Rescue. Advocacy. Sanctuary. For Life.
Since 1984

May 2018 | Newsletter
Celebrating Camba's
8th Anniversary at PAWS
This month marks eight years since rescued African lioness Camba arrived at PAWS' ARK 2000 sanctuary. After a long journey that began in Bolivia, the plane carrying Camba and three other male lions touched down at the San Francisco International Airport where the four big cats were loaded onto a truck for the last leg of their trip.
Camba, Bambek, Daktari, and Simba were rescued from a Bolivian circus by Animal Defenders International, and had spent most of their lives being dragged from town to town in old, rusty cages that were so tiny the cats could barely turn around. Their only time spent out of their cages was during training or performances.
At 3 a.m. on May 28, 2010, the truck carrying Camba and the other lions arrived at ARK 2000. It was a very touching and emotional moment when these once abused lions stepped onto the soft soil and grass of their new home. For Camba, this may very well have been the first time she had ever felt grass under her feet. She cautiously sniffed at it, then took a few hesitant steps before beginning to relax and explore.
For several years, Camba enjoyed the company of the three male lions who were living next door. She would sometimes affectionately rub her side along their shared fence line, or play a mock game of chase with them. 
Captivity is not kind to wild animals, and the constant stressors of circus life undoubtedly had an effect on the lions' health and well-being. We mourned the deaths of Daktari in 2012, Simba in 2014, and Bambek in 2015, all from cancer.  It is heartbreaking to lose these once-vibrant animals to such a devastating disease, but we are comforted by the knowledge that they had the chance to experience refuge, peace, security, and dedicated care at PAWS. 
With the passing of her male neighbors, Camba seemed to become less tolerant of the tigers housed nearby. Thanks to your donations, a new habitat and den area was constructed on a hilltop a short distance away. With Camba's new bird's eye view of the tigers, she feels safe and secure in her very own space — a large, grassy area with plenty of room to run or to bask in the sun. She can often be found napping on a log or in the shade of a mighty oak tree. 

Camba napping on a log in her habitat at ARK 2000.
Although her exact age is not known, Camba is estimated to be around 13 years old. She is active and spry, and enjoys playing with logs and a large ball. Always observant and inquisitive, from her new habitat she can keep an eye on the wild turkeys as they walk past, as well as the animal care staff as they go about their daily activities.
PAWS is honored to provide a permanent, loving home for this deserving lion who has suffered so much hardship in the past, and we are grateful to you, our supporters, for making our work possible.
Click here to donate to PAWS in honor of Camba.
Bear acts can be seen in fairs and circuses. In the video above, a distressed bear urinates on herself while walking in a “handstand” across a plank (video courtesy of PETA). 

Exotic and Wild Animal Attractions: Are They Coming to Your Local Fair?
It's that time of year again, the start of the fair season, when throngs of fairgoers will be eating fried just-about-anything, riding roller coasters and enjoying loud music at local, state and county events across the country. Amid all this, you might find another kind of “attraction”, one that includes exotic animals. Although county and state fairs traditionally have a basis in local agriculture, many offer wild animal attractions ranging from elephant rides to photos with tiger cubs.

Traveling animal shows present serious animal welfare problems, including intensive confinement during both traveling and exhibition, cruel training methods, constant transport from site to site, and exposure to excessive heat and loud noises. They also present serious concerns in terms of public safety, as potentially dangerous wild animals are often confined in unsafe temporary enclosures.
Elephant rides and shows

Elephant rides and shows can be found at many fairs, including Renaissance faires. This inhumane amusement is only possible because the elephants have been broken down, both physically and mentally, through the use of circus-style training. Handlers use a bullhook – a weapon resembling a fireplace poker with a sharpened steel tip and hook at the end – to control the elephants through fear and painful punishment. The limited movement elephants are allowed while giving rides does not come close to meeting the needs of these naturally active and far ranging animals.
Safety is always a serious concern when you have a wild animal as intelligent and powerful as an elephant in direct contact with the public. Elephants used for rides have been involved in incidents that have resulted in injuries and deaths – yet these attractions still exist. (PAWS was instrumental in ending elephant rides in California, including through a state-wide ban on the use of bullhooks enacted in January 2018.)
Bear and big cat shows

