Press Release
API Demands Congress Investigate  DEA 
Persecution of Doctors Falsely Blamed for the
Opioid Crises in America 

API Legal Defense Fund
April 23-30, 2018


Contact: Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D.
              American Pain Institute (API)
              National Pain Patients Coalition (NPPC)
              Black Doctors Matter (BDM) 

white coat DOJ
Department of Justice (DOJ) in Washington, DC

White Coat Protest Rally at the DOJ 
during PAIN
April 23-30, 2018

Doctors, Over Prosecuted by Criminal Justice System,
No Longer Able to Practice Medicine

Sickle Cell Anemia Patients Dying from
the Hysteria of the Opioid Crises

(Washington, DC) - When President Donald Trump announced a "nationwide  public health emergency to combat the opioid crises in America",   the American Pain Institute (API) demands that the U.S. Congress  investigate the DEA and the  Department of Justice (DOJ) persecution of physicians falsely accused as the major cause of the problem.

"Illegal and illicit drugs such as fetanyl, heroin, crystal meth, cocaine, etc., are by far the leading cause of opioid deaths in America, not doctor's prescriptions," states Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder and President of the API.    

The  War on Drugs by the government, camouflaged by false information concerning the causes of the "opioid crises" in America, 
has led to a  War Against Chronic Pain Patients who are opioid 
non abusers, and the compassionate physicians who treat them.

Rev. Dr. Myers, the first ordained and commissioned medical missionary serving America's poorest region, the Mississippi Delta, in the history of the African American church,  was arrested and criminally charged with violating narcotic prescribing laws for treating chronic pain patients in Roland, Oklahoma in 2014, by former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, now EPA  Director .

"Our 30 year medical ministry to the poorest of the poor in America has come to an end because of government overreach and racism," states Rev. Dr. Myers, Founder & President of the Myers Foundation for Indigent Health Care and Community Development 

"The government has destroyed the medical careers of many physicians by misapplying laws, such as the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), designed to prosecute "drug dealers" who maintain "drug cartels," continues Rev. Dr. Myers. "Drug dealers, not physicians, sell illegal and illicit drugs, killing thousands from opioid overdoses. These drugs mainly come from China and Mexico." 

"We demand that congress investigate the immoral and punitive actions against physicians who treat chronic pain patients, who are opioid non-abusers," continues Rev. Dr. Myers. "Innocent physicians should be released from prison and our abusive government must work to restore the medical practices of falsely accused doctors. This has been a great injustice."

The criminalization of physicians has lead to increased suicide rates among chronic pain patients who are opioid non abusers, no longer able to obtain compassionate medical care.

Rev. Dr. Myers, working in partnership with the World Sickle Cell Federation (WSCF), the National Juneteenth Medical Commission and the Coalition For the Humane Treatment of Sickle Cell (CHTOSC), is concerned about the decrease in life expectancy by patients diagnosed with sickle cell anemia because of the hysteria centered around the opioid crises.

Hospital emergency room physicians and other care givers are mistreating sickle cell anemia patients in a life threatening "pain crises" because of the  CDC Guideline for the Prescribing Opioids

PAIN PATIENTS ADVOCACY WEEK, April 23-30, 2018, will include a White Coat Protest Rally Against the Department of Justice (DOJ), a  Congressional Briefing on Chronic Pain and a third "America's In Pain!" - MARCH ON WASHINGTON - "Silent No More!"  chronic pain patients advocacy rally, in Washington, DC, at the U.S. Capitol .

For more information, contact Dr. Myers at 662-392-2016; e-mail:; web sites: 

For information on the medical ministry of Rev. Dr. Myers, go to

For more information on the government persecution of physicians who treat chronic pain patients, go to .

Ron Myers

Support Medical Missionary, Civil, Human Rights & Juneteenth Advocate Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder & President of the American Pain Institute (API) & the Myers Foundation For Indigent Health Care & Community Development during his unjustifiable persecution by the DEA, law enforcement, the criminal justice system and state medical boards because of treating and advocating for the needed treatment of chronic pain patients who are opioid non-abusers and the compassionate physicians who treat them by making a DONATION to the:

(Last week of April every year!)
APRIL 23-30, 2018

Dr. Harvey Jenkins 
Law Enforcement Corruption in Oklahoma