Monday, November 24


Ordinary Time: thanks in dark places

   Here is something remarkable that we've heard many times but probably haven't thought much about. On the night before his crucifixion, at a somber dinner, at his darkest moment, his betrayer at hand, his closest friends confounded, and soldiers gathering up their arms to apprehend him - at such a moment, Jesus gives thanks.

   We usually think of giving thanks when things are going swimmingly well, when we've benefited, when the sun is shining, not when we are anxious, fearful, or gloomy. Staring into his darkest pit, Jesus gives thanks. "It is as if he is connecting the darkest places of human experience with God the Giver; as if he is saying that even in these dark places God continues to give" (Rowan Williams, in Being Christian).

   God is active - everywhere, all the time. In the Lord's supper we believe there is something of God's sacramental presence in the bread and wine. Could it be that if we can see the Lord there, if we can taste God's presence in those simple material things, then we might learn to see the Lord out in all the world where we live day to day. And not just on the lovely days, but in the storm, in the blackest night.

   There is a tradition that the leftover Communion elements aren't just tossed in the garbage. Someone consumes it all, or we return the bread and wine to nature. No life is disposable. You can't throw your life or your time or anybody else's life away. It's valuable, it's treasured. God redeems everything, everyone.

   Williams reminds us, "We take Holy Communion not because we are doing well, but because we are doing badly. Not because we have arrived, but because we are still travelling. Not because we are right, but because we are confused. Not because we are full, but because we are hungry."

   The hungry are grateful. And the grateful delight in their lingering hunger. As Paul put it, "In everything, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" (Philippians 4:7). In everything. And with thanksgiving.


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My effort to talk about Homosexuality as a pastor to people who disagree, is on YouTube.

Myers Park UMC
Myers Park United Methodist Church