Though presented as “educational”, wild animal shows do not promote conservation or educate the public. Instead, they distort our perception of wildlife and teach children that is it acceptable to exploit animals for profit. In these shows bears are made to ride tricycles, walk on narrow planks, and perform ridiculous and unnatural behaviors. Big cats are dominated by their “tamers” who force them to perform tricks on cue. In both cases, handlers use painful training methods to instill fear and helplessness in the animals. Bears and big cats will spend their time in small holding and transport cages, sometimes during extremely hot weather.
Above: Fairgoers can pay $30 to have their photo taken with a tiger cub. Photo courtesy of the Willamette Week.

Cub petting

Some fairs may offer the opportunity to play with or have a photo taken with a baby wild animal for a fee. Travel and constant handling is stressful for these young animals, who come from facilities that are constantly breeding big cats and bears with no concern for the fate of these animals. Cubs can only be handled for a short period of time. Once they are older, larger and more dangerous they may be sold to roadside zoos, private owners, or possibly killed and sold on the black market for their parts. Cubs are separated from their mothers at a young age, so they can be bottle fed and made more docile. Because their immune systems are still developing, they are prone to getting sick, including with diseases that are transmissible to humans.
Other wild animal attractions

Some fairs host sea lion shows that are sold to the public as educational, even though it is difficult to fathom how anyone can learn anything about sea lions when they are confined in a tiny tank and made to perform tricks. Many fairs, including Renaissance faires, offer camel rides. These exotic animals are subject to extensive travel and intense confinement, as well as abusive treatment. Other traveling exhibitors simply put a variety of wild animals on display, usually in small, barren cages. They may offer photo or play sessions with cubs as a way to make more money. The animals used for these exhibitions are transported from fair to fair in different states, constantly confined to small cages that inhibit natural behaviors.
The use of wild animals for entertainment in fairs is cruel and unnecessary, and it’s time to put an end to them. Where does that start? With you! Your voice is critical to bringing about change, staring with your local fair .
Here’s what you can do to help if your local fair features wild animal rides or shows:
Do your research: Find out about the acts at your local or state fair and who owns them. Investigate any history of animal welfare or public safety problems. PETA provides comprehensive lists of wild animal incidents; you can find them here .
Speak out: Contact the fair organizer or fair board and politely tell them that wild animal acts have no place at the fair. Some fair boards have meetings that are open to the public and provide time for public comment. Bring like-minded people with you to speak. Always be concise, informative and courteous in your spoken or written comments.
Fair sponsors: If the fair board or organizer is not responsive, contact sponsors of the fair and let them know they are supporting cruel and unsafe animal attractions and may want to reconsider their sponsorship.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper: Do so in advance of the fair, and again during it, explaining why wild animal shows and rides are inhumane and unsafe.

Share information: Tell your family, friends and colleagues what you’ve learned, including through social media. Urge them to shun the wild animal acts and to never ride an elephant or camel.
Skip the fair: Let fair organizers know that you will not be attending this year and why, and that you are encouraging your friends and family to do the same.
Want to do more?
Support the Big Cat Public Safety Act . Make just one phone call to your member of Congress urging her or him to champion this important federal bill (HR1818) that would end the private possession of big cats as pets, end cub petting, and limit exhibitors to those who do not repeatedly violate the law. Make the call of the wild here !
Spotlight on PAWS International Captive Wildlife Conference, November 9-11
The 2018 PAWS International Captive Wildlife Conference is a global summit that focuses on the confinement and use of captive wild animals, the scope of the problems affecting these animals, and the amazing organizations and individuals who are working for change. The three-day event is our largest conference and presented just once every four years in Burbank, California. This year's conference promises to be our best one yet, with many speakers who are new to the event and even greater international representation. To pique your interest, we will be highlighting speakers and important panel topics in each PAWS e-newsletter leading up to the conference, starting with Day 1:

PAWS President Ed Stewart will lead off the conference each day (including a special presentation on Day 2, November 10).

