Ottawa Fury FC Launch Kit Selection Campaign

For Immediate Release

Saturday, August 24, 2013 (Ottawa, ON) - Ottawa Fury FC today announced the launch of their kit selection campaign that will run August 24 through September 8 at The announcement came during the Fury FC 'Extra Time' event at a packed Berryman Pub where three designs were unveiled to fans anxiously awaiting the next stage in the branding of Fury FC. 


"We want our fans to be an integral part of the process of building the Fury FC brand," said Fury FC President, John Pugh. "Having helped us choose both our name and logo, what better way to involve our supporters than asking for their input in selecting our inaugural season kit, the colours Ottawa's team and our fans will proudly wear in the 2014 NASL season. We look forward to your input".


Since announcing their equipment and apparel partnership with Admiral Sports on July 16, Fury FC and Admiral have collaborated to generate kit designs that carry the club colours of black, red and white as well as a watermarked flame - a symbol taken from the Fury FC crest. Each kit will also feature the NASL logo on the left sleeve, a patch of the Canadian flag beneath the collar on the back of the jersey along with across the bottom of the back of the jersey. The Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) logo on the front is a temporary placeholder for a front of jersey sponsor that is yet to be named.


"Thanks to our partners at Admiral for coming up with three designs which are sure to generate some lively debate amongst our fans," commented Pugh.


The kit selection campaign will close at midnight on Sunday, September 8 at which time Fury FC management will review the results and feedback. 


To download high resolution versions of each of the three kit designs - CLICK HERE


Have your say at 

Graeme ivory | Media and Communications Director | Ottawa Fury FC
Email: | Office: 613.235.3879 X8322 | Cell: 613.878.3321 

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About Ottawa Fury FC

On June 20, 2011 the North American Soccer League (NASL) announced that Ottawa, ON had been awarded an expansion franchise. The new team, owned by the Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group (OSEG), will commence League play in the 2014 NASL season. On February 26, 2013 OSEG announced that Ottawa's NASL franchise would be named Ottawa Fury FC. For more information visit


� propos du club de soccer Fury d'Ottawa


Le 20 juin 2011, la Ligue nord-am�ricaine de soccer (LNAS) a annonc� qu'elle avait accord� une franchise � la ville d'Ottawa en Ontario en tant qu'�quipe d'expansion. La nouvelle �quipe, qui appartient � l'OSEG (Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group), sera en action lors de la saison 2014 de la LNAS. Le 26 f�vrier 2013, l'OSEG a annonc� que la franchise d'Ottawa de la LNAS s'appellera le Fury FC d'Ottawa. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le Fury FC d'Ottawa, visitez

About Admiral 

Admiral, founded in 1914, first began manufacturing sportswear in 1966, when England won the World Cup. The company was a pioneer of the replica kit market, creating home and away kits for England, Leeds United, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham and many other teams.  They expanded overseas to North America supplying New York Cosmos, Tampa Bay Rowdies, Vancouver Whitecaps and others in, Canada and Latin America.  Admiral designs, manufactures, markets and distributes team wear, leisure apparel and accessories. For more information, visit


� propos d'Admiral


Admiral, fond�e en 1914, a commenc� � fabriquer des v�tements de sport en 1966 lorsque l'Angleterre a remport� la Coupe du monde en 1966. L'entreprise a �t� pionni�re dans le march� des r�pliques de chandails en ayant cr�� au Canada et � l'�tranger des ensembles pour l'Angleterre, le Manchester United, le Tottenham Hotspur, le West Ham et plusieurs autres �quipes. L'entreprise a pris de l'expansion en Am�rique du Nord en �tant les fournisseurs du Cosmos de New York, des Rowdies de Tampa Bay, des Whitecaps de Vancouver ainsi que pour plusieurs autres �quipes au Canada et en Am�rique latine. Admiral cr�e, fabrique, commercialise et distribue des uniformes d'�quipes sportives, des v�tements de loisirs et des accessoires. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez

About the North American Soccer League (NASL)

The North American Soccer League is a professional soccer league established in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The NASL member teams are: Atlanta Silverbacks, Carolina RailHawks, FC Edmonton, Fort Lauderdale Strikers, Minnesota United FC, New York Cosmos, Puerto Rico Islanders, San Antonio Scorpions FC and the 2012 champion Tampa Bay Rowdies.Indy Eleven, Ottawa Fury FC and the Virginia Cavalry will begin play in 2014 and clubs in Jacksonville and Oklahoma City will commence play in 2015. For more information about the NASL, visit Follow the NASL on Twitter @NASLOfficial and Facebook at


� propos de laLigue nord-am�ricaine de soccer (LNAS)


La ligue nord-am�ricaine de soccer est une ligue professionnelle de soccer �tablie aux �tats-Unis, au Canada et � Porto-Rico. Les �quipes faisant partie de la la LNAS sont les Silverbacks d'Atlanta, les Railhawks de la Caroline, le FC d'Edmonton, les Strikers de Fort Lauderdale, le Cosmos de New York, les Stars FC du Minnesota, les Islanders de Puerto Rico, les Scorpions FC de San Antonio et les Rowdies de Tampa Bay, l'�quipe championne en 2012. Indy Eleven, Fury FC d'Ottawa et le Cavalerie de la Virginie commenceront � jouer en 2014. Jacksonville et ville de l'Oklahoma commenceront � jouer en 2015. Pour plus d'information sur la NASL, visitez Suivez les activit�s de la NASL sur Twitter @NASLOfficial et sur Facebook au .