep cold, drafty air out.
  • Use power strips for multiple small appliances, and turn off the main switch when you're away from home.
  • Wash clothes in cold water, and use cold-water detergent whenever possible.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with LEDs, which use less energy.

Expect Capital Credits this Month
As a reminder, we will be returning capital credits to our members this month as a bill credit, instead of via check. This will reduce postage and administrative expenses associated with preparing all those checks.  As a non-profit electric cooperative, we strive to keep your bills low, and one of those ways is to adopt efficiencies when they present themselves.  This new process will have economic savings and simplify the process for all. 

Safety Tips 

For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips 
Purchasing electronic gifts this holiday season? Remember to purchase ENERGY STAR®-certified electronics and give the gift of energy efficiency. Visit for a full list of efficient products.

For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center.