FEBRUARY 3, 2017

Connie Long
VAPDC Administrator

Richmond, VA  Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions (VAPDC) President, Robert K. Coiner honored D. Coleman Speece with the President's Award, at the Association's annual Winter Awards Dinner in Richmond last night.

Coleman Speece has served on the Southside Planning District Commission (SPDC) since 2000 and its Executive Committee since 2006; serving as Chairman from 2010 until 2014.  Speece was first elected to the South Boston Town Council in 2000 and presently serves as the Town's Vice-Mayor. In 2015, Speece was recognized by the Halifax County Service Authority for his contribution in the establishment of a regional water and sewer authority for the Towns of South Boston and Halifax and the County of Halifax. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Rural Virginia Horseshoe Initiative and President of Lake Country Development Corporation. Serving as President of the VAPDC from 2008-2010, Speece helped to elevate the standing of PDCs within state government.

"Coleman Speece is an outstanding leader not only in the Southside region, but for regionalism throughout the Commonwealth," said VAPDC President Robert Coiner. "He exemplifies true commitment to collaborating regionally for the improvement of the locality, the region, and the state."

The VAPDC President's Award is intended to recognize an individual who has been involved directly in planning district commission activities and who has contributed significantly to promoting regional planning and VAPDC activities in Virginia.

Planning District Commissions were established by the General Assembly in 1969. There are 21 PDCs and Regional Commissions in Virginia made up of elected officials and citizens appointed by local government. The purpose of the Planning District Commissions is to encourage and facilitate regional solutions to problems of area-wide significance. This is done by promoting the efficient development of the physical, social, and economic policies of all districts by assisting local governments to plan for the future. The PDCs of Virginia have joined together to create the Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions to share best practices, and further regionalism across the commonwealth. For information about VAPDC visit the website at www.vapdc.org .

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