CFEC Crane Logo 2012

June 4, 2015

In This Issue
City of Berkley Demonstrates What Special Interest Control of Government Looks Like
CFEC Meets with Port of Long Beach PLA Sub-Committee
San Francisco Housing Authority Agrees to Negotiate PLA with Trade Unions
Warriors New Arena Given Special Protection from CEQA Because They Already Have a PLA!
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City of Berkley Demonstrates What Special Interest Control of Government Looks Like  

"Progressives" (liberals who used to be called progressives but gave that a bad name and went to liberal but then gave liberal a bad name and are now back to being progressives) run the City of Berkley City Council. "Diversity" on the council consists of either being a socialist or Democrat. When you get defenders of the "working man" (or woman, womyn, LGBTDTXYZ, or "other") together like this you get a quick education in real class warfare. An example of this will come June 16 when the council votes to force PRIVATE developers to use a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) on their projects that are taller than 75 feet. A city-wide PLA policy already exists but the defenders of the working man want to make sure that these workers get to work on ALL projects built in the city, unless of course they are union-free in which case they are not welcome. Pushed by big labor tool Mayor Tom Bates, this resolution would establish a system for Downtown building projects over 75 feet to provide significant community benefits. The projects would be assessed a fee of $100 per square foot for the residential portion of the building between 76 and 120 feet, and $150 per square foot for the residential portion above 120 feet. A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) would be required. It would include local hiring and training components. The PLA would provide a credit, equal to 5 percent of the project construction cost, which would be deducted from the fee. In addition, the fee could be further reduced by voluntary on-site benefits for arts and culture, which must be approved by the City Council. The remainder would be paid into a City fund to be used for affordable housing and arts and culture benefits. Ironically even members of this "progressive" community had a hard time stomaching this special interest giveaway, insomuch as it gave money back to developers who entered into a PLA with local union bosses.
Ask any modern day "progressive" what they think of people as a whole and you'll hear a lot of happy talk about "respecting diversity" and "rights." But what they actually do is follow to a tee what George Orwell predicted they would when he wrote Animal Farm in which one of the laws all the animals had to live by was one that read "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." "Progressives" love people but they tend to hate individuals. 

CFEC Meets with Port of Long Beach PLA Sub-Committee 

Last week CFEC's Eric Christen and Helix Electric's  Phil Goeckner met with Port of Long Beach Commissioners Lou Anne Bynum and Rich Dines to educate them about the downside of PLAs. The board has given consideration over the years to implementing a Port-wide PLA but we have helped to see that does not happen. Currently the board is being pressured by big labor special interests to try again. This sub-committee has been tasked with researching this issue.  Stay tuned for more to come. 

San Francisco Housing Authority Agrees to Negotiate PLA with Trade Unions  

On May 20th, with little fanfare, the Board of Directors for the San Francisco Housing Authority decided to make "Affordable Housing" even less affordable in that city by voting to approve PLA negotiations with all area trade unions.  

And people wonder why this is such an expensive place to live.

Warriors New Arena Given Special Protection from CEQA Because They Already Have a PLA!  

Governor Jerry Brown and Sacramento Democrats continued their union pandering and corporatist ways recently when the Governor did what he has done repeatedly, which is fast-tract a project to be built by billionaires who have already agreed to build it union-only thereby reducing the amount of time the project has to undergo CEQA review.
Because Democrats care about the environment. Except when unions and billionaires don't want them to.
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Whether it is through the use of our emails, weekly newsletters, gatherings, or other tactics we here at CFEC work hard to educate elected officials, business owners, and other entities about the discriminatory and harmful effects of PLAs. We are able to continue these efforts because of the generous support shown to us by our members. Please donate today and help us continue to keep fair and open competition alive. Thank you! 
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