National Center for Training, Support,
and Technical Assistance (NCTSTA)
Organizational Cultural
Competence Toolkit
Part 2
Welcome! This kit is intended to help organizations understand and operationalize cultural competence in the delivery of health services. In this kit you will review the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) and its application to HIV prevention, care and treatment services. You will find assessment tools to identify cultural competence gaps within your organization and access worksheets to begin the development of your agency's cultural competence plan. Be sure to review the 1st part of this toolkit
here before proceeding with part 2. Let's get started!
Cultural Competence: What is it and Why it Matters
What is cultural competence?
Cultural competence "entails a set of congruent practices, skills, attitudes, policies, and structures which come together in a system, agency, or among professionals and enable that system, or those professionals to work effectively in cross cultural situations (Cross, Brazon, Denis & Issacs, 1989).
Why is organizational cultural competence important?
Organizational cultural competence is essential to effectively serve people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, many organizations are revamping their agency's infrastructure, policies and programs to meet the cultural needs of the communities served. Providing cultural and linguistic competence in HIV prevention is about improving service delivery, access and usage. It supports the improvement of care coordination and retention, leading to better health outcomes and health equity.
The provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate health services is an evidence-based strategy that addresses disparities and improves the quality of HIV prevention, care and treatment among people of diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
What does a culturally competent organization look like?
Organizations with cultural competence have noticeable key elements that exist throughout all levels of the agency.
What Can Organizations Do To Enhance Organizational Cultural Competence?
1. Review the National CLAS Themes
Implement Culturally Competent Services to Enhance Quality of Care
The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) provides guidelines to help organizations establish a blueprint to deliver culturally competent programs and services.

NCLAS Fact Sheet
(select image to enlarge)
To adopt National CLAS means to deliver "services that are respectful of and responsive to individual cultural health beliefs, practices, preferred languages, health literacy levels, and communication needs and employed by all member of an organization (regardless of size) at every point of contact.
2. Assess Your Organization Based on the CLAS Themes
*Self-Assessment is Key
Use this assessment tool to start the conversation on how your organization is developing and implementing
in HIV prevention programs. For best results include staff members from various levels of the organization to participate in the assessment.
for CLAS in HIV Prevention
To conduct an in-depth assessment access the resource below.
3. Develop Your Organization's Cultural Competency Plan
Use the answers from the "
Organizational Assessment for CLAS in HIV Prevention
" worksheet to develop your organizational cultural competence plan. Click on the image below to begin the planning process.
Select image to launch worksheet.
Contact PROCEED, Inc. - NCTSA for Capacity Building Assistance (CBA)
To request CBA through the CDC web-based
CBA Request Information System (CRIS)
, organizations must enter an access code or contact their Project Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or Department of Health Monitoring Officer. For all other capacity building services or assistance accessing CRIS contact PROCEED, Inc. at
1-908-351-7727, or email us at
PROCEED, Inc. | 1122 E. Grand Street Elizabeth, NJ 07201 |
908-351-7727 |
For On Demand Technical Assistance call (317) 7NCTSTA
PROCEED, Inc.'s, National Center for Training, Support and Technical Assistance (NCTSTA) capacity building services are supported (in part) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Cooperative Agreement # U65PS004459.
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