In This Issue
Member Forum
Upcoming Events & Meetings
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Connecting Clients with Jobs
United for a Better Union Square
Update on Jobs Trust Bill
SCC Staff Recognized for Leadership

Van Hardy
Van Hardy
President, SCC Board of Directors

Community organizing changes lives, as individuals and for communities. It gives voice to those that have been marginalized. 

Like many of our members, my first encounter with SCC staff was as a client desperately seeking help...

From the point I walked through SCC's doors, my life began to change. A decade later, my life has stability and purpose. But first, I had to let go of my pride, listen to others and trust... 

Together we have the power to change the systemic injustices that once held us victim. As we change our communities, we change ourselves.


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As Somerville Community Corporation President Van Hardy writes in this month 's  Member Forum,  " Community organizing changes lives, as individuals and for communities. It gives voice to those that have been marginalized.

"When one person becomes two, then five, and growing, a committee is formed and a movement is born that can change our lives -- and the lives of future generations ... We are empowered. "

At SCC, community organizing is the foundation upon which our work is built, as reflected in our mission statement. SCC is a membership organization that understands the possibilities that are unleashed when Somerville residents, especially low- and moderate-income residents, find the power within and in partnership with others to be part of decision making about the future of their community.

If you are not already a member, consider joining today. Get involved in one of our committees organizing for a better, stronger Somerville. And if you enjoy receiving the monthly SCC eNews, please forward it to a friend, and encourage more Somerville residents to get involved in keeping our community tolerant, diverse and vibrant. 

From all of us at SCC, thank you for your support.

Partners in Career and Workforce Development Program
First Source-Supported Recruitment Session
First Source staff -- in partnership with The City of Somerville and the Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experiences (SCALE) -- helped recruit candidates for a Partners in Career and Workforce Development Program (PCWD) recruitment session earlier this month. S CALE hosted the event at its  Somerville offices, and Roxbury-based  Project Hope led the session.  

Project Hope will hold another information session, on Friday, August 5, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at their Dudley Street office for training that begins in September.  Applications close August 7. 

As the City of Somerville prepares for a zoning overhaul that will enable new development in Union Square,  Union United -- a community coalition supported by SCC --  continues to bring community members together around the goal of development without displacement. 


Update on Jobs Trust Bill Progress
Jobs for Somerville activists
SCC's Jobs for Somerville committee celebrated the recent passage of the Somerville Home Rule Petition  -- the Jobs Trust Act -- by the Massachusetts House. Any day, we will find out if it is approved by the Senate. The  legislation  would establish "a municipal job creation and retention trust and project mitigation contribution ("linkage") program for job creation and retention in the city of Somerville." 

Jobs for Somerville has organized for the "jobs linkage program" for many years for its ability to provide resources to support workforce development. 

SCC Staff Recognized for Citywide Leadership
Join us in congratulating two SCC staff members, Deputy Director Meridith Levy and Community Organizer Karen Narefsky, named by Scout Somerville to its list of the "40 local leaders who are shaping Somerville's future." 
As always, we appreciate feedback.  Be sure to join us on Facebook & Twitter for the most current info on what we're up to and how to get involved. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon! 

Daniel LeBlanc
Somerville Community Corporation