David Hancocks is our opening featured speaker. David is an author and former zoo director and leading exhibit architect who has turned his critical eye and keen insights toward the very concept of captivity and what it means in today’s changing world. Read David’s comments on zoos in the Time magazine article “Who Belongs in the Zoo? ”.

Dr. Jan Schmidt-Burbach hails from World Animal Protection , an organization that has been making huge strides for elephants and other captive wild animals used for entertainment in tourism. The group published the report, “The Show Can’t Go On” , and fights to protect and save wild animals – and to keep them in the wild, where they belong.

Our international elephant sanctuary panel features Scott Blais of Global Sanctuary for Elephants-Brazi l , Katherine Connor of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand, and Roxy Danckwerts of the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery .

Registration is open now. You can find more information on the conference, speakers, and registration by clicking on the button below. See you in November!
Big Day of Giving a Huge Success!
A BIG thank you to everyone who donated so generously to PAWS during the 2018 Big Day of Giving 24-hour challenge event on May 3rd. Because of the hundreds of generous friends, from 28 states and three countries, PAWS won $1,000 in cash prizes and raised $42,597 for the feeding and care of the many rescued or retired animals living at our three sanctuaries. And. . . we exceeded our original Big Day of Giving goal by more than $12,000 ! Thank you!
Special recognition and thanks to Tigers in America and one anonymous PAWS friend, for making a total of $6,000 available in matching funds for this giving event!  
Sharing Information and Educating the Public: An Important Part of PAWS' Mission
In April, PAWS Director of Science, Research and Advocacy Catherine Doyle (pictured, second from left) presented at the Free the Elephants International Conference and Film Festival in Portland, organized by FOZE (Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants). Her topic was “Bullhook Bans and Beyond: Action for Elephants in Captivity.” Catherine also participated in the panel, “On the Front Lines – Action for Change.”
PAWS President Ed Stewart was on the road in May, spreading the word about the work we do at PAWS to help captive wildlife in need and educating people about important wildlife issues. Ed spoke to the California Federation of Women's Clubs conference in Sacramento and the Stockton and Lodi Rotary clubs. He also addressed the audience at Digital Hollywood's Influencer Awards Nominees' Dinner (left) in Los Angeles, speaking before more than 250 attendees.
PAWS Participates in
First Next GEM Elephant Workshop
PAWS was very pleased to participate in the first Next GEM (Next Generation Elephant Management) workshop, hosted by ZooTampa in Florida. PAWS Director of Science, Research and Advocacy Catherine Doyle presented a paper titled, “Public Perception of Elephant Sanctuaries: Space, Naturalness, and Values.” The aim of the workshop was to bring together elephant care professionals to discuss the future of elephant management through topics that ranged from progressive management and training techniques to cognitive research and science.
One of the most important discussions at the workshop involved the need to end the use of “aversives” in elephant training, such as bullhooks, in order to provide the best care possible for elephants in captivity. Sadly, some zoos are clinging to this archaic device, using it to control elephants through fear and punishment. PAWS has long opposed training methods that rely on the bullhook, and passed important legislation prohibiting the use of this menacing weapon on elephants.
While PAWS is opposed to keeping elephants in captivity, we have always embraced more progressive-minded zoos. We believe in finding commonalities in order to promote improved care and welfare, and we applaud those individuals who are courageous enough to stand up for the elephants and put their best interests first.
Good News for Animals
Kudos to the Sharpsburg Borough Council in Pennsylvania and Mayor Matthew Rudzki for unanimously passing an ordinance that bans wild animals in traveling shows. Sharpsburg is the first place in Pennsylvania to ban traveling exotic animal performances.

