Contact: Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati, [email protected] 513-755-3280
Islamic Center on Brussels Terrorist attacks
The news of terrorist attacks in Brussels on Tuesday with dozens killed has shaken us all, even though there had been recent warnings of imminent attacks in the West. It goes without saying that it causes us all immense grief to see innocent people murdered and maimed in these senseless attacks. Our deepest sympathies are with the victims and their families.
Besides Belgium, Turkey and Nigeria have seen great loss of life earlier this month in similar attacks. It seems like there is no end to this cycle of violence, not only here and in Europe but also Africa and Asia. All human life is sacred and attacks on it, anywhere and everywhere, are worthy of our strongest condemnation. Fighting this scourge of terrorism, will have to be  a collective world wide effort.

We would like to once again remind our fellow citizens to remember that Muslim Americans have consistently condemned similar attacks and pointed out  that overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world  are peaceful followers of  their religion, who not only wish no harm to others but are themselves victims, in far greater numbers than is generally recognized or reported. 

In the current political climate, driven by unfortunate election year posturing and deplorable xenophobic rhetoric aimed against Muslims, it will be easy to target a religious minority as a means of venting anger. However doing so would be a betrayal of our long cherished values of fairness, religious freedom and acceptance of ethnic and religious diversity.  Notwithstanding our pain and anxiety, we need to stay faithful to the values that make America special and unique. More than ever we, as Americans who may follow different faiths or no faith, must resolve to continue our work together, to promote fairness,  justice, peace and harmony. 

We are grateful to our many interfaith partners who are standing in solidarity with their fellow Muslim Americans.
