Spring Cleaning
Spring gives us a chance to thaw out after a chilly winter and take advantage of longer daylight hours. These days are ideal to do a little spring cleaning and yard work. Here at WCEC, we also use this time to perform a little cleaning of our power line Right of Ways. (ROW)
ROW maintenance keeps tree limbs and other obstacles away from high-voltage power lines. It's an important part of the service we provide for three reasons: safety, reliability, and cost.
Our primary concern is the safety of our workers and members. Properly maintained ROW keeps our crews safe when they are restoring service and maintaining our system. Because trees are a good conductor of electricity clearing trees clear from power lines also keeps your family safe. From making sure a child's tree house doesn't touch power lines, to creating a safe environment while doing yard work, a well-maintained ROW increases safety.
Power lines are a constant part of our landscape; it's easy to forget they are around. WCEC works hard to keep the area around our lines clear, but we need your help. Be alert this spring. Don't plant trees or tall vegetation under power lines, and keep an eye out for power lines when working in your yard.
If severe spring weather blows through, a well-maintained ROW leads to fewer outages and faster response time. Trees are less of a threat but if they do fall, crews are able to restore service more quickly than they could with poorly maintained areas.
As a not-for-profit company, WCEC strives to keep costs affordable for you. Maintaining our ROW is an important part of controlling costs. Fewer and shorter outages save money for everyone. When crews work in well-maintained areas, we can reduce risks for employees and equipment too-another way to keep costs low.
Safety, reliability, and cost: this is why we believe in ROW 'spring cleaning.' If we compromise on one of these areas, it impacts the others. At WCEC we aren't willing to compromise. Maintaining our ROW is a priority for your safety, comfort, and pocketbook.
Visit wcec.org to read about trees and power lines and also tree planting tips.

WCEC Prepares for ETREYS
WCEC along with eight other east Texas cooperatives are preparing for the East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS). This year the seminar will be held from June 25-29, 2018 at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall.
Established in 1988, the mission of ETREYS is to foster positive ideas and values among young people and to enhance skills in leadership, problem-solving and interpersonal relationships.
Each year, WCEC offers an all-expenses-paid trip to ten sophomores and juniors who are attending a high school in the WCEC service area. Participants are selected on the basis of overall excellence and involvement in extracurricular activities including leadership positions, academic awards, etc.
While at ETREYS students can expect to participate in workshops, seminars and peer group activities that range from leadership development to pure entertainment. Nationally-known personalities, college professors and community leaders are scheduled to speak at this year's event. Additionally, each student has a chance to compete for over $3,700 in scholarships.
WCEC is committed to its community and sending students to ETREYS is just another way to further that commitment. Students interested in applying for the program should contact Kylie O'Neal at 903-763-2203. ETREYS applications can be found here. The deadline to submit an application is April 18, 2018.

$25k in Scholarships Available 
Scholarship applications are being accepted from area students for one of WCEC's scholarships. For 2017, WCEC is offering ten $2,000 scholarships for high school students, and one $5,000 electrical engineering scholarship for a college junior studying electrical engineering. To be eligible, applicants must be members or dependents of active WCEC members. Applications and eligibility requirements can be found at wcec.org.  The deadline for applications is April 4, 2018.  
Safety Tips 
Don't toy with electrical safety.

When you are playing outdoors, keep a safe distance from power lines, substations and other equipment your electric co-op uses to send electricity to your home.
Flying remote controlled toys are a great way to have fun, but accidentally making contact with a power line or other electrical equipment can be dangerous and in some cases, even deadly.
*   Never fly kites, or remote controlled toys near power lines.
*   Stay away from power lines, meters, transformers and electrical boxes.
*   Never climb trees near power lines.
*   If you get something stuck in a power line, call your electric co-op.
*   Never touch or go near a downed power line.

For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips 
In spring and summer months, set your ceiling fans to turn in the counterclockwise direction. This will create a cool breeze. Remember: Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms. Turn them off when you leave the room.

For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center.