Ric O’Barry’s The Dolphin Project announced that the Dominican Republic has passed a resolution that prohibits the sale of dolphins for five years. The resolution makes it virtually impossible for any new dolphinariums to open. The organization is encouraging the government to extend the legislation indefinitely and eliminate facilities such as swim-with programs that profit from dolphin captivity.
Thank You May 2018
Amazon Wish List Donors!
Laura Garner: one 24" heavy-duty Boomer Ball for the tigers. Joanne and Paul Osburn: one "Tipsy Tom" heavy-duty toy for black leopard Alexander. Glenn Hunt: one quart of Red Cell. Sharon Gardiner: one 5 lb. bag of Missing Link Ultimate Skin and Coat. Cristen Esquibel: one bottle of AminAvast, 60#; one gallon of Red Cell. Robin E. Kister: one bottle AminAvast, 60#; one bottle Azodyl, 90#; five Probiocin gels; five bottles of Renal Essentials, 60#. Cathleen deOrnelas: four bottles of Renal Essentials, 60#. Patricia L Connelly: two bottles of Renal Essentials, 60#. Beverly Archer: one 5 lb. tub of Psyllium. Nancy Gordon: two, 6 ft. folding tables for use at ARK 2000. Dan Brinkman: one bottle of Azodyl, 90#. Glen Hunt: two bottles of Renal Essentials, 60#. Cindy L Kossove: one, 5 lb. tub of Psyllium. Jeff Libby: one, 5 lb. tub of Psyllium. Sally L. Clontz: one 5 lb. tub of Psyllium. Lisa Thew and Kelley Ogden: one qt. of Red Cell. Anonymous Donors: two bottles of Renal Essentials; three probiocin gels; one set of walkie-talkie radios; four bottles of AminAvast, 60#; 10 bottles of Emcelle Tocopherol (vitamin E).

Click on PAWS' "wish list" links below to
donate specific items that are needed at our sanctuaries:

View "wish list" items that are needed,
but not listed on the Amazon list,  here .

There are many ways you can help PAWS animals:
Donate To PAWS. PAWS receives no government funding and must rely on your donations to continue our work. Three ways to give and every donation matters.  Learn more

Adopt A PAWS Animal. If you would like to help our animals, one of the best ways is to become an "adoptive parent," or give a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. PAWS adoptions are symbolic adoptions only. No animal will be sent! Learn more

PAWS Partnerships. Help us change the life of a victim of captivity by becoming a PAWS Partner. PAWS partnerships help support our sanctuary operations and the day-to-day care of the animals. Learn more

Estates/Planned Giving. You can help us make sure captive wildlife in need of shelter will always have a PAWS sanctuary to call home! Learn more

Give to one of PAWS' special ongoing fundraisers: the "Dollars for Dirt" campaign for PAWS' elephants, or the "Support a Rescued Tiger" campaign to benefit the 17 rescued tigers living at our ARK 2000 sanctuary.
Purchase PAWS apparel and merchandise. Clothing for adults, kids, toddlers and infants, as well as other fun merchandise like coffee mugs - available from our  online gift shop .

Shop online through IGive and raise money for PAWS! Up to 26% of your purchase - at more than 1,600 retailers - can be donated to PAWS. Learn more

PAWS Amazon Wish List. View here , and shop using  AmazonSmile .

EBAY Giving Works. List items on EBAY and choose PAWS as your charity. Donate a percentage of each sale to the animals. Visit our EBAY charity listing page  here . Start selling!

Corporate Donations and Matching Fund Programs. Learn more  about what is needed.

Donate Your Vehicle To PAWS.

Attend A Fundraiser. PAWS sanctuaries ARE NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC but we do schedule a limited number of special events throughout the year. Click here to view PAWS' Calendar of Events.
PAWS provides lifetime care to the tigers, bears, elephants, and other animals that call our sanctuaries home. As animals age, their needs change and they may develop arthritis, kidney disease, and other conditions that are readily treatable with proper care. PAWS expert animal care and veterinary staff provide specialized nutritional and medical support, tailored to the individual needs of each animal.
Your generous donations make this excellent care possible.
Connect with us:
P. O. Box 849, Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-2606